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Posts posted by agudbuk

  1. In 5 years, 10 years or 50 years it would seem destined that Bangkok will once more become a city of klongs; perhaps a true Venice of the East. Long tail boats instead of buses and moorings at what are now the second floor windows of offices and condos.

    There will have to be a lot of long term planning and heavy investment to avoid the scenario. Reforestation to alleviate flooding, higher dykes to prevent sea incursion all take a lot of long term effort and finance.

    The flooding can be delayed but if sea levels and flood levels rise then eventually the capital will have to be abandoned.

    Bangkok is not alone with this possible future problem; many of the worlds major cities are built on low lying land at tidal river mouths where nautical trade built up. London, New Orleans, Bangkok, different parts of the world but potentially same long term problem.

    Perhaps the smart money should head for the hills now.

  2. "How about;

    The King and I, or is it still banned over here? "

    by Jaiyenyen

    Last I heard both versions are still banned as being disrespectful to the royal family.

  3. Like every other good size town or city I've been too. You can find entertainment if you look/ask around or do your research on the internet before your visit to Roi-Et. That applies to the cultural side and the night life.

  4. So for an iphone to tell me I'm looking at cherry red, purple, green, blue, yellow or any other colour is a waste of time, I know it is. I might see a slightly different shade than 'normal' people but to me that IS the 'normal' shade and I know the name of it. :)

    I too am also "red/green deficient" but I think my case may be just a little bit more extreme than Sumrit's. There are instances that I have to ask what colour a red item or green item is. I also get some blues and purples confused. Can't be certain, but an electronic application like this may be a greater value to someone like me.

    £As someone also red/green colour blind)

    Colour is all subjective. we agree names for colours but we have no way of knowing if what other people see is the same as us.

    People hearing me sing also describe me as tone deaf ....but it doesn't prevent me enjoying good music

  5. "The tape records widths of between 49 and 56 millimetres"

    I first thought that scale is diameter, but after looking on our caliper I doubt that. Thai men would be monster.

    Than I took the size /3.14: 56/3.14=17.8 mm that looks too small.

    What mistake did I made???

    No mistake in the calculation so perhaps they measure when Thai men are still children and just achieving puberty?

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