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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. So begs the question. Who was really running America for the last 4 years ?
  2. Ouch. I see a denier put a cry baby emoji to your post. Beautiful video shows exactly what many on here said and were ridiculed for.
  3. Your buddy will be along soon to blow hot smoke all over. Telling you how wrong you are and demanding a link.
  4. I already posted it what's the matter with you. ? Scroll back up in your rage you possibly missed it. So there's a screen shot of me posting the link after a screen shot of me posting your comment. I hope 3 times is enough to quell your needs.
  5. I see you went back on your word. Go back into hiding.
  6. My comment was nothing more than dumb sarcasm. Something that eludes you thankfully. A link to your own comment really ?
  7. I posted your comment. Do I need to show you how to check your own comment history ?
  8. Exhibit a your honor. I even followed asking you where I said anything about bidens son and you went quiet. You're not sure what thread. How disingenuous.
  9. Oh you didn't lie about me mentioning Biden in the other thread? What you consider a personal comment is also fact. Do you deny you went into hiding ?
  10. I see you're trying another thread after your failed lie in the other eh. Glad to see you out of hiding though and not scared of hour own shadow anymore.
  11. Those can't be all the documents Biden forgot he had.
  12. So does that mean we can get Biden on corruption charges as the thread says or ?
  13. I see a msnbc share holder doesn't like your comment.
  14. You didn't start a thread moaning about a 711 worker ? You sure did. Got nothing. You can't make this stuff up. Classic.
  15. Yep. Nothing to see here all is well in canadian politics. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/12/31/justin-trudeau-canada-liberals-support-00196165
  16. I don't need to give you a list. Proof is in the threads. Go froth over a 711 worker ok. You're good at that.
  17. Bidens son ? What are you talking about I never said anything on this thread about bidens son. Strange reply. They didn't get it wrong they are lying and trying to distort. But you know that from your comment doing just that.
  18. You sound so bitter. You're iq may be high but your social eq is pathetic. The fact you bring up Trump in your reply just reinforces what most feel about people like you. Go be solvent and proud.
  19. I find this whole thread and the exchange of comments strange. You literally posted what he said but still have people going on about lies Strange.
  20. Lacessit I'll let you take this one. Since you like pointing out dumb comments.
  21. Ok. You sure do think you're smarter than most people. Good luck with that.
  22. Don't let that stop posters in here from continuing to say all immigrants like good sheep repeating talking points.
  23. You're awesome. If you're not calling people dumb you're supporting others who do.
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