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Everything posted by Centigrade32

  1. Tells us what you have heard to bring you to such a 'belief'
  2. Do you have a TRUE Tourist SIM? Sounds like it. It's sounds like it's worth them springing for a 50 baht SIM. Top up with another 50 baht in order to use the 00600 method.
  3. That TRUE is cheaper than AIS for direct calls? 😊 I have AIS and so didn't try that method, as I didn't want to pay 19 baht for the experiment. But I did try 003 and it failed.
  4. Which prefixes did you use? At least TRY to be helpful to the OP. 😊
  5. It's from 2018, so seven years old. Are you using the native Netflix application on the TV? Have you ever updated it via Google Play or anywhere else?
  6. Which method did you use and from where? I tried using a couple of Apps. Neither charge.
  7. It's a non-Internet based solution for people who don't have Smartphones. They are given a local number which connects to the International number. Same MO as Localphone. But Localphone doesn't have local numbers in Thailand, so you have to use their application.
  8. If you still have a UK mobile number, register an account with https://www.localphone.com The 0800 number is a free call with them via their application. Best to sign up via PC as a U.K. customer and only then sign into any mobile application.
  9. My post was regard to your use of 001 when it is not necessary. The 18 baht + VAT cost is another thing. But it's obvious that the OP was entering the number wrongly in the first place.
  10. Slightly confused by your reply. First you say that you don't use the Apps, but then you describe using the Apps. 😊 Stop using the App and stop using Firefox. Use one of the Browsers aforementioned. You should have the same functionality as when using your PC. Pop into the Settings whenever you hit a Paywall...
  11. Again, what was the reference to someone expecting a baby to have 500,000 dollars? I don't see the connection with anything I posted. Please explain or withdraw. Did you accidentally quote the wrong person?
  12. Indeed. I don't get the jealousy/envy of some here. Especially when it's not even their money. Usually they get to complain about being a taxpayer. But here people are just being nasty for the sake of it.
  13. Yes, but what was the reference to someone expecting a baby to have 500,000 dollars? I don't see the connection with anything I posted. So maybe you meant someone else? Perhaps you can explain. Thank you.
  14. People have been giving forward for centuries. It's a way of life for some communities. Don't be envious, it's really unattractive.
  15. I have what I need. Subsequently I'm not bothered about what anyone else has. It obviously burns you though. Use the helpline yourself.
  16. Still none of your business. Why does it bother you so much? It's not your money.
  17. I'm not telling what to think or do. I'm telling you that jealousy/envy is really ugly in this context. Up to you. You have to live with yourself.
  18. No need for the prefix if you are going to pay full price. Just +44 in that case. In any case it's a hefty 18 baht per minute plus VAT, as compared to between 5 & 7 baht plus VAT via 003
  19. If it's an issue with logging in, try 003 44 208 610 0157
  20. I guess that's your way of saying that you are Jewish, without actually admitting that you are Jewish.
  21. It's actually none of your business. Jealousy/envy is a really ugly trait.
  22. I disagree. Where do you see Ads? We can test our theories.
  23. It sounds as if it's your lack of knowledge/experience that is the issue there. There's no reason as to why you have to use Firefox as a browser on your phone if it doesn't work for you. If you don't like Ads and Paywalls, choose a Browser that is suitable to that purpose. A couple of examples might be Brave and Snowhaze. I don't see what a small screen has to do with playing music and due to the phone being close to your eyes when watching videos, the size isn't really an issue. But of course there is the option to connect to a TV or monitor.
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