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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Two weeks to count ballots with machines is highly suspicious to those with critical thinking skills and are intellectually honest. There's no reason for that kind of delay. It's a replay of 2020.
  2. I didn't ever say that you were a Leftist. So now you've moved from military actions to bombing people in other countries being normal. Is this going to be a never-ending progression? Terrorism isn't normal. Military actions aren't normal either, but they are sometimes necessary to remove devout terrorists.
  3. 21st century Democrats are not liberal, not democratic, not progressive and not independent. They are immoral, authoritarian, oppressive, totalitarian, Big Government Leftists. And that includes all totalitarian forms of government.
  4. Trump is right about damn near everything, but he still doesn't know the enemy. His greatest weakness is listening to the wrong people and picking the wrong people. I don't support at least half of the people who he endorses in House and Senate races. He's still making bad choices to this day. But he's always better than Kamala.
  5. Truth is still truth, no matter who someone supports for POTUS.
  6. Being a truthful witness to undermining betrayal is all that matters.
  7. Mark Paoletta worked with Kelly in the White House. Paoletta posted this on TwitX:
  8. Military actions aren't wars. Or is this another Leftist manipulation of a definition?
  9. If the current Lying-a55 Leftist Media investigated, they would reveal their roles in all of it. They won't do that.
  10. Despite the fact that we don't know WTH Thailand will do re: taxes, I've already stopped ATM withdrawals, curtailed spending drastically and begun looking at other destinations to live for 6 months and 2 weeks out of the year. I'm not living on a shoestring, but I'm certainly not spending what was common for me every month. If they tax pensions as income without regard to remittances, I'll only be living here for 175 Days. And I'm sure that I'm not the only one.
  11. Former students can file for bankruptcy just like anyone else, but the federal government is the creditor regarding a student loan. Individuals who file for bankruptcy have a rough go of it when it comes to borrowing money in the future. Every person's risk and liability is different.
  12. Appreciate the endorsement. I've been at this a LONG time.
  13. You would think that anyone intent on PROVING something would bring the receipts. But that's Democrats. The NY Times is just another Democrat newsletter.
  14. Kamala is the Meghan Markle of American politics.
  15. McConnell is a spending ally of Democrats. Occasionally, he will do something correct -- like blocking the corrupt Garland from the SCOTUS. I can't imagine a more lawless person on the Supreme Court. McConnell has also blocked numerous Republican candidates for Senate and supported GOP Establishment RATs instead. McConnell is not an enemy of the Democrats. He's a double agent.
  16. If they were cult members, they'd all be running around vaxxed as a result of Covid. They rejected the vax in overwhelming numbers. If they were cult members, they'd vote for and support every candidate that Trump endorsed. They reject about half of them. Trump is right about a lot of things, but he's wrong very often about people and who he brings into his tent.
  17. McConnell is a GOP Establishment RAT. Anything coming from him is viewed as Democrat and Left by conservative voters. His comments bring joy to Democrats, but have no influence on voters for Trump. McConnell has driven the federal government into money-printing bankruptcy. Economic Security is National Security, and the US is on the brink.
  18. The LA Times knows Kamala's history as well or better than anyone. This shows that they at least have a conscience.
  19. Biden told us that he would select a black woman VP. THAT was the criteria, Even though Harris isn't black, it'll have to do.
  20. And yet, Trump was duly elected in the Republican primary vs opposition by several other candidates. Harris is the only POTUS candidate in modern US history to not receive one single primary vote from a citizen voter in a primary election. She dropped out in 2020 before primary voting even started because Democrat voters massively rejected her; and she was installed as the Democrat candidate after the Democrat party coup vs Biden. Anyone worried about democracy, but being okay with the Harris installation is suffering from an affliction known as cognitive dissonance.
  21. So you're going to play that guessing game too. LOL Have at it. If the owners of the forum want me to identify myself to them, I will gladly do it. Now I'll place you on "ignore."
  22. You are free to have that view, Eric. It's like any other case. Winners and losers.
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