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Everything posted by Rolo89

  1. I'm not even sure what you're saying now. I must be a tax resident in Jersey and Thailand? As I've previously said I pay tax in Thailand, that's the place I'm a tax resident at the moment. But I might become a resident of nowhere if this is brought in.
  2. It's been explained to you before, but this is due to the policies of one bank. Not every bank across the world has the same policies.
  3. Lots of people living in EU countries had their bank accounts closed after brexit. They didn't want customers outside of the UK for the extra effort. They didn't care at all if you had a tax ID. Banks across the world don't act the same as UK banks. And UK banks don't all act the same either. Worst case scenario is they want to close your account so you get your money moved to another one. Always a good idea to have a couple of different bank accounts in different countries if you travel.
  4. This. All their fines for laundering drug cartel money have made them pretty strict. They only really care about not being fined. I can't recall any cases of banks being fined for providing services to people that live across several different countries.
  5. Well I wouldn't bank with hong kong and shanghai banking corp, but yes banks want a tax id but you can pay tax in a country without being a resident.
  6. No issues with payments. CRS is about stopping tax evasion. If you don't qualify for tax residency anywhere then you don't qualify, that's avoiding tax rather than evading. Seemed unfair for my last tax return that it all went to thailand despite me spending 7 months there and 5 months in Japan. They should work on a way of making it fairer.
  7. Exactly, for some countries you have to prove residency elsewhere in order to not be pulled into the tax of your citizenship. But the UK doesn't do this.
  8. You don't have to be a tax resident of somewhere. It mainly causes issues with banking so it's a good idea to get tax residency somewhere. I get paid dividends from my UAE company into my Jersey personal bank account. Can't see why I'd need to get tax residency, neither of those countries cared about my thai tax status.
  9. Bangkok is getting better, but public transport is still very limited and it's grown very slowly. Covers a decent length now with the lines they've built far out but still needs decades more to get a complete system. The sky train is expensive. I know people who get a grab bike to work in the morning even when they live on a direct sky train line into work because its the same price.
  10. Well they'll go from getting a fair bit of tax from me to 0. Thailand isn't a paradise that people are desperate to live in for 365 days a year. UK citizens can easily be a tax resident of nowhere so I have little to gain to keep being a thai tax payer, other than a messy return
  11. War is ugly. Neither side is perfect. But only one side is evil. Hamas.
  12. Well of course the ones that they kept alive and released to tell the tale weren't tortured. That's just common sense with their bargaining chips. Blaming Jews is quite the choice.
  13. Thailand currently has the place with the worst air quality on earth.
  14. The EU similar scheme has already been delayed 4 years and is still not in. I imagine the Thai scheme will be delivered a few years late.
  15. Well at least in Thailand they have bridges for people to cross the road. In Vietnam you're just supposed to cross the road and hope you aren't killed. In Hong Kong they issue fines for people crossing the road without a green man. In many Asian countries the green man means nothing. If Thailand started enforcing the rare places where motorbikes are not allowed on pavements it might be a place to start. I can understand why the Japanese have given up going abroad, everywhere else apart from SG is like hell if you're used to their pavements and road users.
  16. I find Vietnam worse than Thailand for that.
  17. Quite. The idea that it's even difficult to exchange cash without leaving a paper trail is laughable. If it reduces the amount of tax I'm paying in the 35% bracket and it's perfectly legal to bring in $20k USD I have no issues with doing it due to the very poor value Thai tax represents.
  18. The scheme is easy as pie to apply for. I just used chatgpt to write my cover letter for employment and send it with a bank statement and it was approved a few days later. Anyone using these services for is paying an idiot tax. You're applying with the embassy in your home country - nothing complex or challenging.
  19. I'm sure she'll announce a scheme to up the safety of buses taking children on field trips to solve this issue 🙄
  20. Boomers have had it so easy with jobs, housing and pensions. My dad is always talking about how he worked so hard for 40 years. In reality he had a easy office job, half days on fridays, often had long lunches on the golf course, was never in later than 5pm. Those kind of jobs don't exist anymore. Someone in the same circumstances these days would just about be able to afford to rent a small 2 bed on 2 adults working. House is now worth over a million (5 bed detached SE england), mum never had to work and they are bitterly complaining about the winter fuel payment taken away despite having an income in retirement of about 70k and no housing costs. They're taking out way more than they ever paid in to the system and are under some impression they're hard done by.
  21. The current crop of pensioners will be seen as the lucky ones. Future generations are paying a far higher tax burden, the pension age is increasing and the state pension is pretty unaffordable so won't exist for many that are paying for others to have it. If someone is stupid enough to move abroad without spending a few seconds to check how it affects them, then that's an idiot tax. Don't move to a country without reciprocal social security if you want the increase.
  22. This has been the case forever. Countries without reciprocal social security with the UK don't get the increases. I imagine he hasn't done a single "grueling" day of work if he's unable to know such simple things that take 3 seconds to google.
  23. Horrific story, but unfortunately not that surprising. The buses often have a cloud of black smoke that would rival a coal power station. Somethings not right with them to be outputting that much black smoke and decent safety standards would save lives in tragedies like this and the deaths caused by the air pollution.
  24. I think if you keep applying for SG PR without any big changes in your circumstances then it hinders your case. It's probably a waste of time applying unless Maylasisan with the right ethnicity like Chinese as the "other" quota is said to be 1% a year out of the 30'000 that get PR. It's like a lottery. I'd refuse to play that game when the odds are so small at winning.
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