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Posts posted by Amdesign

  1. Russian mafia at Jomtien beach - just ridiculous :o

    This 'mafia' stereotype is still too strong in many brains. Many Russians live in Pattaya, they have legal businesses and pay taxes. But still some customers come to us and point that we are Russian mafia :D Sorry to say, but this post cold-war syngrome multiplied by impressions from primitive American movies.

    Russian mafia (I say - Russian-speaking) is selling oil in Russia. They have nothing to do here NOW.

  2. 2 All:

    Just try to judge this case without prejudice to Russians. Average Russian is much more honest and intelligent than avarage farang in Pattaya.

    Wait..you're asking us not to judge Russians but you're already casting judgement on the intelligence of the "average farang" in Pattaya? Haha, classic. :o

    I ask to judge withouth prejudice to Russian nationality and take into consideration only pure FACTS. Especially if You are trying to judge the community You do not understand.

    For Pattaya farangs - we are all farangs here (me also) and know each other. Many fraudsters, criminals, 'sex tourists', 'bar businessmen' and others come and settle here. Or not?

  3. List me the FACTS that they were prostitutes.

    I'm going by what's quoted in the Bangkok Post. It seems you're trying every which way to spin this as angelic female Russian tourists get murdered by deviant Thai scum. Your perspectives are..interesting to say the least.

    Two Russian women killed in Pattaya

    (BangkokPost.com, dpa)

    Two Russian female tourists were shot and killed in a popular tourist beach resort about 100 kilometres south-east of Bangkok early Saturday, police said.

    The 30- and 25-year-old women were shot by an unidentified gunman on a beach in Jomtien which is just south of the popular tourist resort town Pattaya at around 5 a.m.

    Witnesses said they heard gun shots, then saw a Thai man flee the area on a motorcycle. The two women, who were staying in a nearby resort, were found dead next to beach chairs on the beach, police said.

    Police found an empty Coca-Cola can, an almost empty alcoholic beverage, female shoes and a mobile phone at the scene.

    Police initially suspected that the women, who checked in at the Dragon Beach Resort Hotel last Friday and planned to check out early March, were killed because of some conflict of interest in the sex business.

    But officers say a local beach chair concessionaire is a possible suspect, because witnesses saw the Russian tourists quarreling with him earlier.

    The press attache of the Russian Embassy in Thailand, Alexey Bulkin, confirmed Saturday the murder of two Russian women, who arrived at the Dragon Beach Resort hotel on February 16, and said an embassy official had been sent to the resort to monitor the ongoing police investigation.

    Pattaya and Jomtien to its south are popular beach towns that have seen an increased number of Russian tourists in recent years.

    There's another article posted in this thread that mentions that the investigation team has said that they were most likely sex tourists on visas. The reason why they came to this conclusion is because quite a lot of the "working" russian girls in the usual nightlife spots knew them and are being questioned.

    This is not official info, just an article written by another bum-######er in newspaper where he works between visiting the bars...

    Just stop shouting about mafia unless offical results of invertigations is published. You have not enough info to judge about girls, but so fast with accusations.

    For me as I know Russians is very clear that:

    - Stay for two weeks in beachfront hotel is not the way to be involved in sex industry. Specially considering from what wealthy part of Russia they come from.

    - Phones with lot of local numbers - possible, Russian tour guides rent SIM-cards to tourists and collect them prior to departure. This is known service provided by Russian tourist companies, so numbers could accumulate from many SIM users.

    - There is nothing criminal in sitting on the beach and drinking, specially on February 23 that is big holiday in Russia.

    - If they were sex workers, they for sure would be busy at nights. But they spent a lot of time on this beach - so they just had holiday in tropical paradise that is very pleasant to compare with cold Siberia where they come from.

  4. It's really so bad of you to judge over the victims just because of thoughts you have of Russians in your head.

    Lot of Russians come to Thailand, many girls of different age. Desire to make a trip to exotic country doesn't make them prostitutes. And even if Russians live here, it doesn't mean they do something criminal to afford it. We can work and earn the money in the legal way.

    Our girls pretty, young and wear some revealing clothes, but 99,9% of them aren't prostitues in Pattaya. Or even bigger procentage. They are good, kind-hearted, intelligent. The only reason they are different and could seem to have weird habits is different culture. Don't be so stupid and try to broad you mind, at least a little bit.

    It's just annoying, you know. And not only here. I happened to have a talk with some man in Bangkok hotel - he started it. Then he knew where I am from, he asked me if I was a prostitute. It's such an offence!

    Get real, you are living in a dream world here, your statistics are all wrong. 99.9%? You obviously never heard the expression, Pattaya is PatPong on steroids. Though you might find this painful, it is the general perception. Pattaya loses out on a lot of "family" touristes because of that reputation. Also it depends what time you work and where, doesn't it? One thing you say is true though and I quote "Our girls pretty, young and wear some revealing clothes..." and in general most Thai women are "good, kind-hearted, intelligent." as for feeling offended, I know what it feels like because the same thing has happened to me on several occassions and I am a hetro man!

    Don't try to argue with them. On every page of this topic the is an idiot start shouting "hookers" and "Russian mafia". There is nothing to do with this - many westerners in Pattaya are gobblers, bum-######ers and other shit. Just mental problem with their distorted logics. They are keen to suspect prostites in Russian girls they did not know, and all their experience about Russians is based on primitive Holywood movies. I know many Russians in Pattaya, none of them is prostitute of mafia either.

    In Russia we say: about dead person talk good, or nothing. Just think about it...

    Except the investigators have pretty much said that they were most likely prostitutes on Tourist visas. You're like the Russian Thaigoon stop blindly defending everything Russian.

    List me the FACTS that they were prostitutes.

  5. It's really so bad of you to judge over the victims just because of thoughts you have of Russians in your head.

    Lot of Russians come to Thailand, many girls of different age. Desire to make a trip to exotic country doesn't make them prostitutes. And even if Russians live here, it doesn't mean they do something criminal to afford it. We can work and earn the money in the legal way.

    Our girls pretty, young and wear some revealing clothes, but 99,9% of them aren't prostitues in Pattaya. Or even bigger procentage. They are good, kind-hearted, intelligent. The only reason they are different and could seem to have weird habits is different culture. Don't be so stupid and try to broad you mind, at least a little bit.

    It's just annoying, you know. And not only here. I happened to have a talk with some man in Bangkok hotel - he started it. Then he knew where I am from, he asked me if I was a prostitute. It's such an offence!

    Get real, you are living in a dream world here, your statistics are all wrong. 99.9%? You obviously never heard the expression, Pattaya is PatPong on steroids. Though you might find this painful, it is the general perception. Pattaya loses out on a lot of "family" touristes because of that reputation. Also it depends what time you work and where, doesn't it? One thing you say is true though and I quote "Our girls pretty, young and wear some revealing clothes..." and in general most Thai women are "good, kind-hearted, intelligent." as for feeling offended, I know what it feels like because the same thing has happened to me on several occassions and I am a hetro man!

    Don't try to argue with them. On every page of this topic the is an idiot start shouting "hookers" and "Russian mafia". There is nothing to do with this - many westerners in Pattaya are gobblers, bum-######ers and other shit. Just mental problem with their distorted logics. They are keen to suspect prostites in Russian girls they did not know, and all their experience about Russians is based on primitive Holywood movies. I know many Russians in Pattaya, none of them is prostitute of mafia either.

    In Russia we say: about dead person talk good, or nothing. Just think about it...

  6. 1) to those who say, 'why all the armchair detectives and no sympathy for the victims?' Get real: we've all seen so much death in the news since we were kids that who honestly has any feeling left when we see it yet again?

    2) 5am...drinking whisky & coke on the beach...Russian bimbos (well, this is basedon the recent photos--of course I don't know if they were 'bimbos' or not)...Thai perp on a motorbike.... Are there even chair vendors at that hour? What incentive would the vendors have to get out of bed at that hour when no chair rentals begin until the sun is up? To me the idea it was a hit by a vendor is laughable. I just wonder if the Russian gangsters (if that's who was behind it) gave some cops a case of Johnny Walker to say, 'we think it was a chair vendor....'

    You and I and a lot of other people are wrong, I just got it from a reliable source that the BIB have tracked downthe the beach attendant and he has been apprehended and is spilling his guts. It seems the girls were verbally abusive and he took offense to it. His solution was bang, bang, bang, bang.

    The guy was just a Ting Tong Thai and probably high on Yabaa. I hope they have capital punishment in Thailand and he gets 2 sentences of death. It does not matter what these girls were doing here no one deserves to be killed for offending or verbally abusing someone.

    This story looks realistic :o

    Leave screemplay about hookers and Russian mafia for Holywood...

  7. Just seen Russian news - those girls come from Kemerovo, that is industrial hub in Siberia.

    Siberia? In your opinion what is the standard of living there, not one to assume, but I'd say it's not as rich as Moscow by any length of the imagination. (granted does have vast natural resources)

    It is exactly natural resources area. Posts with lot of job offers 1000 USD per month... not so bad.

  8. Fairy tales about 'Russian mafia' again... I stay here for several years, but I've never met them. You did?

    Been in Moscow several times as well. When you say living standard is a lot higher then in the surrounding states you might be right, but in my humble opinion their living standard is still a lot behind the one Thai people enjoy...

    Living standard in Moscow is same with Hong-Kong or Singapore now (this is official info). In past it was not...

    In Thailand, only Russians give 1000 Baht (one thousand Thai baht) tips to hotel staff for opening door... :o

  9. Fairy tales about 'Russian mafia' again... I stay here for several years, but I've never met them. You did?

    Living here several years as well...

    Unfortunately met them. Many times. Seen them in action, not pretty I assure you.

    I think those were a bit drunk angry Russians from the nearest bar... :o 'Russian mafia' in Thailand is big exaggeration. In Thialand there are some guys hiding from Russian authorities (same with other nations), but they prefer not to expose and keep quet.

    Thai mafia - yes, it is, controls beach front also...

  10. Russians (and citizens of it's former satellite states) are very much involved in criminal activities in Pattaya and it's reach (even including BKK).

    Can they - the Thai police - honestly lay the blame on the criminal activities of a foreign gang(s) - Russian mafia - operating 'openly' in Thailand under their noses?

    Fairy tales about 'Russian mafia' again... I stay here for several years, but I've never met them. You did?

  11. Yes there are many russians that come to thailand for package holidays and like it or not there are many who come to work in the prostitution business.

    Yes, true. But many of those You can 'Russians' are likely to be Ukrainian, Uzbek, etc. Life standard in those contries is much lower than in Russia.

    The point is that February 23 is big holiday in Russia, so girls could have a reason to drink.

    Also, there are facts of unreasonable violence to foreigners in Jomtien. It is that side of the beach where Thais used to come for overnight drinking/drugs. Just stop next to Chayapruek/Jomtien corner at weekend and You can see what kind of rough public is there.

  12. My feeling is that many people on the forum are obsessed by cheap available sex. They just suspect hooker in ANY young woman.

    Once again: girls came here for 2-weeks tour and stayed in hotel at beachfront. Does not seem like a hooker at all.

    Many russians stay in that area to include russian hookers and work as explained above

    two week holidays and long stay if they get connected to stay longer.

    Do You know for sure those two girls were hookers? If You do not, just shut up...

  13. Now I wonder why 2 young Russian women were in Pattaya (Thailands largest non-brothel). Sorry I forgot "there is no evidence of prostitution in Pattaya". So couldnt be that then :o

    Your logics indicated that You know nothing about Russians...

    Office staff in Moscow are allways given 2-3 weeks of vacation at winter time, not in summer. Touris companies arrange package tours for this category as they have enough money for such budget destination like Thailand. Pattaya is not much known in Russia as a brothel place, it is just exotic tropical paradise. Did You ever notice that many Russians come to Pattaya with families, unlike other westerners? ...

  14. I certainly don't condone this act of violence, and we don't know all the details yet, but I am afraid you will see more of it. The Russians are invading this land more and more. In Pattaya and Bangkok, Russians are more visable than other foreigners. I don't know if the Thai Tourism Board is promoting itself there or if it is just word of mouth that more and more are coming here. And we all know the Russian mafia is the worst in the world.

    Hey, Russian mafia is selling oil in Russia, not shooting girls in Jomtien beach! You are under impression of those studid primitive American movies...

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