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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. No. I haven't been paying attention ? You're the one who was dead wrong. Bigly wrong in fact. So if you had been paying attention and not been so locked into your worldview you would of seen the freight train coming. It's fear mongering because it's all unfounded left wing talking points. The precise ones that lost you the election. But here you are digging in.
  2. I would love nothing more than for you to shut up with your constant fear mongering. However, I stand side by side with you in support of your right to spout such nonsense.
  3. Yes horrible. Just like your coy dig. You need to do better.
  4. I see you are a but but but Trump hold out. Bravo. Also thanks for sharing your horrible assumptions with the thread.
  5. No it's not you just want to show off your promotion from constable to intolerable.
  6. Total coincidence her husband bought 1mn just a few weeks before subsidy vote by Congress on chips.
  7. I think they spent more money on staffing than Trump did for his whole campaign. The young turks talked about it. Some people questioning where the money went.
  8. Is Don Jr missing a laptop by any chance ?
  9. I think it would be difficult for most humans to have their worldview shattered and rejected so badly. When all along they firmly believed they were crusading for the right thing.
  10. I see we are now using childish slurs in thread titles.
  11. Ummm https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/massive-layoffs-coming-soon-cnn-to-sack-hundreds-including-top-stars-due-to-dismal-election-ratings/articleshow/115260756.cms?from=mdr
  12. Just can't ever stop with the name calling eh. Onward to victory you go.
  13. I know right. He must if grown up in a middle class family.
  14. Oh I miss danderman and his always wrong predictions. Come back.
  15. Every answer from you is but but but.
  16. Ya no it's not. I mean the title of the thread does not contain the word but. But you keep believing whatever it is you want.
  17. Ps. He's not a presidential candidate. He is fhe president elect.
  18. And answer again with a but but but Trump. Good grief. I think the public spoke loud and clear how they felt.
  19. Wow. I am astounded there are still people on the but but but Trump team. You do realize that your response is literally the mindset that was rejected by the American public in the last election?
  20. You don't think they tried to hide and lie about his mental health for a.long time. You don't think members of the government and media conspired to keep it under wraps. You're too far gone to really speak about this rationally.
  21. Up to the debate most Democrats did. Please tell me you're not denying that.
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