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Posts posted by Amdesign

  1. 2 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    No sorry you're just not getting it. That link is the interim results from phase 3 trials, interesting but not the final version. Even the final version is not real world data however.


    Real world data is the data gained from the administration of millions of shots of vaccine, this is the accurate picture in how it performs in real life situations, not in clinical trials. It gives a more accurate assessment on its effectiveness and efficacy and side effects.


    Russia has administered millions of shots, this data should be published somewhere?

    Hey, someone said on previous pages there was no Phase 3 trials for Sputnik?? When I show the results for phase 3, You require more data? ????

    Of course it is published somewhere (maybe in Russian first). I am usually not reading medical magazines, not the area of my scientific interests.

  2. 5 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Oh dear, we really are heading into full on loony conspiracy theory here.

    There are many possible scenarios with Navalny, and any investigation requires to look at all of them, and ask 'who's benefit?'

    a) poisoned by Putin

    b) poisoned by foreign intelligence

    c) poisoned by his mates from 'opposition'

    d) health issues, isn't he diabetic?

    e) was he taking drugs, possible overdose?


    But seems Western media is only looking at option a)... Why I am not surprised?

    Same scenario as before: 'poisoning' - Western media storm - sanctions and/or creating negative image of Russia.

    In this particular case, both Makron and Merkel call Putin demanding to give up in Belarus, and then in couple of days... ops - Navalny poisoned! Possible connection?

  3. 4 hours ago, anon7854 said:

    I highly doubt the secret services of other countries could poison Navalny right under the nose of FSB that was keeping a close eye on everything he does. That is bull. West has nothing to win from this and neither Navalny - it really achieves nothing ,he is induced coma , no longer in Russia and can be used as a scarecrow now "look , he ran back to his patrons". 


    The poisoning is pretty clear the work of the FSB, it seems it's their favourite disposing method ( Litvinenko , Politkovskaya , Kara-Murza etc - guess west poisoned and killed them too ) .  Seems Putin really enjoys it. Russian doctors not detecting anything is typical and hilarious. they were probably busy with "hate west" propaganda or the performance of russian medical system is the fault of the West as well.


    Actually, foreign financing of Navalny's 'Anti Corruption Foundation' is a fact. The foundation was labeled as 'foreign agent' by Russian Ministry of Justice.


    Yes, about 'Putin the Poisoner' we see the new season here. Fiction for imbeciles. Of those people You mentioned, no one was any threat to Putin, and very limited number of Russians heard about them. But those 'murders' made a <deleted> storm in Western media. Believe in such 'poisonings', if You want. (FYI, Politkovskaya was shot, not poisoned). Again, looking back at story with Yushenko, Ukrainian president 2005-2010, who was also 'poisoned by the Russians' in Western media, and then in 2019 we hear from General Military Prosecutor of Ukraine that there there was no poisoning.

  4. 2 hours ago, rcummings said:

    The answer to your question is an obvious "yes". Any citizen of the UK can become an MP. And any MP is eligible to be the PM. And it wouldn't be taken as writ that just because this person graduated from Moscow University that she would be anti-UK. 

    That's up to You (but I don't really believe it is possible). But Russians don't want US/NATO puppet as president. And now his real supporters will show their faces... but they are not in Russia.


    'Criminal act against a major Russian politician' - what a nonsense... Not a major politician, and not proved to be a criminal act yet...



    'well-known politician'



    'Navalny's major role in Russia's political opposition'



    And so on... All his investors are speaking ???? In few days, we will see the sanctions - that was the purpose of 'poisoning'. And the real background for sanctions is West's failure to hijack Belarus.


    It is dangerous to be 'opposition leader' in Russia, funded by the West. Once not useful, the bosses can finish him off any time.

  5. 20 minutes ago, rcummings said:

    Why does studying at Yale and being a pro western blogger disqualify him from being in opposition? Because it's not possible to be pro-western and pro-Russian? You're not biased much, are you?  And as you failed to state, Navalny was running for president until the Russian government retried him on corruption charges and found him guilty. That disqualified him from running for President. And you're the one who talks about dodgy coincidences? But then not surprising since you falsely accused him of not willing to be retested for the presence of Dioxin in his body.

    Can a graduate of Moscow University run for UK Prime Minister? ????


    Navalny was never officially running for presidential campaign, he has never been registered as candidate. But he was running for major of Moscow and lost and accepted his loss. But since 2014, Navalny's support has become really marginal, after Russians saw Maydan scenario in Ukraine.


    I was following Navalny's blog for a while, well there were some corruption investigations at the beginning. But then it became truth mixed with lie, and it was too oblivious for analytic mindset. Right now, there are numerous criminal cases against him for defamation.


    I should mention the Government is quite soft to him, he is on probation instead of imprisonment. I don't think any decision maker in Russia would really think of poisoning this guy; this will make him a 'sacred sacrifice' and cause another Western media storm. The guy is not dangerous and has no real support.


    And with Dioxin, it was Yushenko, Ukrainian president 2005-2010. You are missing the point and show 'deep knowledge' ????

  6. The new season of 'Putin the Poisoner' is on! The new TV series from the creators of 'Comrade Trump' and 'Chemical Assad'.


    In this season, Putin is poisoning a very dangerous critic - pro-Western unemployed blogger Navalny. Despite all risks, the poisoning happens in crowded public place - in the airport and airplane, to maximize the effect and terrify the ordinary people. Definitely, the aim of Putin is to draw maximum Western media attention. But don't worry, no one will die - as usual, no one is poisoned to death. According to the screenplay, the victim should stay alive and speak in Western media about the terrible poisoner.


    Anyone believes in such shows? To me, this looks like a low quality fiction for imbeciles.

  7. The new season of 'Putin the Poisoner' is on! The new TV series from the creators of 'Comrade Trump' and 'Chemical Assad'.


    In this season, Putin is poisoning a very dangerous critic - pro-Western unemployed blogger Navalny. Despite all risks, the poisoning happens in crowded public place - in the airport and airplane, to maximize the effect and terrify the ordinary people. Definitely, the aim of Putin is to draw maximum Western media attention. But don't worry, no one will die - as usual, no one is poisoned to death. According to the screenplay, the victim should stay alive and speak in Western media about the terrible poisoner.


    Anyone believes in such shows? To me, this looks like a low quality fiction for imbeciles.



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