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Everything posted by madone

  1. Southside has some of the lowest prices I have seen anywhere and can order anything I need in 24 hours. for example ventolin inhaler 210 baht and a great selection of generics wrong as you may be, at least you didn't bring up politics, so that's a win.
  2. not sure how long you have lived here but some Thais don't want to speak Thai with foreigners, especially in a professional setting, especially if their English is better than my Thai in that context. So I don't speak Thai with my doctor, lawyer, accountant or pharmacist. when someone is making assumptions they just don't hear correction until they are repeated several times.
  3. Not at all, im not seeking validation, i just wanted to share the asininity of the experience. Best outcome is the bell end responds because he is one of you lot.
  4. you utter simpleton, I have been on AN almost since Thavisa's inception and cycled through endless usernames.
  5. I wasn't rude to the woman, the dude jumped in out of context. I know the woman. I have been going in there for more years than I care to count. I ask you again: is trying to pick fights with strangers at 9 am in a pharmacy instead of minding your own business acceptable behavior to you even if i did come off as abrupt?
  6. actually i didnt. AN's tame engagement wranglers provide us with enough fiction, thanks. I do not start threads unless I seeking specific information and that is very rare. this was such a bizarre experience i figured i'd share. up to you what you believe, i won't be starting other threads anytime soon.
  7. to - toward is it really a big deal? thank you. that firm grasp of the obvious must come in handy. does that justify his interjections and threat?
  8. Went to my regular pharmacy on Sukhumvit at soi 15 at 9 am this morning before my daily bike ride to purchase some stuff. I have been visiting this place and have known these people for years. I special order medication monthly and stop in often. I was trying to explain to the pharmacy lady that I wanted the larger package of an item. She kept giving me the small version as I said, "No, the large one-- large," a few times until it registered. Apparently a clean-shaven, over-cologned, and freshly-barbered British fellow down the counter with his wife with his wife took exception to our conversation and my tone. "Say please to the woman, mate," he said in a fairly strong accent that was not RP. "Please mind your own business, mate," I responded, mirroring his tone, surprised at the interruption. "if you don't say please and apologize I'll take you outside," he said, "No you <deleted> won't," I answered, surprising myself. "I have better ways to spend my morning, you should too." I turned around, ignoring him as he stood there chest puffed up. I continued talking to the pharmacist. The whole time his Thai wife stood behind him looking at the floor. They paid, walked out the door and the pharmacist asked me, "Do you know him?" I said, "No." When I ventured outside to hop on my bicycle, I was expecting another confrontation, but he was 100 meters up Sukhumvit on his way to terminal 21. it was a truly bizarre interaction. Who goes out spoiling for a fight in a pharmacy at 9 am with their wife in tow?
  9. Nah you are just super duper extra cool and extremely special.
  10. Vaseline sorts everything. Or so I'm told
  11. at least he didn't spill "scolding" hot soup on your child.
  12. Alas you are nobody, with the power to match.
  13. I sure do hope his health is up to it! tony is a sick boi dontcha know but he is a sick boi who has the cash to drag his lese majeste case out until the day he dies peacefully in his sleep of none of the aliments keeping him out of prison,
  14. Was he filmed taking a leak inside?
  15. there is always at least one person who missed the memo explaining how citizenship works. al least it wasnt the usual "they don't look very french to me"
  16. if i couldn't read the post where you have already provided this information, why would you submit it again?
  17. AHHHH. From the headline, i thought it would be an interesting sorry about french dudes who started up their own checkpoint. imagine my disappointment
  18. these accounts were only possible to open for a brief window of time anyway. Shoppe is making things difficult though. After years of being a customer I was asked to prove my phone number of 10++ years is indeed my phone number. i can't transact until i go to AIS and get some bloody documents. I would just move on, but lazada has had a very poor selection of items lately, many things are only available on shoppee and they are often cheaper there too. I only use shoppee when Lazada lets me down, shoppers delivery times are crap. you can wait a day or a month, too many folks drop shipping rather than holding physical stock.
  19. think we are missing some key information here . Was buddy visiting the airport for <deleted>s and giggles or was he on the way out where he would have just paid the 3k fine and been done with it? Why did the police feel the need to swoop? Why was it an operation? Was buddy under surveillance for some other infractions?
  20. how is that similar? I mean that taxi drivers piss on my front wall far too frequently, but that's hardly the same as peeing inside a crowded public service building
  21. i reckon the biker is experiencing similar thoughts. doesn't make you any less of a <deleted> tho.
  22. Do you want them to show what's going to happen?
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