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Everything posted by Talon

  1. The same has been said to those who possess a Yellow Book. But still nothing definitive.
  2. Summarized quite nicely!
  3. The Leftist Mission: GET TRUMP BECAUSE TRUMP.
  4. Dingell has always been an appropriate name for her and her late husband.
  5. That is Plan A, and I'm following it closely with Plans B and C close at hand.
  6. Confrontation never ends well in Thailand.
  7. The desperation calls of Republican voters being Nazis, fascists and garbage is NOT political. It's operational. And with the Left, they always accuse their opposition of planning and doing what THEY have already done and are planning. It's part of that Leftist talent in word manipulation.
  8. Absolutely true. But the ballot counters in Democrat counties are using the registration of illegal aliens to create fraudulent ballots. Very few illegal aliens will vote.
  9. All true. The goal was to get the abortion choice returned to the states. Trump is in favor of leaving it there.
  10. That's always the best part of articles like this.
  11. And what do those people do who have been refused a TIN?
  12. History show us that this type of government involvement never works.
  13. If Harris did that for any longer than 2 minutes, she would expose herself. That's why she is hiding.
  14. JD could talk all day into the morning for breakfast.
  15. Rogan hasn't agreed.
  16. Leftist narratives are always crushed by reality.
  17. Democrat counties will not follow the law, and the Democrat DOJ will not prosecute. Watch how fast nothing happens.
  18. They can count ballots for 3 days after the election. Anything can happen with an operation like that.
  19. Joe Rogan has revealed his sit-down with Kamala was scrapped due to the demands from her campaign. Rogan is leaving his offer open, but only on his terms. Kamala’s campaign offered on Tuesday, but wanted Rogan to travel to her for ONLY ONE HOUR. I wonder if she will wear her bluetooth earrings? Kamala is afraid.
  20. Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan have already announced that counting will take place long after election day to achieve their desired result.
  21. They can word the new laws however they wish. I doubt that it will be retroactive (I'd say odds are against it), but nothing guarantees that. Hence, planning is taking place.
  22. Democrat brownshirts stormed the Capitol in May 2020.
  23. Agree. Government schools in the US have become training for prison; and home schooling is on a tremendous rise.
  24. Leftists always double down on their nonsense and tell us that we don't deserve their great efforts to manipulate us. We are always the problem for them, and I hope it stays that way.
  25. As I understand it WWIT is only being discussed; but people are preparing.
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