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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Does Thailand even have a statute of limitations on their laws?
  2. All true. The "remain in Mexico" policy of Trump was greatly successful because of the Mexican government stopping migrants with their military and police -- or running the risk of tariffs on their goods and services.
  3. Cognitive dissonance is a massive affliction in the Leftist camp.
  4. I believe in free speech absolutely. It's how we learn of allies and foes. racists and antisemites, I refer to it as natural selection speech.
  5. Yes, an infinite number of results possible -- even for two different foreigners in the same place at the same time. 🤣
  6. Correct. I was never vaxxed for Covid. Instead I utilized Dr. Zelenko's HCQ cocktail. In 24 hours, all symptoms were gone; and I completed the 5 day regimen. Today, I have immunity.
  7. It's what Leftists do. They move onto something else when the first talking point gets buried.
  8. All true, stat. TIT. What happens for you or me today, may not happen for either of us -- or anyone else -- tomorrow or the next day or next week.
  9. Amazing, isn't it?
  10. The US pays for the majority of all of it; and the US is saddled with doing most of the work. With 32 NATO countries, the US should only be involved in 1/32 of NATO operations and financing.
  11. WIDE awake. US autonomy and sovereignty is more important than all of those international organizations combined. We will not agree.
  12. I say get out of both and include the WHO, World Bank and IMF. US autonomy and sovereignty is more important than all of those international organizations combined.
  13. Anything is possible. If it keeps going like it's going, that may very well be the way to do it. BUT, if your Thailand tax return becomes part of the visa renewal process, that may be different from office to office also.
  14. Hope not. It will be better for the US to get OUT of NATO. That organization is a bunch of Euro deadbeats who want the US to do everything and pay for everything. It's long overdue for Europe to take care of itself.
  15. I've had conversations with friends who live in different provinces, and it appears that the local TRD offices are operating similarly to the local immigration offices. You might get a different response depending on which one you visit and ask. Many of the offices have said that if you don't work in Thailand, you don't qualify. Some of the offices talk about taxing remittance of foreigners. One said to bring your bank book(s) with you when you file. Another said use your yellow book number as your TIN.
  16. Google is as reputable as Wikipedia. Searches are skewed Left.
  17. The Lying-a55 Leftist Thug Media is consistent. jURINALism
  18. Oh, I remember. The Left LOVES Mavericks (aka/backstabbers) -- until they had two Mavericks of their own in Manchin and Sinema. Then it wasn't so funny anymore.
  19. Christopher Wray. FBI Director that replaced Comey. Wray was former law partner with Sally Yates, who refused to follow orders and was eventually fired from the DOJ by Trump. Yates was a co-conspirator with Bayrack on the Russia-Russia hoax and spying on Trump. In meetings with Susan Rice, Obama, Comey and Biden leading up to the Trump inauguration. Christie has done nothing but bash Trump ever since Trump removed him from the transition team and sent him packing. Another disgruntled backstabber who is big mad. Agree re: Sessions. He tried to run again for Senate and wanted a Trump endorsement. Didn't get it and lost.
  20. Cognitive dissonance is going around on the Left side of things.
  21. And then Vance realized that Trump wasn't Hitler. Same can be true of the realizations of Elon, RFK, Jr., Tulsi and others.
  22. Europe continued to trade with Iran even with all the sanctions that Trump put upon them. Cognitive dissonance is still rampant in Europe.
  23. Archbishop Vigano continues to put it all on the line.
  24. So your continuum would only run from total government control to democracy, which would be only half way on my continuum. And no mention of anarchy and no government. So it wouldn't be a continuum. I'd like to see an image of your idea and how you would account for all of the different forms of government.
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