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Everything posted by Rolo89

  1. I was thinking about getting a TIN just in case I had banking issues. But if I get it and don't end up spending 180+ days I won't pay tax so that shouldn't disadvantage me right?
  2. Not true for the UK. I still pay tax there but I'm not entitled to any benefits or healthcare. But people that arrive in the UK and haven't paid a penny into social security are entitled to a lot.
  3. It's just the ETA system they're talking about. The same system most countries are putting into place like the EU and UK. I expect the fee to rise to be a major earner. In NZ it was a 11$ fee & 30$ tourist tax when it came in a few years ago, now its a 14$ fee and 100$ tourist tax for 2 year ETA.
  4. Their own old decrepit buses in BKK account for a fair bit of the pollution outside of the burning season.
  5. I was thinking about getting one as could180+ days next year in Thailand. I've given up my UK residency and when I let banks know this they'll want a tax ID of somewhere else close the account. I could just transfer enough to live for the year before Jan 25 into my Thai bank account meaning no tax is due, if I tell them this like @oldcpu then they may not even let me have a tax ID so I couldn't pay tax even if I wanted
  6. When you say under the radar do you mean to not be open about worldwide income? I'm going to volunteer my remitted money if complete a thai tax return (that's if I decide to stay over 180 days as I might just not and become a tax resident of nowhere) but I won't be handing over any details of my world wide income to them.
  7. These youtube people are best not to be given promotion, otherwise you're being a Mark for them. Just uninformed guesswork to hawk their services.
  8. Non story - they all already use IT systems that increase the prices with demand to make the most possible. Prices for the December will have already been increased to make money on the holiday surge.
  9. Very few are getting through Israel. You've got more chance of being hit by something fast moving spending a day in Bangkok vs a year in Israel.
  10. It's still probably safer in Israel than Thailand and the toxic air that kills countless each year.
  11. Singapore paid Ms Swift 4 million USD in cash to only stop there in SEA and she was happy to only stop there as that's the place she can charge the highest for tickets. Thailand wont be able to afford the exclusive rights for a performer that is still relevant.
  12. Agree on that all. I don't think they're anywhere near their target to get 1 million LTR visas by 2032, doubt they even have 1% of that target yet. If anything I could see them making LTR less strict.
  13. A tiny % worldwide fall under the wealthy citizen, or wealthy 50+ but globally there is a significant amount that have made Thailand their residence because of the tax breaks promised. Tax free abroad income won't last forever, but probably still has quite a few years left and there's a lot of expensive condos to sell that no one will buy without thailand offering these tax breaks to the rich.
  14. Wealthy foreigners will as the LTR visa guarantees tax exemptions by royal decree
  15. They're very quickly running out of money with their emptying of the coffers. Changes incoming.
  16. Well, my post wasn't about foreigners. I think the Thai government's mind is on money. Whether that's wealthy Thai or foreigners is kind of irrelevant; they just want a source to shake for more.
  17. What a non story. From the very start of these apps vouchers were used a lot and the drivers get reimbursed later. Nothing has changed with how these apps work.
  18. I think Thailand is so desperate for money that they'll do it and hope for the best, even if lots of reports suggest overall tax take will be reduced.
  19. Well great for you at the moment, but this suituation can change and if taxes in Thailand end up being more Thailand could charge the difference.
  20. This is just silly and unhelpful. Worldwide tax will come in as Thailand each year aligns itself with other countries, it's a matter of when. Thailand isn't HK or SP with their financial systems who aren't looking to reform tax. It's better to be aware and make plans. Very unlikely to come in for Jan 2025. But quite likely to come in within 10 years.
  21. I think like most countries tax the onus is on you to count the days and report to them. In theory systems should automatically flag up people they think haven't paid and if anything they want to trip you up to charge fines and high interest.
  22. Well it's not impossible. But it's very difficult now and it used to be very easy. If you don't have a HKID but have connections to HK and are a high net individual it's possible. But even that can take a while. Buisness HK account is a whole lot more difficult.
  23. HK don't really allow this anymore after their laundering of drugs money and those fines. If you have a HKID it's easy to open a personal bank account, but not as a foreigner. The big banks wont even consider a business unless their turnover is at least half a million USD. Wasn't like this before all their fines. They closed my HK personal bank account.
  24. I agree with you there. Not being a tax resident of anywhere presents some issues and the situation is ever changing. Like if I wanted a mortgage I'd have lots of difficulties. But that's not something I'm going to do - these new buildings in Bangkok are built so poorly. If it becomes too difficult being a tax resident of nowhere in the future then an easy fix is becoming a resident of a low tax country. There's a fair few options for that. It's not really hard to do business, my business entity is registered abroad and has no issues with banking.
  25. Well yeah if the current Jersey bank account doesn't accept people who are a tax resident of nowhere then I'd switch to another account (I already have a few created in backup). Theres a whole world of banking and finance options outside of the couple of names on British high streets.
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