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  1. Yes,you could say that,but i could say "spot the frozen one' Looking at rules and regulations "which i know are as important to you as to myself" I am vexed to find there is no issue of fraudulent behavior towards OAP claimant,perhaps I may encourage your good self to preamble over the the said rules ,to find good fortune awaits
  2. Ive answered,should i stand on my head? NOT convincing anyone,even you,do not keep banging this drum. Ive had enough of your crap,look up DWP rules and regulations SP REPEAT SP STATE PENSION. Not sanctionable,cannot by law be stopped ,adjusted,money taken back, but can be frozen,if you so wish ,but you have to request it,no request ...no freeze.......goodbye please begone
  3. YES,i agree,you should send this completed form POL I believe to keep your frozen pension, that is what a proof of life document is,proof you are alive. However after reading and ingesting DWP rules / regulations I am not convinced that the wording on POL applies to people who do not want their pension frozen,and after 16 years of life there ,I am truly convinced. Not that DWP will oblige with a statement.the closest answer to the Q IS A1 ,with a 'dig deeper' feature.No body has ever,repeat been sanctioned for recieving unfrozen in frozen land. Anyway its all there,always has been in DWP rules/regulations Unsanctioned is the word for OAP .Please ingest it .Thank You IF i may state a OAP or any other is not allowed a permanent stay in Thailand,TH rules /regulations ,sorta goes along with your PROOF OF LIFE form,go on get it filled in,may lose your frozen pension
  4. Loadof rubbish,nothing to do with unfrozen,11 various types of benefits,not one fits all in afraid,an a allowance is best described,cannot be stopped reduced can be frozen but up to individual. Have to take on board nobody has ever been sanctioned,never will be,look it up
  5. Couple of years ago had this problem,bangkok christian,chonburi cancer hospital .Decided calcutta SONASCAN ,took polyps out ,cancer,got tested twice,then off to uk,gruelling procedure,but ok now,cheap and good,airfare cheap 2 hours away
  6. for starters you do not know what you are talking about. There are regulations/rules that obv you are ?ignorant of. 1 is impossible to defraud your own pension 2 nothing can be done to pensioner recieving unfrozen in frozen land,read of regulations,there are rules set, non sanctionable for starters,its there read them. Nobody worldwide has ever been sanctioned for receipt of unfrozen......jealousy,pure jealousy, and as for me aa too 110 smackers tax free aweek as well as unfrozen,yes spoken to dwp from 4 weeks to 13 weeks now advised 2 years in every 3,but waste of time asking,they do not/not bothered,waste of time thinking passport ,immigration takes note only time a freezing occurs is when you tell them...did you do that....oh well enjoy that frozen pension ,once again read dwp regulations be happy ps back in thailand next month
  7. Straight in Straight into frozen pension
  8. That's it almost , back ome, via Honkers,free bag for someone of 23kg,meet at airport. Give it thought tho,how ridiculous frozen pension is, no-one looking nobody bothered,,sick bastard's. Long jail terms,pay it all back lol thinking that officials hunting down the unfrozen , sick bastard's suggesting it. Photo and fingerprint required
  9. Not only but also marriage proposal thrown in
  10. Agree rezum pile of <deleted>,knocks the surface off ,not enough taken out.had second turp done few months ago uk,really good,hardly any bleeding,sex not affectedin /out same day if elected not to be pts. First one years ago india much bleeding 4 nights in hospital,good /cheap but it does grow again
  11. Gone quiet,never mind,im off soon to blighty,coming back tho month or two.id always go thru dwp for pensions, me, i say, once ipc have u they have u by the balls. Cannot see them ipc letting go unless a word with dm decision maker into ending plight of being frozen. Jealousy is ripe tho with those already frozen,god like major crime,when no crime at all civil too. Tales ,met at the airport,even two conspired yes you rat, paid 250 quid for hoax official letter from dwp,sick...ill say. Sent more than a few back thru being frozen stuck up country,not patts, nothing to shag,girlfriend happy tho,miss getting my balls massaged daily,but she has a mansion type place,bloddy prison for me. Sorry for those frozen bye bye............
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