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Clapped out

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Everything posted by Clapped out

  1. Thats the thing....Never noticed Brian when he was alive but when he died things were just not as good Dunno πŸ˜’
  2. Well, werent The Stones much better in their early days ? Didn't realise it 'till now Was it Mick & Keith being young ? Maybe its something to do with Brian ? ( i.e. he was still alive ) Dunno . What d'you think ?
  3. Looks like were all under the rule of a certain Mr Lloyd-Weber then πŸ˜”
  4. I'm not gonna suggest my kids......so over to you as to who might be appropriate Oh, and NOT CATS ! that would be a whole new level of instabiity
  5. Perhaps there are. Nowhere like as many as are forgetful / holding down multiple jobs / spend most of their lives spaced out. With these dotes spread around the world It wont take long to end ....... and it wont end well Who would you prefer was in charge of keeping these things : (a) some jobsworths in the Mil or (b) your granny
  6. Being from approx in the vicinity of the other side of the world from Vegemite-land I came across it at a mature age ( mid 1960's ) thanks to the antics of Barry MacKenzie. Has it ( like almost everything has ) been reduced in quality since then ? ......IIRC Marmite was linked in some way to the production of Guiness back then. Now its just something in a jar that Unilever ( or some such ) churn out / discontinue as the humout takes them,
  7. Some suggestions that a deal wont be struck just yet .....
  8. Ive seen it with a coating of a reflective bronze. What other colour options are there ? Wonder how much the reflective coating alters the thermal performance At any rate, if GG doesn't want to see out/in then the SIP panel will perform better and probably for less cost
  9. Hi GG, Over here there is something called multiwall polycarbonate. Its pretty good at blocking sound transmission and heat loss/gain. it lets some light through. Doubt those SIP panels do much of that πŸ™‚ for example https://www.polycarbonatesheets.ie/collections/multiwall-polycarbonate-sheets
  10. I have a many years old ( not Sammy ) Android phone ( rev GOK ). Put app 'Bacon Camera' on it way back for goofing around like y'all are doing now To my tiny mind its pretty deadly so long as you avoid a few things that crash it Qs: Can you still get that app ? If so : How does it fare compared to what goes on today ?
  11. Aye, Elvis, You gonna be 90 this year. How 'bout you update your photo ?
  12. Yes indeed ! Ours was an early DEC 20 ....think there was a problem fitting a 10 into the prefab and keeping it cool. Problem went away with a 20 and local DEC guys got some sort of ( 2nd had ? deal from Maynard ). Mostly interactive ? well yes! up to then it was 99% batch punchcard jobs on the 360 Accoustic coupler even ! You said it πŸ™‚
  13. Ahhh! so you ARE my generation after all πŸ™‚ "..such as via the DEC 10 " And maybe my year ( or there about ) πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ ( Posted as an engineer ..... lets sweep the maths degree under the carpet )
  14. Does this mean you went through 70's schooling ? Could you really be THAT young ?
  15. Dear Gamma, I happily used RPN for many years.....Why ? 'cause there was a time when a programming language called Forth ( a.k.a. FORTH ) was pretty darned well perfect for what I needed. Native Forth relied / required RPN See more about it at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forth_(programming_language) While not as super slick as some of what is around today it was pretty darned good for the time. I have a recollection of a number of neat systems fitting easily in 32kb (ytes) with another 32kb for HD sector buffering ( you might be wondering about "kb". That means "kilo bytes". Its around one thousandth of a megabyte or one millionth of a gigabyte ). I dont do any of that now..... 'cause these days I'm just a tired old fool Y'all be good πŸ™‚
  16. Yup, I'd go with that as the first port of call Years ago we relied on a pump like that and every couple of months we had to bleed it
  17. Here ( on the other side of the world ) I use diluted 10% vinegar ( roughly 15 parts water to one part vinegar ). 'tis grand altogether just dont be in a rush. Been doing it for years,
  18. These 'cannabis shops' aren't really. They are a front for old fashioned fish & chip shops that the Brit government subsidizes. To avoid drawing attention and possible investigation they just say that they sell cannabis. If you insist on buying cannabis in one of these shops it will be expensive as they have to run down the street to buy your order and that takes time ( and they have to pay street rates 😞)
  19. There is an all Ireland ( i.e. North & South ) charity that repatriates Irish people who have expired while abroad. ( https://kbrtrust.com/ ) I suspect that this charity will benefit from the over donation.
  20. Only a youth then KhunBENQ. . . . Only a youth
  21. Whats happened y'all in the United States that you dont have people in their 40's & 50's up for the POTUS job ?
  22. Air Travel..........Well its darned well safer than drinking in a bar
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