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Everything posted by Rolo89

  1. Agreed, I'm planning on paying myself 2.4m thb and that gives a tax rate of about 22%. I'm OK with that. Would pay myself more and the Thai gov would get more money if it was a flat 17%, but I don't consider paying upwards of 25% tax a deal for what you get here. But if they make this worldwide income thing, then they'll get 0 from me and by just talking about it they've made me consider backup plans that may take me away from paying any tax to them even if it never comes in.
  2. Can't see them doing 10%, but it's fesable to extend the current 17% to include more people. It's really strict at the moment - have to work for a company that has a turnover of 150m USD a year
  3. Yep, that would be a way to boost their tax take and fill the empty condos. I'd transfer all of my income to Thailand if that was the case (at least pass it through brefily to count it as taxable before sending to abroad accounts) rather than messing around with offshore accounts. The 35% tax is way too high for what Thailand offers, so I make sure I don't pay it. Makes sense so I can't see them doing it.
  4. Yeah the types that have tens of millions are already pretty well catered for in other countries. But there's well off people not quite in that league that they could target. The 17% tax would be appealing to some people if they extended it. That level of tax feels about right for what you get as a foreigner in Thailand.
  5. What countries are you thinking about? For ones that don't tax worldwide income I thought it was just Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore?
  6. I paid this fee and never completed as the DTV was coming. The airport fast track would kinda be nice but not worth $450 a month! They could double or triple the cost of this and it would be worth it if it got tax breaks. The security checking for this took weeks and loads of paperwork, DTV took 10 mins to apply for 48 hours to be approved.
  7. My Thai tax advisors say they've never heard of this happening as expats fly all the time and they've no idea when they're leaving for good. Maybe it would be different if you have taxes overdue and it flags that at the airport? But computer systems are such a mess I doubt they could get this operational
  8. Lot's of empty condos at the moment, and they're continuing with building 100's more. I would have rented one this week for a year and given the Thai gov more money for the landlord to pay tax on and more of my money brought into Thailand for them to tax. I suspect property will take a big hit and the people invested won't be happy. But until I'm more confident this taxing worldwide income won't come in Jan 2025 then I'm not making a commitment and will be off to the Philipines and Malaysia in the short term while I formulate backup plans. Even if it doesn't come in for 2025 I'm now preparing for Thailand to be on a year by year basis rather than any long term plans.
  9. Mid priced hotels in many cases aren't worth it, same size and facilities but you can get something a bit tired for less than half the price. When it's just for a short stay who cares about the tiles and walls.
  10. Yes I agree with paying tax somewhere. Thailand is very bad for what you get in return. For me Thailand only suits for a couple of years to minimise tax in my home country for a few years and paying tax on 5m thb is acceptable and the record of paying tax is helpful in the long term for my situation. But if they make new laws it's not difficult to move elsewhere and as much as I like Thailand it doesn't take much for somewhere else to appeal more.
  11. With the arrive of the DTV will there will be lots of "not rich" people where this tax won't make much difference for?
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