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Posts posted by agudbuk

  1. ํYes, once the Ta-khab bit me and gave me tennis ball swollen ankle for a week. The allergic kid could even die.

    However, I hate leech most.

    I saw some small gray foxes in UK. Could not immigine before that the fox can be urban pest !

    Ha Ha from my short experience there I agree on the hooded youth, the punks with no hood look very normal. I had one punk classmate and he was very gentle.

    Dangerous place now.

    One old boy (62) got kicked to death by the hooded youth sp. Hoodius Youthum in my old seaside town a couple of weeks ago. Numerous beatings of old people for their pensions etc. Hideous pics in local papers of some poor old Gran's swollen face, all hooked up to wires and tubes, taken usually a few days before they die. Routine.

    I think all decent folks over there should carry .45's. It'd put some manners on these scumbags.

    The best tool for the job would be a 12gauge shotgun.

  2. Snakes are cool and provide an invaluable service - I used to collect them as a kid.

    Imagine somebody trying to kill you every time ya went out.

    One day the survivors will be in snake parks only.

    More folks are killed by lightening in leap years, than via lethal snake bites.


    So in 3 years out of 4 snakes kill more people than lightning?

    I believe the worlds biggest killer is one of it's smaller creatures....the mosquito.

  3. Do you really believe that people will come only in thailand because they can have a free visa ?

    what is the financial impact of such a measure for the holiday budget :D

    What next ? They will give candy at the immigration :)

    Actually yes they will, since one visa is for a 1000 Baht for many this means an extra night of accomodation, hence a family of four will get for extra nights or extra shopping money

    For people on holidays of less than a month it won't make any difference as they can already have a free1 month tourist entry. So a 1000 baht spread over 30 to 60 days make very little difference to the daily budget.

  4. I think I'd rather contract the flu now while it's still relatively benign, considering if it gains deadly strength later on and spreads like wildfire things could get ugly.

    Exactly: let it rip and get it over with. Ain't no way of stopping iy in the long term.

  5. If I had a handgun full of blanks I would fire it at them and you can assume nothing unless you are the policeman in question or a person shot by that policeman. Assumptions mean nothing maybe had bullets ,maybe had blanks u dont know so stop guessing.

    Where in the article which I highlighted in BOLD for your benefit did you not see the following words printed by BBC : as another crouched and aimed at waist level and used an entire magazine of live ammunition.

    So now its either the BBC reporter is lying or the wonderful, human rights obeying and non-corrupt army of Thailand that is lying. Take your pick. It is not a matter of whether I or you are the ones lying, since we all still depends on news to get information.

    Do you really think the BBC are 100% accurate in their reporting. I have seen many reports where I have been places when something happened and know the people involved and the report has been totally wrong. Did the BBC reporter check the gun? find some bullet holes or just "assume" it was live rounds?

    I never did believe everything I saw on the news , and after watching news crews filming rubbish dumps after the Tsunami disaster I have even less faith in what I'm shown by the media. There's probably better unbiased film coverage on you tube

  6. DK and P991 - are you replying to the correct thread? (the keelback thread is: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Striped-Snake-t257097.html)

    The OP appears to be a brown or grey kukuri (Oligodon purpurascens or O. joynsoni): neither is venomous but they have powerful teeth for breaking into eggs and thus, if threatened, can inflict a nasty bite which is slow to heal.

    An Issan girl friend tells me it's an edible snake

  7. On BBC worldnews, defiantly full sized tanks, with red shirts doing vioctory dances on them with wood and steal bars in their hands. The Army guys had big smiles, welcome to LOS !!!! :o

    Looks like it will be a new difinition of 'low season' this year. A real shame for the silent majority.

    Always knew they should have been colonised by the Brits and had some common sense and honesty knocked into them. You don;t get this sort of carry on in Singapore now do you?

    Well I'd much rather live in Thailand than the UK so they must be doing something right.

    Trouble with the UK is that its over regulated in the wrong areas

  8. Any more Vegemite news, Pete?

    Ping, did you see the link I posted in a cupla freds?

    It will not play outside NZ.

    Sumfin to do with copyright and stuffs.

    It is availble till Sunday.

    Is there someway to copy a vid that is playing?

    Why would you want a copy when you've seen it playing?

  9. Isn't it the same the whole world over?

    Somebody finds a beach or a beautiful area of countryside and tells their friend about it; because of the amount of visitors hotels, restaurants and bars are built. Eventually the whole thing is covered in concrete and in the case of some beach resorts you can't even sunbathe on the beach because of the shadows from high rise hotels.

    Good examples world wide would be the Spanish Costa's ,Teerife, Honolulu, Miami, . but I wouldn't mind betting that there are examples in every country of the world.

    It's just another by product of the world having to many people.

  10. All remote controls should have beeper inside which will react to a button stuck on a wall or someplace.

    Similar to a wireless door chime/bell, always findable..

    Watcha reckon peoples?

    Do people without remotes stay healthier because of the extra exercise they get when they change channels?

  11. You shouldn't have any trouble in any Thai bar although you would probably feel more relaxed if you avoid the Go Go and "adult" entertainment bars.

    If you are not on a high budget a couple of bars I have seen single falang ladies

    Tokyo Joes Blues bar http://www.tokyojoesbkk.com/Map.html

    and strangely enough on Sukumwit Soi 7/1 the Absolute bar (more information) gets single falang and Thai ladies although the other bars in the Soi would not be as appropriate

    Alternatively in the Khao San Road; back backing area there are any number of small bars and cafes where I have seen single falang ladies.

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