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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. How do you know you didn't get covid when so many got it and never knew due to lack of symptoms ?
  2. The wheels on the bus go round and round.
  3. My life has shown exactly that. Your comment history has shown yours. Unbelievable you still defend some of the tripe that was passed off as truth and fact in the last few years. Vote Biden 2024
  4. Pretty close yes. Unlike you who is deeply entrenched in a worldview that was flat out rejected.
  5. Wrong but thanks for coming out.
  6. His posts are just ramblings.
  7. Nothing taken out of context. You see it from your biased worldview as noted by your post history.
  8. Yagoda is bang on. You're so angry.
  9. Can you give an update on your rem sleep. Very curious about this.
  10. I see the emoji troll is hard at work.
  11. You wrote Trump pos. Are you denying you did ?
  12. An absolute need. If you can't take the heat....
  13. Maybe sprinkle a little dash of liberal tears in there and you're on the way.
  14. Thai allow it to continue showing a lack of common sense. Also indicates huge selfishness in those willing to act in such a way.
  15. Earl I can't help but notice you were still visiting AN after the election but haven't made a single comment. What happened my man ? You were so vocal before.
  16. Life's a bitch. Then you marry one. Then you die.
  17. Truth hurts eh. Go on ignore me it's just a sign of weakness. I was already pointing out. You just reinforced it. Gaslighting eh. You used that same bs during the kamala debacle. Didn't work then either.
  18. Ya like you treat 7/11 workers eh. Nice deflection though. You're scared. Your talking points point a much different picture than how you actually are and act. As evident by your posting history in here. I'm sure your daily posting about how stupid and dumb lots of people are is considered respectful in your eye. Anyways all the best with the hate and bitterness you hold.
  19. You really believe that ? Do a poll you'll find out real quick.
  20. There you go attacking people's intelligence again. You're so bitter and defensive. I feel sorry for you a little. Then it goes away when I remember how mean you are so often on here.
  21. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps.
  22. I find it repulsive. The vitriol and condemnation from the wolf pack was quite loud. Then silent. Coming from a group that shouts to the world how virtuous they were. The lie was massive. Many involved and or complicit. I said it many times that it exposes the entire system as being a farce.
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