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Everything posted by Rolo89

  1. Not many will stay over 6 months if they start taxing worldwide income. Quickly come, quickly go.
  2. They'll never open that first small stretch by 2038 let alone 2028
  3. While tourism is back to pre pandemic the spend per person is way down. Doesn't look good for a country so reliant on it.
  4. They've stored up a whole host of impending issues with making the baht so strong. Japan seems far wiser for their long term strategy.
  5. Never had it scanned, but they do put in the passport details when you check in online or check in at a desk. I guess it's done automatically in the background with the airline giving the details? Rather than being scanned at a gate with a border guard
  6. Not allowing losses to offset gains on worldwide assets makes it very unworkable.
  7. This happens a lot in Dubai. For the UK, do you even pass a passport control when trying to exit the country?
  8. Sounds like they're going to need to change a lot of things before they can think about taxing worldwide income
  9. That system is a response to the EU bringing in a similar system that people from the UK and outside EU will have to pay to enter next year https://travel-europe.europa.eu/etias_en
  10. You can have the tax in thailand offset by what you pay where it was generated with a bilateral agreement but they could potentially charge the difference in extra. So yes you're not taxed twice, you're only charged in Thailand the difference if tax is lower in the other country.
  11. Everywhere is trying to upgrade their tourists and get the high spending clientele, the Spanish resorts are now complaining after years of catering to the low quality tourists. Problem is the limited number of such people and they're having fewer holidays now everything costs so much more. Most things you can get in Thailand you can also get in Japan, for a way better experience and thesedays for not that much more with how much they've devaluated their currency.
  12. Is it rapid to get through immigration if paid in advance?
  13. You can pay 1'300 THB each time for that fast track and car service without paying 15'000 a month for privilege (current prices).
  14. I went to Turkey once. Had to withdraw some cash from an ATM at the airport to pay for some kind of tourist visa / passport sticker. Was the last thing I wanted after a long flight with all that messing around and a long line to first get cash then line up to get a sticker like cattle. I've never been back to Turkey. But I'd pay 300 thb (as a tourist) in advance to get a pre-approved visa and pass through immigration quickly. That kind of implementation works as you're getting something for it.
  15. I believe it wasn't a new law but an amendment to an existing one (to close the loophole for the start of 2024), so it could be brought in quickly. To tax worldwide income does require a law change so will be much lengthier to implement.
  16. Very true, but at least Farangs can somewhat control their exposure and maybe leave the country for the months it gets really bad. I probably did myself more damage each year cycling in London.
  17. The vast majority of countries do so it's clearly not impossible for Thailand. They can't change the law quick enough to start it from 2025. But it's very possible and likely it will be law from 2026.
  18. Yep, but if they did the public transport years ago, even if 90% of the money mysteriously got lost, it would have been a huge net gain.
  19. Over 110 countries are signed up to CRS. Armeina, Guatemala, Cambodia and a handful of other places currently aren't
  20. My question is if they decide you owe a lot of backdated tax can they only enforce this in their country? If so what's to stop people skipping when they're presented with a large bill and if they never go back to Thailand or if they don't declare WW income for a few years then leave the country? Expats go in and out of the country all the time so they've no idea when someone is leaving for good and the border force don't seem that connected at the moment.
  21. They have your name, DOB, place of birth, passport ID and access to the global systems with all this information. Hiding money elsewhere gets into the fine line of tax avoidance and tax evasion.
  22. Most countries do tax residents on worldwide income regardless of where it's generated or stored. Could get smaller and smaller each year with the countries that don't tax worldwide income.
  23. What about getting on with building rapid public transport in Bangkok? The speed they've built so far is glacial. Would have cost peanuts to crack on with it 20 years ago and would have improved the air quality no end if people didn't have to use cars for many journeys.
  24. With the air quality I suspect many wont need a great deal of care. Life expectancy has peaked.
  25. I'd happily pay 17%, zero tax will catch up with someone seeing as most countries share information thesedays But yes Thai's stand to lose the most from the tax changes with their investments and not as mobile.
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