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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Absolutely true. Government schools in the US are run by Leftists.
  2. Vaxx Believers criticize HCQ and Ivermectin, but ignore all of the harmful effects that have occurred with the vaxx. Cognitive Dissonance is still going around.
  3. In all cases, watch what they do -- not what they say. Zuck said he was sorry for all of the censorship on Facebook, but it's still the same.
  4. With all of her extracurricular activity, she might have even experienced it.
  5. True. And it didn't much matter when the US could not use SOME of Europe's airspace to facilitate military operations after it occurred. Not much of an alliance . . .
  6. Yes, Kamala is a FAKE. Her public political stance is FAKE. She is UNauthentic. That's why everything needs to be scripted for her to continue the FAKE charade. If she had to have a public conversation for 3 hours, she would not only melt down, but everything about her would be revealed.
  7. Even Democrat sheep revolt when whipped hard enough.
  8. I refer to them as Democrat Newsletters. They're all in on it.
  9. Many JFK Democrats voting for Trump for the same reasons.
  10. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the most consistent in those you mentioned. She's on a great roll in Arkansas. Noem has too many GOPe Mush RATs in her circle of allies (like the two senators from South Dakota), but I like her personally. She'd be better than Palin.
  11. Agree with most of what has been posited here. Bezos is riding the fence in order to regain revenue. That's the only reason. He also sees that Kamala is a failing candidate, and Bezos might night have anymore "cover" if Trump wins. Bezos' revenue stream at WaPo may get progressively worse.
  12. All true, but each does what they consider is best for them.
  13. Leftists don't have to provide anything. GET TRUMP BECAUSE TRUMP.
  14. Nevada State Supreme Court ruled that all ballots -- even WITHOUT postmark -- received within 3 days after election day MUST BE COUNTED. Election Fraud is coming.
  15. I'm expecting Texas AG Ken Paxton to be Trump's attorney general.
  16. Trump has already announced that he is rejecting the federal transition assistance. He is financing his own transition without the involvement of current agencies and their heads. Trump will go into office with sweeping changes and housecleaning in all of the agencies on Day 1. The Obama holdover will be OUT.
  17. Correct. The CCP doesn't stick out their neck for anyone.
  18. Yes, Harris says she'll be different than Biden, but when asked (more than once) what she would do differently, she says she can't think of anything.
  19. This is true, and Trump has admitted as much -- even in the Rogan interview. Trump has already announced that he will NOT go through the normal briefings and channels of transition if he wins. That was how the nefarious actors infiltrated his administration last time. Trump has already accumulated over 400 people to install within the federal government to lead each department -- and remove the Obama holdovers. All within the president's powers (that the SCOTUS recently ruled). The POTUS is the head of the Executive Branch. No agency of the federal government supersedes that authority.
  20. New taxes are only massively successful in the first year because people are caught off guard. Eventually, people will alter their behavior and avoid the tax in many different ways. I have already made a Plan B, C and D, which will depend on what eventually happens. Plan A is to keep doing what I'm doing if nothing happens with this tax.
  21. I don't expect that it will be mentioned this year. 2025 could be different if we ever get definitive information re: filing from TRD.
  22. I know what it's based on and what each country contributes. I don't agree with it. Each country should provide 1/32 of the budget. Period.
  23. Correct. The Electoral Vote is calculated by the number of senators and representatives in the House of each state. Population size is included because House members are designated by population size. Example: A state with 2 senators and 7 House reps would have 9 Electoral Votes. As populations shift, the number of representatives also changes. Eventually, if the migration OUT of California continues, they will lose electoral votes because they will lose House members. Candidates who win the popular vote in each state is "winner take all" in the electoral votes. A couple of states have some exceptions to that.
  24. The Obamas are both 21st century WRECKERS of America. I guess Moochelle is not proud of her country again.
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