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Posts posted by Amdesign

  1. Just now, rabas said:


    Quarantine is essential, not testing. Testing 3 days before travel can't stop covid entering a country. Covid can be undetectable up to 6 days after infection. Thailand's quarantine successfully stopped a dozen cases of the UK variant before it snuck in from Cambodia.

    You think of few possible cases, but not of risk management. 0.38% of al lcases are from international arrivals. This is very low risk compared to the local transmission.

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  2. 9 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

     I guess you would be happy with that just so you could conduct business. 


    The money from business are needed to survide in the COVID crisis. For a person it does not matter if they die from the virus or from starving.

    Thus, someone should understand and manage the risks in reasonable way.


    Those who used to spend all time drinking in bar are only concerned about alcohol sales ban... ????

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Nismooo said:

    Do you really think you would make up for that by opening up the borders? No


    I am not talking on opening the borders to mass tourism at this stage. I am talking about opening for business travellers first.

    Many businesses are suffering - quarantine requirement is a barrier. If no travel, no contracts and no jobs - that's simple. Factories are shutting down.


    International arrivals come with test certificate, and now also with vaccination. Risk is low comared to local tranmisions and illegal migrations.

    The government should not try to eliminmate all cases, this is practically impossible. They should try to mitigate the situation.

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  4. 7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

     High local transmission is reasonable?


    I say that if local transmissions is high, then liberal entry restrictions are reasonable. This means that if the infection rate in country is high already, there is little point to tight control the bring-in cases. This factor will be minor compared to local transmission.


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  5. 7 minutes ago, Nismooo said:

    Are you outside thailand and trying to get in with a business visa?


    No I am not.


    Quarantine and entry restrictions would have been reasonable 1) at early days of pandemia when no one knew waht is happening or 2) if Thailand was an island. Now is too late, local transmission is 1000s time higher than imported cases. So why keep killing the economy by the entry restrictions?



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  6. 8 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    I worked for many years in assisting, well trying to shut down the human trafficking here and in a few bordering countries, but that went no where, ergo the landing of Thailand on Tier 2 of the Human Trafficking watch list.  So again go ahead and tell me more.  This virus is not arriving just from Illegals.

    OK in this case You should know the numbers of illegal traffic. And can estimate the possible infection rate.


    For legal arrivals with test certiifcates and now with vaccination, less than 1% later test positive during quarantine in Thailand. This is extremely low numbers compared to illegal traffic and local infections.

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  7. 1 minute ago, ThailandRyan said:

    but only Virtual Business meetings and Zoom meetings should be conducted at this stage.

    There are real production businesses involving technical on-site inspections, trials, testing, tuning, maintenance, warranty etc. plus participating in exhibitions. Not the Zoom businesses. All these suffer from the current sutiation, in fact many projects are frozen.


    Indian variants will come here from Mynamar migrants. And one can't track it as there is no control.

  8. 8 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Until the Indian Variant hits and seems to not be affected by the vaccines thus the increase in deaths they are seeing.  Purely speculation on your part that reducing rsestrictions would allow the country to gain control.  Dream a little dream, I see you as a person who is undeterred by deaths, and now the younger ages are being affected in greater numbers and they are dying as well.  Stay safe folks.


    This is called risk management.


    More restictions > people start ignoring them. Migrants enter through the jungle as they can't enter legally through the quarantine. This means no control on migrants and no control on infections. Offer test on entering Thailand without quarantine - and some control is back!


    The illegal migrants can bring any type of infection here. Can't be avoided unless change the apprach.


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  9. 7 minutes ago, boogiewoogie said:

    People mostly went thru covid and have a relaxing life. 


    I had a dinner with my friends in Moscow on April 1st, and approx 50% of them have gone through COVID (some of them 'suspect they did', some with formal medical diagnosis).  About 25% are vaccinated. One was vaccinated and then got a COVID in light form (he said he was lucky to make 2nd jab just before)...


    Yes, I agree, semi-Swedish model. But a) protect the older people b) offer vaccination c) have enough ventilators and facilities to cope with infections, just in case.

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