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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Anyone got a cup of almond milk I could borrow.
  2. I notice your shadow is dearly quiet on this subject. Usually the loudest bark in the room. Oops.
  3. Think local Connecticut Bridgeport. Polaroid foundation.
  4. I see they are claiming that now. Until the footage is made public or viewed by someone and verified I still call bs. Forgive me if I don't take their word for it as their reputation isn't exactly tip top.
  5. Dairy farmers in Canada are like a mafia.
  6. Edwin H Land should of stuck with sunglasses and pictures. Polavision indeed.
  7. After the cats and dogs or ?
  8. Aoc 2028
  9. 2028 cannot come fast enough.
  10. Make sure you get a reach around.
  11. All previous governments leading up till now.
  12. Most of humanity is like this now.
  13. Who is old enough to be your wife's mother.
  14. What are you on about. The poster said Trump bought the presidency righf ? So my point being that how did Kamala manage to f it up so bad when she spent truck loads more money during the campaign ? Yet the guy who spent a ton less money than she did managed to somehow buy fhe presidency. Ok then.
  15. But you didn't predict anything.
  16. If I was diddy I would be buying all new systems for my jail. Christmas bonus cd's for all guards. Bad boy for life.
  17. When is the real bob coming back. The current trove could use some teachings. Vote the real bob 2028.
  18. Willing to bet the cameras were malfunctioning at the time.
  19. What a strange reality you live in. Point...last week I voted for a liberal government.
  20. You really need to stop demeaning people all the time and calling them dumb. You're on (among many other things)team Biden was nails and Trump is going to jail. Believing those things as you did is about as dumb as it gets. I don't really like calling others dumb on here but you seem to do it in almost every comment. Yet again I'll reiterate how totally wrong you were about the entire political landscape leading up to the election. For someone so smart you were extremely dumb regarding US politics. Your stances were painfully dumb.
  21. Clever enough to get elected....twice. Vote Walz 2028.
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