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Everything posted by Yolando

  1. The money went to the James Webb Space Telescope....Artemus....Mars Perseverance....Europa Clipper and many other successful programs. This has been their most successful decade since the 1960's.
  2. I have a separate card that I use for high risk transaction such as when needed at hotel check in or renting a car or anytime I have to hand the physical card to anyone. The bank for that card lets me lock and unlock the card online, and when it's locked it can't be used. I keep it locked all the time except just before I plan to use it.
  3. Why not allow the guy in charge to scrap the government and just send all the money straight to his own company? You don't see any possible conflict of interest there?
  4. The US government already gave him 22 billion so he can have his rockets to play with. I think that should be enough. What are the chances DOGE will look into that wasteful spending?
  5. The problem with Angkor Wat is that once you've been there, there is no reason to ever go back. Cambodia would be better off focusing on improving access to their beach destinations which could attract repeat visitors.
  6. He didn't lose the plot. You just never understood his plot. His only goals are to get revenge on as many people he hates as possible, and to collect as much money as possible. He wouldn't care if half the world died in the process as long as most of the people that worship him survive.
  7. I'm guessing you are from the US, which gives 90 days visa free to all countries it allow visa free access to. Quite a lot of tourists visit countries for more than 60 days. Thailand gets a lot of snowbirds from northern Europe that stay longer than that.
  8. I'm boycotting American goods when I can, and I'm American.
  9. Strange, because thats only been possible for the last year or two after the train through Laos was completed. Maybe he went as far as China 20 years ago, but not Thailand. I've actually done the whole trip, London to Singapore, but on different trips, not all at once. The longest I did in one trip was Europe to Beijing.
  10. The lady wouldn't be allowed to fly then. Woman can't fly when near full term. The exact policy depends on the airline, but I think most are something like more than 6-7 months are not allowed to fly.
  11. Not exactly fair either. I don't ever fly cattle class, and I'm going to be complaining if obese people are paying less than me just because they are obese.
  12. It's in many airlines' policy that you agree to when you buy your ticket. You agree that you can fit in your seat, and if not the airline can refuse to fly you or make you buy another seat at checkin.
  13. No, it's not. Again, everything sent over wifi is encrypted if you are using https. It can't be seen or stolen. As long as you are sure the website you are using uses https, and you are sure it is legitimate and not a scam website, there is absolutely zero risk to using public wifi.
  14. I'm sure none of them as a result of using public wifi. Most of these people are tricked by clicking on a link in an email or fraudulent website and then they give the scammers their password thinking it's their own bank. It has nothing to do with wifi.
  15. I never thought that. Maybe you and your MAGA hero Musk thought that, but not me.
  16. So you are saying the electric cars benefit humanity? What a lefty.
  17. Dragon is just one spaceX's many rockets, and received just a small minority of SpaceX's total subsidies. SpaceX has received 22 billion total in subsidies.
  18. You can't see all of the government subsidies from the lefties he has received? It's not hard to find that in a google search. He's not suddenly working for charity after spending his entire life collecting government handouts from the left.
  19. All of the MAGAs seem to forget that Musk and his companies have received more government subsidies than anyone else in history. I'm sure this project will be the same and it will receive massive federal funding. He doesn't care at all about saving the taxpayers money or improving government efficiency. He just wants all the spending to go to him instead.
  20. I'm not sure why they gave 60 days to virtually everyone. That was the mistake. They should have started with higher income countries.
  21. Exactly why Musk got involved with the Trump admin. He just wants them to end all regulation, so he can get to Mars.
  22. Perhaps because Russia has repeatedly invaded its neighboring countries? Or maybe because Russia has repeatedly threaten the west with nuclear annihilation?
  23. I think many Americans chooses Mexico just because it's nearby the US and they haven't seen enough of the world find anywhere better. The average America retiring in Mexico probably hasn't been to more than 10 countries in their whole life--a couple of cruises to Mexico and the Caribbean and a week or two in Europe.
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