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Everything posted by jori123

  1. But not entirely free, Pol needed
  2. China People never cry,they have no eyes
  3. Straight in Straight into frozen pension
  4. That's it almost , back ome, via Honkers,free bag for someone of 23kg,meet at airport. Give it thought tho,how ridiculous frozen pension is, no-one looking nobody bothered,,sick bastard's. Long jail terms,pay it all back lol thinking that officials hunting down the unfrozen , sick bastard's suggesting it. Photo and fingerprint required
  5. Not only but also marriage proposal thrown in
  6. Agree rezum pile of <deleted>,knocks the surface off ,not enough taken out.had second turp done few months ago uk,really good,hardly any bleeding,sex not affectedin /out same day if elected not to be pts. First one years ago india much bleeding 4 nights in hospital,good /cheap but it does grow again
  7. Gone quiet,never mind,im off soon to blighty,coming back tho month or two.id always go thru dwp for pensions, me, i say, once ipc have u they have u by the balls. Cannot see them ipc letting go unless a word with dm decision maker into ending plight of being frozen. Jealousy is ripe tho with those already frozen,god like major crime,when no crime at all civil too. Tales ,met at the airport,even two conspired yes you rat, paid 250 quid for hoax official letter from dwp,sick...ill say. Sent more than a few back thru being frozen stuck up country,not patts, nothing to shag,girlfriend happy tho,miss getting my balls massaged daily,but she has a mansion type place,bloddy prison for me. Sorry for those frozen bye bye............
  8. One respect he is lucky, very Lucky ,little or no bruising showing.Saturday nights are ok
  9. Using keyboard big one attached to phone reply did not go thru, however hope this does, if paid thru ipc it originally would be frozen,wasted,anyone would be off their rocker to elect thru ipc,stated nothing will be done,and jobs for boys and girls at ipc hardly likely to let go,use A 1 to find status, nobody ever has been sanctioned Inc me on unfrozen and aa. I'm OK jack
  10. Farangs using these services too, care homes, UK£ 2000a week ,here a month
  11. Did not think any ATM cards work in Burma , few years since been there
  12. You see,but in your case not.Regulations state even if there is an issue on OAP and aa nothing will be done,read them
  13. That right? Think not,there and then.had this out before,read regulations,I'm here unfrozen,AA too, receiving _£110 tax free a week,get in touch with DWP where I stand,better quizzing them than me again enjoy Ur frozen pension
  14. Nothing moot,either relative, friend or paid for,contact address only....me?from hotel
  15. Better service, Wise account,get their ATM card,nice looking card,if that's what could be called nice,works any ATM machine anywhere in world,200b withdrawal,get 4.5% while in balance,(was anyway)
  16. Imagine 15 years frozen. Lol when no need, nevermind 12 floor diving, id have a parachute on stepping over a curb , influence server's have done great harm, especially The Rat, face like a farmers arse on a frosty morning no doubt reading this,the prick, jealousy rules OK
  17. Will at some point be a mass uprising especially in UK against the scum,,a trigger point will happen,then public will take charge
  18. Pity u had to admit to being in th first year on frozen ok,second year bit itchy,third year kicking yourself
  19. Could say rubbish,no tests,advised to return to th once treatment completed...get onto the beach sleeping,call cops,all sorted,duty of care
  20. Went every 2 years Calcutta, cancer scan,caught it early, UK bound next day,,£1500 tax free and £110 tax free every week,even now in the. Radio ,1session chemo,got put into housing association flat,,all okay also had TURP op,twice in hospital too
  21. It's all a load of hype,there is no punishment for receiving unfrozen in th anywhere else too. Get paid without involvement of IPC then no more proof letters and. big rise too Of course the pricks ,where are u Porkie Pig ? will be along soon for his version,lying version of the truth
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