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Everything posted by madone

  1. I was just watching a video about using the jetson to set up one of the smaller Deepseek models. I'd love to get something like that going at home. All these folks paranoid about China don't understand what just happened here. I am a writer focused primarily on case studies for SaaS and cybersecurity. I work with a number of very recognizable firms. I have been fighting with Chat GPT and Claude to streamline my workflows and so far all they have been is a timesuck -- ignoring instructions and giving really poor repetitive output i cant unsee. For a very brief window yesterday I was able to upload some samples of my work, interview transcripts a style sheet, and a basic prompt to Deepseek. Between timeouts, it blew me away. now i want my own model to work with
  2. I see IoT stuff the flipper Zero and a cardputer to be honest, I'm not a dev, but I have seen them and actually played with the Flipper
  3. not the full model and that raspbeery pi was hooked up to an nvidia GPU for processing power
  4. why? Did he marry a bargirl he now pretends is chinese-thai?
  5. and i thought we were talking about today
  6. Perhaps because they didn't work to earn it. same way generational wealth can dwindle to nothing in the wrong hands
  7. yes, with swordfish. I can read, thank you.
  8. you need a beast of a machine though.
  9. and we are treated with yet another new poster that creates a new topic a minute. life is indeed beautiful.
  10. Using food to virtue signaling and demonstrate your superiority. Aint you fokking special.
  11. only a complete idiot wouldn't understand the app is for phones, and on a computer you access it via a web browser. You lack the basic technical knowledge to run your own model on a local machine, As for the belief that everything from china is a clear and present danger, yawn. Although this is a danger certainly, especially to American tech
  12. summing up the forum in two words. i suppose i can hang up my keyboard now,
  13. looking for work?
  14. But unlike your bad self i don't pretend to be of any use
  15. provide one example of a street deal that has occurred in the last decade, hell, just make it the last 5 years. you could also address the police plant drugs myth while you are at it,
  16. Now there is a fine example of the pot calling the kettle black.
  17. a better answer? The standard must be very low because this says nothing, twice. great to see you asking the burning questions, not wasting cycles on the latest trend i wonder what the annual carbon footprint is on folk like you using AI to make pointless queries
  18. well, I'm not as pleased with myself as you seem to be, but I manage. its plain to see, no inside knowledge required
  19. you somehow mange to make even useful information sound dull and pedantic
  20. the driver was as Thai as they are foreign. but I guess that doesn't support your bias, so you conveniently mangae to overlook that fact
  21. ironic given your own response is a grammatical abortion
  22. You misunderstand me. What you believe leopard-skin-g-string Jesus' intent was is as irrelevant as the previous posters' assertions that the crucifixion is a myth. He was calling attention to the crucifixion amongst a devoutly catholic, faith-influenced population. They were already drinking the Kool-Aid. The whole stunt is little more than a mix of religious zealotry, the ecstasy of performance, and exhibitionism. the guy didn't wear pretty butt floss that day by accident, he wanted to be seen.
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