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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Tell us how you know this for a fact. You have a link right to back up this claim ? Otherwise it's just your useless opinion.
  2. Only zero doubt in your mind. Meanwhile back in reality things aren't really like.that at all. Please keep at it though. It's helping you bigly.
  3. As long as it falls on a particular side of the fence. All is well.
  4. One particular poster has raged back onto the forums after playing hide and seek. It's quite funny watching him froth.
  5. Hopefully we hear less and less about dei and more about the actual qualifications and credibility of each person. Fingers crossed it means a fade away into a misguided time in history.
  6. Thank goodness it's only a small fraction of totally unhinged people. As evident by their continued garbage postings on here.
  7. Keep digging in with this utter tripe. It's worked out so well over the last year. What a pathetic thread.
  8. Should of thought of your mixed status household before committing a crime by illegally entering the US.
  9. Ya no illegals cannot vote as emphasised so many times on this forum by the left before the election.
  10. I support any effort to deport illegals. As stated before deporting a US citizen is not possible mor is it legal. Politicians say lots of stuff that turns out to be false. Like no one is above the law and I will not pardon my son. Ps no one said there is a pain free solution. Both sides are culpable on this issue. Fingers can be pointed but illegal immigration has been going on for decades.
  11. Citizens can't be deported so there's that. The other millions mentioned are illegals so no issue there. You support illegal immigration into America? Good to know.
  12. I couldn't imagine what life must be like for all my tic tac brothers out there. Stay strong little guys.
  13. Or they don't hide it when they issue mass pardons at the last minute to cover it all up.
  14. Do share with us how legal immigrants and those on visas will be deported. No one who voted for Trump will be deported as that's not possible nor legal. But good try conflating the issue.
  15. Anyone else notice the silence from the hateful 8 ?
  16. Happy maga Monday my friend.
  17. Where do you find the time to be among the most regular posters on the whole forum.
  18. Thai guys have tunas? A f150 truck is quite small in canada. For penis envy of course.
  19. Do a quick search on this forum all of your questions shall be answered.
  20. He will still rank above Biden.
  21. You up to your dodge and weave as usual I see. You're banging on about a politician breaking a campaign promise ? Hahaha
  22. It was a rhetorical question. Vote Biden 2024 he's tip top.
  23. Isn't using the term trumper against forum rules ? Purposely changing or editing a name etc bla bla bla.
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