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Everything posted by SMIAI

  1. No, that a 'problem' that you just created in your mind. The fact is that Trump is extorting him. Obviously that's okay with you. Such nice people we find here on this forum. Obviously Trump losing it on the world stage is completely normal behaviour to you and Zelenskky not rolling over to let Trump tickle his belly is the height of insolence 🙂
  2. Or it could be that you are writing the same lunacy that we see from certain quarters here every day. It's a shame that you are unable to see the possibility of them all being wrong by losing their tempers. You have to make it a Left or Right wing thing. Now THAT is NUTS. But I sure you feel quite normal.
  3. I think the temper tantrums were from Trump and Vance. Stupid, dishonest and disrespectful. Certainly didn't look calm and in control. Were we watching the same meeting or are you just Trolling....again? But let's not stop there, let's stand down Cyber Command too. Exclusive: Hegseth orders Cyber Command to stand down on Russia planning | The Record from Recorded Future News https://therecord.media/hegseth-orders-cyber-command-stand-down-russia-planning
  4. I'm not so sure. Some people just believe the hyperbole they are fed. Doesn't mean they are bad people. There are definitely some baiting Trolls here(now on ignore) but I don't think @riclag is one of that number. But of course I haven't seen many of his previous posts.
  5. Did you read my earlier reply to you? You are not thinking before you press Submit. You wrote the first step was to implement a ceasefire. But Zelenskky mentioned that Putin was using ballistic weapons, so where was the ceasefire? If he was due to sign the agreement, where was the ceasefire? You need to stop just believing everything you are told by your 'team' and to think for yourself. How does it make sense to sign away your rights before you have an agreement? Does it not look like extortion to you? Withhold military aid, Putin uses ballistic weapons against Ukraine and then tell the Ukrainian people they can have a ceasefire/more weapons if they sign over their mineral rights? Where is the deal? How does that look to you? Where is the deal? He put Ukraine in the weak position in so he can extort them.
  6. They don't trust anything. They just don't think. They follow. Like following their favourite football team. They don't mind if they get away with fouling and cheating, as long as they win.
  7. Indeed, I watched the whole meeting and heard what he said, but none of that means anything does it? What they really want is to get those papers signed and then see how it goes after that. We know that Trump is a chancer. Some things work out and some don't. Caveat emptor. Zelenskky is doing the right thing by being cautious and refusing to be shouted down, humiliated and tricked. That's what they tried to do. His words to JD Vance were much the same, shouting doesn't make you right.
  8. I don't think you need to reside in Australia, but you might need an Australian number. But even residence is not an issue since you have family and friends in Oz. So in the case of you not having an Australian number, you can use one from the family for initial registration. I guess the reason for registering a local number is that number can be selected as the originator of your calls and SMS.
  9. That's not true. He will continue to send weapons once the deal is signed. So where is the peace you describe? Please use accomplished facts, rather than just making things up that you cannot support. Who is on the political other side? What are your politics? That the strong dominate and control the weak? I don't understand why people like you think that we are on opposite sides.
  10. If the president of one of the countries involved, who has all of the information, unlike yourself, isn't happy to sign away rights without having some guarantees, then your "peace" claim has no basis. On what basis the peace? That Russia won't do anything due to Americans mining there? Come on, let's see some intelligence/details from your side of the table, in so we can understand exactly what is being offered. What exactly is the deal? So far it sounds like, sign away your mineral rights and perhaps 20% of your land and we will continue to give you weapons. But during the conversation it changed to, but if some of those minerals are on seized land, we'll have to talk to Putin about that and see how it goes. That is really nonsense. I wouldn't sign away any rights on that basis. Would you? It's simply a protection racket. We'll withdraw support and let Putin take all unless you sign away your mineral rights. That's how it looks to me. A kind of extortion. That's our world I guess.
  11. 😊 Would you sign a contract under those conditions? Remove your bias and look at the situation neutrally. That's what I do. Of course there is a certain amount of good faith. but when the other side has broken agreements at least twenty five times and you want to do the best for your country, it pays to cover all bases. Remember that they gave up their nuclear weapons under a previous agreement. so now they sign away their mineral rights and soon enough, still have to put up with the same problems as before. The Americans just tell Putin to not bother their interests. Same thing in the Middle East. They protect their interests. That's business. But we are people. People are animals, wanting to live freely, not under occupation nor under constant threat. Ukraine wants security guarantees in exchange for the USA having access to their land. That sounds more than fair to me, if the Ukrainian people agree. What do you see as unreasonable in that? Instead they have some idiot in the room trying to belittle the president of another country for not wearing a suit. That is the height of disrespect. Imagine you are a Maori and wear traditional dress to negotiations and someone tells you to wear a suit. Unacceptable behaviour on the American side.
  12. I guess he caught them off-guard by speaking the truth 😊
  13. The obvious problem with your statement is that he wasn't running the show. So if it was a clown show, it was the Trump administration that organised it. They lost control and embarrassed themselves. Why on earth was Trump shouting and screaming about Hunter Biden when he is supposed to be negotiating an end to the war? That shows that he is heavily biased towards one side. Painfully embarrassing to watch.
  14. Even if there was, do you imagine the same isn't occurring under the new mob?
  15. What is this nonsense? Just some story you made up? What is under the link on which you would like me to click? Since I see the name Lindsey Graham and I already saw his ridiculously animated performance after the embarrassing antics of the Vance/Trump/Rubio disaster, you'll need to come up with something that has some credibility attached to it. I don't know anything about Left and Right, but I know SPIN when I see it. It was hard to watch. Have you seen an American president shouting and screaming and threatening in public? That's not statesmanlike. That's a thug and his minions. They couldn't handle the truth and just lost it on the world stage. That's not diplomacy.
  16. Another ugly Troll. You literally laugh at the lives of Ukrainians. Utterly devoid of even basic humanity. Don't bother replying. You are number 2 on the ignore list. Too disgusting for me.
  17. That sounds like control to me. Insert your people to run the country. Offer Russian passports to those in the east and support them in trying to annex the eastern parts including Crimea. These are illegal and aggressive actions and you obviously support them.
  18. 1. Seems just a childish and mocking interpretation of the serious matter of Zelenskky keeping Trump informed. Remember that neither Trump nor JD Vance have actually visited the Ukraine. 2. Reads like you are writing on behalf of the Kremlin. It was JD Vance who interjected and tried to belittle Zelenskky. You are pretending that this all started in 2022 with Boris Johnson. More RT propaganda. Naive or simply Trolling? 3.. Please, point out where he stated that during the meeting. I have posted the full video of the meeting in an earlier post. Let me know of the time stamp position. 4. Are you referring to Russia's aggressive action in annexing Crimea or some other aggressive action? 5. Of course Trump is not capitulating. He is trying to force the Ukrainians to capitulate and gain himself and his friends some mining rights. Again, you are trying to make a false connection to Britain and Boris Johnson being responsible for also not capitulating in the way that Trump wants Ukraine to do.
  19. Compared to other countries. I didn't suggest that it wasn't worth it to you.
  20. Still relatively expensive. I guess that why many have escaped the U.S.A.
  21. US$200 monthly seems a lot.....or you might need one of the periods/full stops that I have provided for you in this post.
  22. Even during the meeting Trump admitted that Putin broke deals with every single president before him and after him, including him and also admitted to sending Javelins("to take out all those tanks") So equally part of the problem. Divided you fall. Look at the facts, rather than supporting someone blindly, even when you know they are dodgy.
  23. Marco Rubio was sitting next to JD Vance throughout the meeting. JD Vance caused that issue. If he had shut his mouth, there would have been no issue at all. Look at the recording of the full meeting that I posted earlier and scroll to the 40 minute segment where JD Vance interjects himself into the conversation. Zelenskky asks if he can answer him directly, and when JD Vance gets owned, he starts shouting and getting emotional. Then Trump loses it and starts shouting about Hunter Biden and Russia hoaxes. It was just mortifyingly embarrassing. So now they are in full gaslighting mode, trying to make it out as being Zelenskky's fault. Those people are nauseating.
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