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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Or America could be like Thailand, where nobody has a say over whos in their government, and where people are apathetic because they know nothing will ever change
  2. Democrat morale seems to be at an all time low. The usual dem posters are in hiding and sentiment seems to have changed in the last couple of weeks. What do you think
  3. Coastal elites are out of touch. Thank the system for not giving them the choice of whos president
  4. The illegals that would have gotten govt benefits are the losers. US isnt becoming the UK with trump
  5. Were you worried more about the US in 2016-2020 than the last four years? If not then why would it be something to worry about?
  6. You guys need a real leader with some balls and the relationship will be good again
  7. The dems initial strategy was to keep her locked up in her room. As soon as they went away from that things went downhill for them. The only ones voting for kamala have an irrational hatred of trump at this point
  8. Its bigger than her as a candidate. Its what the left has become now that has forced me to vote for the first time in my life. If the country tilts any more liberal it will all fall apart
  9. I found that thai doctors often prescribe medications for your symptoms without finding the cause of the symptoms. That and they give antibiotics way more than western doctors
  10. No but there will definitely need to be a wellness check for you when it happens
  11. No he didnt. I watched that rally he never placed blame on them. I suppose we are to ignore the lefts antisemitic college protests?
  12. Kamalas not black! People are so god damn dumb i wouldnt be surprised if she were elected. How many americans know that shes not black?
  13. Both of kamalas parents are indian you moron. Unfortunately alot of americans are just as stupid as you and believe shes black
  14. Im not gonna be concerned about it until the government says its not a problem, then ill be concerned about it
  15. Its cheap and has a nice vibe. Id say if it werent for the smog it would be the perfect place
  16. When i think of Bidens term the last four years, i think of that guy from office space: “so what is it that ya actually do here, Joe?” how much time do you think he spent sleeping on the job?
  17. Cant deal with reality? Too wrapped up in your MSM. Americans are fed up. This is going to be a landslide
  18. I live in a swing state. My recent visit to social security building indicated that there were a shortage of workers due to the influx of illegals. Everyone in that building including the staff and people in line were irritated and fed up with how incompetent the government has become
  19. Trump dangers are manufactured by media to gullible consumers like OP. Dangers of the left is a reality that many Americans are facing now
  20. If americans need any reason to vote for trump, they need look no further than whats happened to the UK. The UK is what it looks like when a country gets too liberal
  21. Stories like this one makes me think twice about living there. Whatever punishment the guy gets wont be enough. Foreigners have no rights
  22. Complete nonsense. Kiss the sky goodbye until next rainy season
  23. You wouldnt meet any of her criteria though..
  24. But would eventually happen to someone else until the pothole got fixed. I must not have lived in thailand long enough to understand your logic
  25. Sane enough never to have mentioned wanting to defund the police
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