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Everything posted by Centigrade32

  1. Gosh, one might wonder why people have been saying the same thing for 2,000 years.
  2. Whenever you point the finger at someone, remember to apply the same thing to yourself, to see if you could be describing yourself.
  3. Nice spin. Formerly took medication....nice attempt at a smear. But I can name some of the people involved, as can many others. It's not a conspiracy. It's reality. It's my domain. I know. I also know you, but that's another story. I mentioned some names. There are many more.
  4. Politicians lie to get what they want and are often in someone's pocket. The rapper only lies when he is being coerced to do so under physical threats. Some people care more about truth than money. Politicians sell out to the highest bidder. Ye is speaking out for good reason. I guess no one cares about Cancel Culture in this case. But he's speaking out on behalf of the likes of Billie Holiday, Sam Cooke, Michael Jackson, Prince, Whitney Houston.... People are fed information, they swallow it hook, line and sinker and cancel that person in their minds. If you only knew the truth. Sam Cooke refused to sell his catalogue of music. He wound up with his head bashed in. His agent forged his signature and took ownership of his catalogue. There are a lot of drug overdoses and heart failure in Hollywood, if you get my meaning. Especially if you have a huge and valuable catalogue of music and/or you want to keep control over it. Ye's words the the first time he drew attention to what is happening was that they threatened to medicate him to the point where he couldn't recognise his own children, He was concerned as to his children's safety. Not from the general public. Until you know the whole story... it's easy, when you are only given part of the story, to jump to conclusions. That's the design. To discredit them and then take what was theirs.
  5. Apparently bisexual? When did that become apparent? I despair for this board and the people on it.
  6. To be fair, people also generalise about Africans or Indians or Chinese and innocents get caught up in that too. Every gets affected by other people's prejudices and generalisations. Personally I understand what he means and why he is doing it. But for those who don't, they just follow the MSM campaign of hysteria. Let's just say that there is an evil underbelly to the music and entertainment business. Music, entertainment, media... Most people commenting here don't have a clue what all this is about. But narratives are controlled, scapegoats are made and the people behind it all immune and protected. Maybe he could have done it in a better way, but I understand why he did it. The Sean Combs episode brought it to the fore. Most people just take things at face value, make their judgement and move on. But it's not what it seems.
  7. Run a speed test using your PC or what ever you are using to communicate here: https://testmy.net Test My Internet > Combined
  8. I usually just reply in a foreign language, not English and they don't bother me again.
  9. Is your box connected via 2.4GHz WiFi, 5GHz WiFi or Ethernet LAN? At 500Mbps, you are already connected via Fibre.
  10. I guess you mean Mbps. The reason to spend more on a MECOOL box is for Widevine Level 1. In short, if you have a subscription for NetFlix HD and the like. Boxes without it can only show NetFlix in Standard Definition That is the sole reason why people pay more for a MeCool. If you don't want NetFlix, Amazon Prime etc then spend the extra on a higher spec box. But do you really need it?
  11. No. The things that dictate the speed of the connection the box can handle are WiFi 5 or 6 and 1000M LAN. Neither of which that box can achieve,
  12. is why I asked. If they have to go through such a palaver and it's not working anyway..
  13. VPN has nothing to do with it. Why are you using a VPN for Netflix anyway? More likely to do with the Netflix application on your TV.
  14. Just to come back to this. When you state 'most of the world', that is an assumption that you make. But some of the world might be seeing a different angle. Do you get that? Just like war being portrayed differently dependent from which side you are looking. The media you see portrays it in one way. But interestingly no information as to WHY he is saying it. Until you understand the WHY, you will just be spouting emotionally, but not intelligently. Don't imagine that I'm attacking you with this. I'm actually engaging you as one of the more thoughtful and reasoned of our members. Which is why I suggested that, as an intelligent person, you might take the time to understand the why. Why would someone risk everything to do that? He trying to draw attention to something. I'm not sure that one can elaborate on what that is here. But it's easily found. He is mad....angry mad and for good reason.
  15. Yes, if you like. The comments on this thread indicate emotional responses, rather than intelligent analysis. So I would say it's the opposite of what we see here.
  16. He said something trivial two seconds into the interview? Is that what you wish us to believe? I thought old men were supposed to be wise men. People take their inspiration from different things. I admire people who can draw and paint. I cannot do that, but there are other things that I can do. Who is better? We are different. Somehow he managed to be successful in his country of origin. Are you better than he? I guess I cannot expect much from the demographic we have here, but don't be so quick to make judgement. It's not intelligent.
  17. I didn't call you stupid. You might be ignorant of the facts, as you surely are. But most people here are. You are not alone. All I can say, is that, as a self confessed intelligent guy, you should do a little research before spouting off what may seem to an informed person, as plain ignorance.
  18. You think that you figured everything out in a couple of seconds? You are amazing, but blind.
  19. You are writing empty nonsense. You have no idea WHY he is doing it, but you presume to condemn him. That's not the actions of an intelligent being.
  20. Are you introducing yourself to the board? Welcome. We welcome all here. Even racists.
  21. If we all had the same perspective, we would all be the same person. if he was nuts, he wouldn't have been a self made man. He is telling the truth from his perspective and because you are not in his shoes, you think that he is crazy. But he is not.
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