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Posts posted by agudbuk

  1. The Supreme Court of Great Britain has upheld the controversial rule that a British citizen must earn at least £18,600 ($23,170) per annum before their spouse from outside the European Economic Area can settle in the UK.
    For more details, see the original article on the BBC website:

    So that eliminates wives of pensioners.

    Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

  2. Most men on TV sleep with women from Isaan so be careful what you write here she may take revenge. The western side of Loei province is in actual fact very beautiful with high mountains and cooler weather. 

    The North and Eastern sides on the Mekong can be attractive.

    The middle tends to be s bit rural

    Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

    As much as that sucks, I can't blame them.  A pound sent to a pensioner in London gets circulated through the economy 3 or 4 (or more) times before it's gone.  A pound sent to a pensioner in Thailand disappears from the UK economy without bringing any benefit at all.  It's in the country's best interest to encourage pensioners to spend their money in country, which means living there.

    But there is no cost to the UK for health care, travel subsidies, general support.
    And expats have already paid their "premiums" through their working lives, paying national insurance and taxes.

    Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

  4. 1) The white paint burnt off.
    2) Quieter because too hot for birds on a tin roof and the geckos cook underneath
    3) Black is fashionable
    4) Black balcony floors discourage dogs from seeing on them.
    5)The best cheap anti-termite solutions turn wood black
    6)Nobody cleans them.

    Any other answers?

    Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

  5. I constantly read about foreigners complaining about the way we are treated here be it for immigration, business or simply buying a house.
    If you think you are being treated unfairly write an email to your embassador, only they have the power to put some pressure in the Thai government if you want change.
    I constantly hear about not being able to fully own a business or buy a house under your name. If your country extend these rights to Thai people and enough people complain they will start to think and hopefully say "hey this is not fair". 
    Thai people come to your country and we let them buy land, own a business, right to work if they marry and citizenship after 4 yrs. 
    Do you get the same treatment here?? 

    Well the UK government does very little for it's expats.
    Expat pensioners even get their state pensions frozen.

    Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

  6. I enjoy drinking coffee in a number of different premises. There is no shortage of competition from both other chains and independents in Thailand.
    Starbucks sell well because their style of coffee suits a number of people and the corporate standard for seating and periferal services like free access to Wi-Fi and newspapers are enjoyed.

    Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

  7. Are you serious, children, prostitution and families exists together.  Remind me to never let my child within 100 kms of you.  I feel so sick that you even think that prostitution and kids could co exist.  Sorry mate but you're one weird person

    If you don't like your children to be within 100kms of prostitution Thailand is not for you.

    Why should a masseur that offers a rub and tug at the end of a season be considered a bad person?

    Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

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  8. Because the left is correct as derived from the days of horseback travel. Right hand drivers just blindly followed the US like sheep. Something like 2.5 billion drive on the left. As for strange countries, whenever I see the words Swiss or Switzerland I have this wave of bafflement come over me... like what have these awkward folk ever done for the world. [emoji6]

    Left hand drive or riding puts your sword arm closer to the approaching stranger.

    Napoleon decided his troops would match on the right and the American colonial traitors and rebels followed their ally France.

    Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

  9. G'day gents,i went to Kap Choen,Surin Immigration yesterday and there has been a slight change from last year.The bank book update must be on the day of going to Immigration.Previously,the day before was accepted.I was ok,as i just had to cross the road to Bangkok Bank.A gent after me was with Siam Commercial and he had to go 20 klms back to Prasat.I warned him that that branch is not farang friendly.ATM could have done the job i suppose but they don't always work.All good as usual.i'm running out of pages so they squeezed it in way back in the passport.Also i told them i wont be home on a few days as i'm going to Siem Reap.They said if not home they will see the Poo Yai.She's never home,but up to them.Seeing as they gave me the extension,instead of "under consideration for 1 month" i doubt they will be around at all.I didn't think visiting every retired person,every year would last long.

    Same requirement for bank details in Kaset Wisai last month for marriage extension. Nearly 4 weeks to process renewal .

    Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

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