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Posts posted by Amdesign

  1. In my opinion, these 'poisoning' cases are used mainly in media campaigns. Why poisoning? Easy to make-up, difficult to check. Recovery takes long time and at the end very few will  search for the afthermath. Smart person will always ask 'cui prodest' - 'who's benefit?'; idiots will 'know the truth' without any proofs or investigation. And of course, such cases are used as reasons to impose new sanctions, escalate hysteria, increase political pressure, etc.


    Navanly is facing multiple criminal charges in Russia for defamation. He is not an opposition leader, but a pro-Western political blogger who studied 'leadership program' in Yale. With his miserable rating, the guy presents no threat to Russian government, but is probably useful as 'sacral sacrifice'.

    • Like 1
  2. Here are the political parties represented in Duma (Russian parliament) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Duma Pro-Russian opposition parties are present in political life.


    Navalny is not an 'opposition', he actually studied in Yale and thus pro-Western political blogger. Navalny is facing few criminal cases for defamation in Russia, including the one from WWII veteran (the hearing should be in few days). 


    In the past, such 'poisoning' cases were used to escalate sanctions and media attacks against Russia, and give more publicity to outworn 'opposition leaders'. I remember the 2004 Ukrainian Yushenko 'poisoning' case, it was real media hysteria about 'Russia poisoned Ukrainian presidential candidate'... and then finally General Prosecutor of Ukraine said that possibly there was no poisoning, General Military Prosecutor of Ukraine said in 2019 'there are no proofs of poisoning'.


    So before making any conclusions based on media, study the previous cases and try to find what was the real investigation outcome.


    PS And don't call me 'Russian troll factory'... This will be flagged to moderator.

    • Like 2
  3. 15 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Thanks. And what is Russia's and NATO/west role in this?

    Russia of course is interested in friendly relations with Ukraine, due to economic ties, supply pipelines, a lot of pro-Russian and Russian-speaking population in Ukraine, historical and religious ties and a long joint border line. On other side, the West is trying to split Ukraine off Russia, to avoid its potential strengthening; this is why they have been cultivating far-right groups and pro-Western politicians and journalists. In fact, with pro-Western regime Ukraine has become a provocateur 'barrier state', with poor economics fully controlled by the IMF, and the government fully controllable from the US Embassy. Ex-president Poroshenko (and one of the richest Ukrainian oligarchs, hehe) was reporting directly to Baiden. Here is interesting conversation between them on Ukrainian special forces operation in Crimea in 2016...


    • Thanks 1
  4. 25 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    I don't know the ins and outs, nor do I pretend to know.

    All I said was that the link you gave doesn't confirm your earlier claims.

    So let me explain. The force behind 2013-14 events in Ukraine were far-right groups. Later, far-rigths we used to suppress the 'anti-maidan' opposition and rebels in Eastern Ukraine. By now, these Nazi groups are deeply integrated in government structure, and the leaders of those Nazi militia are now officially serving in police. These groups are used by Ukrainian regime to suppress the opposition and street protests. You can google Right Sector, Svoboda, National Corps, Azov - will find a lot of shocking info. So 'democratic Ukraine' is a myth... believe it or not.


    Here and here are some links about 'democratic Ukraine'... There are thousands of such links. Belarus next? Hopefully not.

  5. 1 hour ago, rcummings said:

    I'm just wondering if Putin is going to put up with a democratic revolution in Belarus. Lukashenko may have been a pain in Putin's a$$, but he didn't pose the kind of threat that a democratic Belarus would. What's to stop Putin from sending in the troops and taking the country over?

    Haha we already have 'democratic Ukraine', where Nazi groups are used to suppress the opposition, and the country became the slave of IMF. Yes, and the country is de-industrialized, with millions working now as cheap agricultural labor in EU. Indeed 'democracy' is very bright perspective for Belarus!

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  6. The question is: besides booking fee 50,000 THB (that is OK) the seller requires 200,000 THB on making contract one week later.

    I wonder how it can be becasue approval of loan by bank takes 3 weeks. So how we can sign the contract and pay contract fee without making sure we can get a loan?

    Is it normal practice in Thailand?

  7. It's not a speedboat so performing isn't THAT important but still I'm really worried about does the builder actually know much about boatbuilding. There so many things that can go wrong.

    For sure, for custom project there will be some minor problems after launching. It is normal - equipment should be tested and adjusted. Those are technical issues and could be cleared by builder.

    Big problem can happen once boat is overloaded during construction, has wrong trim, does not deliver the speed, structure is weak, etc. etc. Those issues are serious, only good design and supervision of construction can help.

    Another issue on choosing boatbuilder in Thailand: make sure the boats on builder's website are really built by this builder! Many newcomers just 'borrow' images from Internet, I can name some of them. Ask reference on actual launching record from marina, industry experts or association.

  8. We are talking about 10 meter fiberglass boat worth about 1 million baht. I don't want to reveal the builder until the project is finished as I'm well aware of the possible damage it might cause for the negotiations.

    1M THB for 10m boat? Amazing, this is a price of 6-7m bare boat, no engines...

    But You are not a champion. I know 2 guys who ordered 10m 'boat' for 800,000 THB. They have got hull and deck moldings joined together, moldings got only 2 layers of glass mat. After all, they had to invest another 2M THB to make it float, but still the boat does not perform.

    FYI: good FRP boat prices:

    6m - about 600,000...1,000,000 THB

    8m - about 1,500,000-2,000,000 THB.

    10m - about 3,000,000-4,000,000 THB

    Prices without engines!

    I know of one notorious boat yard in Pattaya which has managed to scam many westerners which have been allured by cheap prices but the project has never finished or the product has been just useless but somehow I think my friend does have a chance with his builder. I've seen the contract and I couldn't see any loop holes that the builder could use.

    Yes, there are few of them here with big mouths, excellent websites and... poor quality. Some of these 'boatbuilders' never built anything before! Check launching record before making a decision.

  9. I wonder if anyone has an experience how to protect company from staff leaving at mid-project stage. I am talking about qualified engineer staff, not worker. Today our leading engineer got a phone call with job offer from recrutment agency - straight in office time, office phone and looks like they used company contacts form our website. This is very rough job from their side, but I do not wonder this is happening in Thialand.

    So the questions are:

    1) what kind of employment contract we should make to keep staff working until project is complete;

    2) how to prevent recrutment agency activity - any legal ways?

  10. Many Russian crime syndicates have set up operations in prostitution, narcotics, and contract killings hidden behind legitimate businesses like bars and restaurants in Pattaya. (Superintendent of Pattaya police station Police Coronel Pinit Satyacharoen, Preecha Sa-Ardsorn, "Police worry Russian mafia getting stronger," The Nation, 9 April 1998)

    For those who argue that the Russian mafia has no place in Pattaya.

    Why didn't You mention American movies? Also good proof of Russian mafia...

    P.S. Now is 2007, not 1998.

  11. Many Russian girls work as entertainers in Bangkok's numerous night clubs, or can be hired as "escorts"....


    Here their talking about 1995. there are many more Ruskys here now. and a lot more established.

    Since 1995 Russia changed a lot. Economy and national pride grew up considerably (contrary to desire of some 'democrats' abroad) and new waves of girls 'working' abroad is much much smaller. You are trying to make conclusions on old data. Besides, many of those you cal Russians are actually Ukrainians, Uzbek, Kazakh and others from CIS contries with lower living standards.

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