after a few months in Hong Kong sorting out my finances I am back.
I liquidated 10 bitcoins whilst I was there, set up an account with HSBC and lumped the lot in there, technically making me a cash millionaire.
I still have about 40 BTC left in my wallet which I plan to keep secure during the trump/musk administration to see how high it's gonna go..
But I'm back in Thailand, richer than ever.
I have more money now than I know what to do with.
And the Thai government can't touch a single cent, as I also now own an apartment in HK, where I will go and visit every 180 days.
But for now it's party time.
And tonight I plan on dipping my toes with 3 young ladies, over 21 of course, for a bit of R&R...
I arrived back in Thailand late Saturday night and I'm feeling like I need to release a load or two.
It feels great to be back,
Best Regards,