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  1. Can we please have a long discussion on this
  2. Too true,just another look another A1 tells u nobody has ever been punished for receiving unfrozen anywhere in the world,yet it knows of 2 plus at least another 3 at least.now someone is telling major porkies .and has been for last 10 years...... jealousy or wot?
  3. OAP in Thailand retired for 12 years on frozen pension in2014@ £107 per week will lose £72.384 up to this year on £223 a week one hell of a lot more than I thought originally
  4. It was,but there are influencers here that pick up on that.the only way to establish truth is by asking DWP directly (no answer) or A1,it's good.......chatgpt . how many unfrozen ex pats have been sanctioned receiving unfrozen in frozen land blah blah ?. None, same with co pilot etc . people who state other wise are bitter and angry at losing a ton of money
  5. U r too 😭anyway I'm not cruel,hope u have a long and frozen life lol the lord giveth to the unfrozen and he takes away from the s.hitpan frozen merry xmas
  6. Was told that too,lady stated "you know what happens,when we pay you" they know too well,so stayed unfrozen from that info
  7. I'm not in denial that I received approx £60000 quid more than you whilst residing there in th ,not one bit,fact is I'm proud of it happy bunny here,very happy would say tho it's only CU that is on the radar,not OAP. Sorry bout that,hope Ur alive still to lose another £60000 lol
  8. You stated you are a liar earlier,I'll dig it out.you stated it was for something else too,other than OAP,I'll dig it out ( member of staff )is a far flung comment,another"I know someone brigade"was untrue. I'll dig it out
  9. Have to nothing.nothing at all,that way keep unfozen
  10. Have to do nothing,keep up to date,keep unfrozen lol
  11. Funny u say that wink wink😁o wrong it's a lie.Moi did as u say. £1500 into my account soon as landed ,£200 smackers a week after,knew all about 20 odd years th Hope Ur frozen wink wink
  12. Imagining the financial loss over 10 to 13 years is staggering; it's overwhelming to even consider, sending shivers down my spine. If you report it, the oap will be frozen as of the date reported; if not, it remains unfrozen without sanctions.
  13. Yes he puts loads of crap up, but but but he is the frozen one Thank God for that

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