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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Are you a recent hire to the grammar police ?
  2. How can there be 2 spirit when gender is fluid? Or bi for that matter.
  3. Just like the one about Biden being tippy top shape eh. Don't you agree.
  4. Thai complaining about dangers on the roads is cute.
  5. Cue someone telling you how dumb and racist etc they are.
  6. And not running a other woman will be their continued downfall. Kamala was the wrong one it was clear as day. Besides. What is a woman ?
  7. He looks so unhealthy compared to the last lady.
  8. Even after the dems spent in excess of 1bn and Trump spent no where near that you're still running with those theories eh. Who was sitting in all the VIP boxes at the convention ? Chris cuomo talked about this long before the election. Spare me the righteous speeches about a politicians being bought off.
  9. I applied for a job a few months ago that implicitly stated that minorities etc would be given priority for the hiring process. Totally discriminatory. Or I was in my local bank a year back and noticed a sign behind the teller that said Black entrepreneur loans available. Don't think I need to mention how racist that is do I ?
  10. Yes my bad for mistaking immediately as soft language.
  11. Apparently the majority disagrees with your common decency stance.
  12. Hehehe remind me how the election turned out. Please specifically the popular vote. Hardly. Amazing bliss.
  13. Stop drinking the blue kool aid you might be more attentive and have a better idea of politics.
  14. A deep hatred for Trump is why it happened. Ifs pretty clear.
  15. Truth hurts. It's ok I would be going through the stages of grief as well. It must be eye opening to be so wrong about the political landscape. Most would learn from it but I am highly doubtful you will. Stay forever blue.
  16. It's a wild claim backed by nothing.
  17. Not naive but willfully disingenuous. Very common and well documented here among the blues.
  18. And ? How many elections have you won ? One could say you whined for years as well. And still are.
  19. He's literally won the USA election 2 times now. What a loser eh.
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