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  1. only if you are willing to risk killing the neighbor's pets and playing find the smell after it crawls into some small space to die
  2. me too. 2 years ago in May. Was a bit of a shocker that. I didn't get off so cheap
  3. not sure, dude probably lives in a house with a single cockroach too
  4. During COVID rats in Bangkok started coming into my outdoor kitchen because the street vendors were gone. I caught one huge bastard in a "humane" trap. dropped in a bucket of water and the thing hard the strength to overturn the bucket with his struggles. i had to refill a larger tub, put a cinderblock on top of it and try again. nasty
  5. why would you think that is funny, let alone share it here? WTF is wrong with you people?
  6. it's like bloody deja vu.
  7. living in Bangkok I'm far more aware of the wealth of Thailand's upper middle class
  8. <deleted> mike meyers where does he pay tax? now shoresy is a real Canadian, not caked in makeup either.
  9. you wouldn't even know where to begin.
  10. Pol Capt Chalerm’s potential participation looms large, particularly as he and former Pheu Thai member Wan Ubumrung are noted for their past spat with Thaksin and here's me thinking Wan and Duang Chalerm were only memorable for killing a police officer https://thethaiger.com/news/phuket/Murder-warrant-issued-Chalerms-son quite a legacy.
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