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Posts posted by agudbuk

  1. Plenty of threads on this subject - the bottom line is the people with enough money to pay the 200% import tax applied to the value that the Thai customs put on the car (not what you think it is worth) - are later worn down by the paperwork loop holes that are required and the "service fees" required at every turn.

    I heard one person state that there was less heartache and less adverse enviromental impact to fill the car with gas and drive it at speed into the sea at a local beauty spot in your home country then allow it to rust while burning a small pile of money nearby. Nice image.

    Please prove us wrong and post your experiances.

    Fill my car with Gas . At todays prices? What do you think I am a multi millionare?

  2. That's not too bad is it. Two people infected every hour in the realm, 48x a day and 17,520 p/a

    Japan with a population twice that of Thailand has around 100 infected each year.

    Here they have so many stop start campaigns it is laughable.

    It's a wonder that there are still any one living in the realm with around 40 killed on the roads every day, how many thousand in the southern unrest, then the several thousand in the last drugs clean up and now 48x (a day) infected with AIDS.

    It wasn't called "Amazing Thailand" for nothing, now was it ??

    The reality is that the problems that the authorities have to face in the realm are just so great that they don't really know where to start.

    To take the figures astage further

    OK shock 2 per hour.

    2x24x365x= 17,520 new infections per year.

    HIV aids discovered 1980 (28 years) = 490,560

    Quoted figure for HIV cases in Thailand for some time has been 500,000 so in reality no change in rate of infection rates

  3. If you are having doubts maybe you could consider leaving the children with relatives , in a foster care home or kennels .

    You would have a restful flight not having to worry about the childrens heads exploding because of blocked sinuses ets and the other passengers would not have to suffer their screams.

  4. I was driving along the Super-Highway this evening, when I came across a slow-moving yellow vehicle in the fast lane, spraying the grass & bushes in the central-reservation. :D

    This is clearly part of the new governments' scheme, to eradicate Bird-Flu, by spraying noxious chemicals across the country.

    Would it not make more sense, to spray chicken-farms & fields, than the central reservation of our highways, I wonder ? I must say that I've never even seen a chicken, lurking in the undergrowth, in these flowery places. :o

    But Full-Marks for Trying, and covering all the angles, I thought. Jolly Good Show, Chaps ! :D

    Well we may not know why the chicken crossed the road but at least we know it won't pass bird flu on to us if the verges are sprayed.

  5. From elsewhere on Thai Visa today 27//01/08

    * Category:

    * Offering

    * Price:

    * 10,000 THB

    * Posted by:

    * Brian B

    * Phone number:

    * 0813964447

    * Location:

    * Ao. khanom, Nakhon Si Thammarat

    * Expire on:

    * 26/02/2008

    Khanom, Thailand, up and coming tourist area. Restaurant/Bar looking for Manager or Asst. Manager- Salary depends on experience. Nice room and staff meal available.

  6. Butt dragging could be scent marking or trying to remove a dried piece of faeces from the hind end, or anal scent gland problems, not necessarily worms. But definitely de-worm your huntress. And make sure she gets sterilized or she won't last long.

    de-worming tablets are easily gotten from any vet, there is a thread in here recommending vets; Vets in Thailand, so see if anyone listed is close to you.

    Lovely kitty btw :o

    Rabies Inoculation's?

  7. The human autonomic nervous system (ANS) which controls blood pressure (BP) is a highly sensitive machine. Doctors love to prescribe drugs against high BP but it is actually much much better to change your lifestyle - more exercise, better eating (and drinking) habits, cut smoking, etc. than to use drugs.

    I've read this thread and understand that:

    More exercise

    Better eating and drinking habits

    Quitting smoking can help lower BP.


    Are there any specific foods that help lower Blood Pressure?

    I don't believe there are any foods that actually lower blood pressure. Take away the salt, donuts, coffee, fat, booze, and sugar and I suppose you are left with the foods that should be eaten.

    If you find that rather onerous, then mild exercise progressing up to moderate exercise will lower your blood pressure and probably heart rate too. But if there are question marks over your blood pressure you must get the go ahead from a doctor first and for heavens sake be sensible about it.

    You could try to reduce cholesterol levels which in the long term may help with BP

    Plant stanols found in some yoghurt drinks and "butter/ margarine" spreads (Benecol ) and

    Oatmeal as in plain porridge both are said to reduce Cholesterol levels

  8. Does anyone know if the Thai Cat Palace really exists. I have heard it's in an old house on Boromarajajonani Road and they breed the rare Maeo Khao Mani cat. Anyone actually been there?

    Is that some sort of Siamese cat ?? :o

  9. The problem with Bio diesel is that much of it is manufactured from crops that are either grown on cleared forest resulting in increased global warming or on farm land previously used for food production resulting in food shortages.

    Sounds nice and green but not effective.

    If you want to save the planet restrict population growth

  10. Charter a small plane and parachute in. :o

    I appreciate all the answers including the charter a small plane and parachute in one. I also get the point about why hurry since I am supposed to be on vacation


    If you do decide to stay for a night in Krabi if you want a 2 star hotel try the Krabi Seaview or the Krabi Riverview hotels. About 600 baht for an en suite room and about 300 metres walk from the old pier were you can sort out your transfer to Phi Phi.

  11. Watched crippled father, mother and child arrive in a side Soi (Father on crutches) . They changed into dirty torn clothes and went out begging.

    Later watched them come back, wash the grime off and change back into "normal" clothing.

    Seemed to be making good money. Not just from naive falangs but also a lot of it from Thais.

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