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Everything posted by Robert_Smith

  1. i'm afraid I have to agree with you. Hong Kong, Japan & Taiwan are miles better. However, if you want your money to go as far as possible (which I most certainly do), then Thailand & Cambodia are the places to be and play around. My HK apartment is already being rented out and is making me a small fortune every month. Gotta have the side hustle in the back pocket as well! Best regards, Bob.
  2. it's actually 960,000 USD in a Hong Kong bank, + 40 BTC and 600,000 USD in my home country bank. I spent a little on my travels.... Best regards, Bob.
  3. why, don't' you think that is possible? with a schlong the size of mine the girls are queuing up to pay for my meals!.... Best regards, Bob.
  4. I did. I went to Hong Kong. Best regards, Bob.
  5. How about in real life? Do Thai's love to brag about this and that? Best regards, Bob.
  6. I never went to Spain, I went to Hong Kong. Rest assured, my money is very safe. Best regards, Bob.
  7. Thais love to brag, just about anything.... Haven't you noticed? Best Regards, Bob.
  8. I am not super successful, I don't own flash cars or diamond rings.. But I do have 960 grand in a HK bank account atop of 40 bitcoin. I am not materialistic, apart from my Rolex watch that's about it. I plan on spending all my money on pussy till my back gives out..... Best Regards, Bob.
  9. ....You could only wish that you were me. My advice to you is to stop eating those sour grapes, man up and adopt a growth mindset. Best Regards, Bob.
  10. I am THE GAME. I've got all THE GAME. Best Regards, Bob.
  11. I beg your pardon? Best Regards, Bob.
  12. You're not jealous, are you? Best Regards, Bob.
  13. Not sure what you are trying to get at here... Best Regards, Bob.
  14. Is that against forum rules? I see members posting here from all corners of the globe! Best Regards, Bob.
  15. My maid cleans up my crap. Don't you have one of those yet? Best Regards. Bob.
  16. only silk roll will do from now on. Best Regards, Bob.
  17. Freshly landed in Thailand with 960,000 USD in the back burner. not bad, eh? Best Regards, Bob.
  18. and that is exactly what I plan to do. on my travels I also bought a place in Cambodia. with my bank balance, I can live wherever the hell I wish! Best Regards, Bob.
  19. after a few months in Hong Kong sorting out my finances I am back. I liquidated 10 bitcoins whilst I was there, set up an account with HSBC and lumped the lot in there, technically making me a cash millionaire. I still have about 40 BTC left in my wallet which I plan to keep secure during the trump/musk administration to see how high it's gonna go.. But I'm back in Thailand, richer than ever. I have more money now than I know what to do with. And the Thai government can't touch a single cent, as I also now own an apartment in HK, where I will go and visit every 180 days. But for now it's party time. And tonight I plan on dipping my toes with 3 young ladies, over 21 of course, for a bit of R&R... I arrived back in Thailand late Saturday night and I'm feeling like I need to release a load or two. It feels great to be back, Best Regards, Bob.
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