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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Occasional lack of clarity ??? To put it mildly. There's dozens and dozens of videos on YouTube. Occasional hahaha
  2. Rude is the democratic establishment lying to the public for years. But you knew that.
  3. After doing it twice. Got it.
  4. Man the line. He can barely man a bowl of porridge. But glad you totally missed the point.
  5. Puffco and my own personal infused pre rolls.
  6. How is Biden handling the fires ?
  7. So was the theory that Biden was good to go. Or that Bill Clinton was a gooder and didn't ride the lolita express dozens of times. Or Trump for that matter before you bring that garbage up. Your opinion is noted.
  8. Putting the shooting aside. Is something like pizza gate really so far fetched anymore. Considering since pizzagate first came out there was no oops I hung myself epstien and mo baby oil mo problems puff a diddy pop scandals that are rumoured to have many politicians involved as well. Just saying.
  9. I love being called delusional by Biden people.
  10. You're defending a horrible tweet. Making excuses saying oh it was just.this or that. Disgusting
  11. You forgot your npc mention of fascist.
  12. She supported the quote by retweeting it. So no different than the person who actually said it. But you knew that.
  13. You have single handedly destroyed any real meaning the word fascist had in this forum. But keep it up you're doing a great job.
  14. Thank you for missing the point. At times you could be on the highway with an 80 limit even taking a corner at 70 would feel unstable.
  15. Seems there is a lot more to things then we know. Otherwise yes why go at the wife.
  16. Sounds like you have some really big issues you're dealing with in life.
  17. What are you on about now. You keep pushing the strange bar to new levels. I am not talking about any of those things you mentioned. Again deflecting away from the real issue. You're clearly not dealing well with the dem loss. Get help.
  18. Glad to hear you're not a sexpat.
  19. What a strange way to deflect away from talking about a truly serious issue. You even talked about sensible people in your last comment. Yet here you are playing the same games as you always do. Ok im going to cover my eyes you guys all go hide now
  20. Still no chaos as trudeau set to resign. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canada-pm-trudeau-announce-resignation-early-monday-globe-mail-reports-2025-01-06/
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