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rough diamond

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Everything posted by rough diamond

  1. And gets you assaulted by some guy off their head on drugs etc; T.I.T.S.
  2. Why did you quote me when you posted the above/ I do not see any connection.
  3. Could they have caught up that quickly? I thought they still used an abacus.
  4. Is that because you are on a (your) high horse?
  5. I believe that one should not tarnish the image, or otherwise of a Turd. As the old saying states; "If you don't eat you cannot sh!t and you will surely die as (lack of) a result! In other word we all need good sh!ts IMO.
  6. I think it shows "brainwashing" and lack of independent thought and argumentative ability. It seems to me to consist of a set of regurgitated words and phrases such as; Left wing, socialist, Liars, MSM, Biden did/didn't do it etc;
  7. It seems to me that many seem to be quoting from the same meaningless script(s). I wonder who provides it?
  8. A very childish, aggravating and therefore pointless and possibly counter productive rection to something that annoys you. As I said above I believe that one should complain to the management and react to their actions, or lack thereof.
  9. Very sad and demoralising for the US Armed Forces. Unfortunately it is one of the few election promises it has actually carried out. One wonders what renumeration, if any, they get for this sudden CinC dismissal? Does anyone know?
  10. Did you understand the headline? If yes why the comment and if NO then you should have asked for clarification IMO.
  11. What is the difference between the above and an overly loud conversation at an adjacent table/TV/Music System? If troublesome you talk I would to the management and either then stay or leave depending on their reaction/actions.
  12. Who is the "we" you are referring to? Are you a forum spokesperson?
  13. What sex is "Harley" and does it charge?
  14. This Wi-Fi device on Lazada is limited to 150Mbps FKTP Air Guard Mobile Wi-Fi Portable Wi-Fi Insert SIM Pocket WiFi 4G LTE Mobile Wifi Router 150 Mbps USB Lazada.co.th|
  15. Contrary to the popular myth, ostriches do not bury their head in the sand when scared or frightened. In fact, when an ostrich senses danger and cannot run away, it will flop to the ground and remain still, attempting to blend in with the terrain. However, from time to time you might find an ostrich looking as if it has its head in the sand, but not because it’s scared. Ostriches dig shallow holes in the sand to serve as nests for their eggs. The ostrich will use its beak several times a day to turn the eggs in the nest, creating the illusion of burying its head in the sand.
  16. Do you think that even that will last as long as one year in this administration. I do not know Trump's WH turn over figures for term one were but I think they were very high: Oops found them in WiKi' "Donald Trump had more turnover in his administration than any president since the Brookings Institution started measuring in 1980, with 92% of his A-team followed by another 45% of his second hires for his A-team. The turnover rate in his first year was double the next highest president since Reagan"
  17. I hate to state the obvious but you interrupted an on topic discussion and deflected it. So end of lack of meaningful discussion at this juncture. Good night.
  18. We were not discussing "Kash Patel". I do not know or care who or what it is. You jumped into, and took over, a reply I had made to another poster about Trump being/not being a Billionaire. I assume you are now finished with the Trump Billionaire connection and if so please feel free to return to whatever you were discussing before you interrupted my discussion with another poster. I may be new on this forum but I decline to be side tracked by interlopers.
  19. I do not care about "other people's" tax returns. I thought we were discussing Trump and HIS lack of on record statements and lack of returns. He said he would and he has not. End of story.
  20. I did NOT say that. I said that Trump said HIS/Presidential returns should be public; "I'd love to give my tax returns." Trump also said that not seeing a presidential candidate's tax returns would lead people to think there was "almost, like, something wrong. What's wrong".
  21. Just my point I assume you are a US citizen, going by your remarks, so I will ask; Have YOU tried logging into his returns? Are they there?
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