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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. I said that not the other poster.
  2. Could you possibly have missed the point any more. Wow.
  3. Thailand is reaching a boiling point.
  4. And you guys keep buying into it hook line and sinker Trump is the greatest real.estate person of all time. Look how many of you have him living rent free in your minds. I wonder how many I can't cope threads there will be by 2028.
  5. All while pumping up Tim Walz. Who in actuality was the real weird one. I wish it was easier to find specific comments on here or I would list some. Gold jerry...gold. Here's a typical reply. At the time blaze master I was going with what the facts said. Then the facts changed. Example being Biden and his clear mental problems. I also remember after the debate the shovels of horse shhh they tried to make people eat. He was sick. He travelled a lot before hand. Even though he was back for 5 days before the debate. Etc etc etc it goes on and on. Now cue predictable npc reply.
  6. Is it k mart with a big red k for the sign ?I
  7. Any Americans who blab on about how much they hate Trump should give up citizenship and I'll take.it. Free trade between nations. You can have mine. I'll take.yours.
  8. Remember the *weird* phase they went through. All of a sudden numerous grown men all using the same word at the same time. Over and over. Great political strategy in hind sight. Then backhanding others calling them a cult member. Classic stuff.
  9. Ya ya you understand better than everyone else. What's a great pumpkin ? Are you unable to speak about Trump without name calling and inflammatory remarks. Which are against forum rules. Undocumented....you mean illegal right
  10. You really think the pittance of people leaving can any way compare to the 10s of millions that came. Cool story bro. 10 dollar lettuce. EDS.
  11. The Canadian government celebrated a Ukraine nazii in parliament a while back. Mr I love blackface progressive it's 2015 was the head of the spear that day.
  12. There was a poster on here @SamuiGrower that went into great details about the myths and realities of vaping. In regards to health and not legslity in thailand. He didn't post too much so finding his comments will be easy. Well worth checking out. Edibles and micro dosing would be good for someone like you.
  13. Well phew if the crossings are down that means the millions that are already there are no worry. Got it.
  14. You know comrade is generally reserved for left wing communists.
  15. Well that's it settled. If that guy said it. It's fact.
  16. Just because you say fact doesn't make it so. What's your solution to the migrant crisis in America then ? What your quote from wherever you got it leaves out is they are going after illegal migrants. You support that right ? Or you're cool with millions of people skirting the system and committing a crime in the process.
  17. No the courts delayed on the request of lawyers. Clearly the courts thought it was necessary.
  18. You'd be wrong then. It's the judicial system which includes the courts that have allowed the process to happen. Or you think laywers can just demand things without court approval.
  19. Don't be jealous it's unbecoming.
  20. You mean the courts delayed his trials.
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