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Everything posted by SMIAI

  1. Girl in the market peels and de-veins them for me when I go there. Frozen prawns? No thank you. They are not the same. Damages their cell structure.
  2. You think the person who rented the car has left it parked permanently on Second Road?
  3. I know the name of the company. but don't have the number as I have not actually ever rented from them. Acquaintances have. I remembered that poster, but the name is different. Which is why I suggest to try the number.
  4. If you are interested, give them a call to find out. It's just 1 baht. But if you are just lurking and Trolling in order to cause trouble, then desist.
  5. As I stated earlier "apologies for all of the Trolls lurking here"
  6. I think this was their original advertisement way back when. Six years ago. Number might still be in use. Or it might be a completely different company. The name is certainly different now.
  7. The cost was 350 baht per day when I saw them last. Perhaps they have reduced the price to 250, but I don't know about that. Friends have used them in the past for times when they needed a runaround for a few days. No hidden charges nor scams, as suggested by the cynics here. If you aren't too proud, they get the job done. Good luck and apologies for all of the Trolls here. Sadly, this board is rarely any longer a useful resource. Most only post due to having nothing better to do than to post silly comments.
  8. Indeed, the term was stolen/co-opted. Ancient meaning in the bible (which trumps your Google definition) is both Arabs and Jews. But you can continue with your word games. Doesn't take away from the topic. Doctors highlighting the ten of thousands of women and children killed by the IDF. State sponsored. Reality.
  9. Sounds like people exercising their right to free speech. Their statements entirely reasonable. Of course if you are biased, you aren't going to see it that way. seems perfectly reasonable to me, unless you've somehow been hoodwinked into believing that the Palestinians should not be allowed to resist what is happening to them. Their land being given away and subsequently, forcibly taken. Resistance is normal. Seems to me a form of mind control is being forced upon us, where we are not allowed to believe what we believe nor dare to express it.
  10. Dutch-processed removes some of the characteristics of the cocoa bean. Similarly deodorised cocoa butter.
  11. Nice turn of phrase you have there. Now you have your answers, what do you say now?
  12. Mentioned one earlier. Then there is the land and resort on Phuket wherein the British barrister met with an unfortunate accident. Good enough for you or do you need more?
  13. Another American named William claimed the same thing when it came to AIS... Stated that he was cheated out of his share by....
  14. Don't tie yourself up with irrelevant details. Unless you have some money or credit attached to the old account, just open a new one. I've done that so many times when I forgot log in details and needed to order something. In fact I often used the same number, after confirming that the number was mine via OTP.
  15. Do you no longer have that phone number? If not, why not change the number in the account or simply create a new account?
  16. I did the same thing many moons ago. Didn't want to depend on 'free' WiFi and wanted to have a more secure connection.
  17. So deodorised cocoa powder and deodorised cocoa butter. All the characteristics removed. In fact, Ghirardelli sells an unprocessed cocoa powder, though not sure it's sold in Thailand as I haven't looked. I usually travel with my own high quality ingredients. Though I might use the ingredients you mention, when making chocolate that has other ingredients that you wish to stand out.
  18. Where do you find those "good quality" ingredients? I also make my own from time to time.
  19. The quality of many products you might find is not always the same quality that you would find at home. There may even be country to country differences. Products like Nutella, Carnation milk products... Different recipes dependent on location. Then there is shrinkflation and/or ludicrous price rises.
  20. You don't need to be connected via the cable in order to do that.
  21. There is nothing wrong with your laptop...and you don't need to spend money that you do not have. After going through the responses, it looks as if it is just you choosing to do that. If you intend to discard the laptop anyway, then what harm is there in installing the latest version to check for actual incompatibilities, rather than imagined ones. Or is this thread just a 'wind up'?
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