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Posts posted by thai_narak

  1. I was looking at the sony SLR and was abit put off by the $$? And was really considering the Cannon or Nikon. What are other peoples opinions?

    how much is your budget? Well, for example for entry level you may want to consider Nikon D40 (6Mp), Nikon D40x (10Mp) or Canon 400D (8Mp). Price wise I would get the D40 as it is just as good as the D40x and 400D.

  2. For a long time I naturally assumed that any child of mine born in> Thailand to a Thai mother would have the same rights in Thailand as> any other Thai born there. But apparently this isn't so.>> I just came accross the 'Thailand's Nationality Act' which is the law> of the land there today and which clearly says:>> "Section 17. With respect to a person who has Thai nationality, by> reason of his having been born within the Thai Kingdom of an alien> father, his Thai nationality may be revoked if it appears that:>> (1) He has resided in a foreign country, of which his father has or> used to have nationality, for a consecutive period of more than five> years as from the day of his becoming sui juris;>> (2) There is evidence to show that he makes use of the nationality of> his father or of a foreign nationality, or that he has an active> interest in the nationality of his father or in a foreign nationality;>> (3) He commits any act prejudicial to the security or conflicting with> the interests of the State, or amounting to an insult to the nation;>> (4) He commits any act contrary to public order or good morals.>> The Minister in the event of (1) or (2), and the Court in the event of> (3) or (4) and upon request of the public prosecutor, shall order the> revocation of Thai nationality."> http://www.ibiblio.org/obl/docs3/THAILAND&...Act.htm>> I can easily imagine a situation where a grown-up Thai who has a> foreign father participating in some kind of peaceful anti-government> protest, being arrested, accused of disturbing the public order, and> stripped of his Thai citizenship.>> Or such a man can be arrested at one of the numerous soapy massage> parlours in Bangkok, accused of acting contrary to good morals, and> stripped of his Thai citizenship.>> Prostitution is officially illegal in Thailand. And a guy who> displeases the government in some way can be easily stripped of his> Thai citizenship on such a pretext. All they would need to do is have> a female police officer pose as a massage-parlour attendant for the> guy and have him arrested as soon as he grabs her nice tits.>> They do this kind of thing in the USA and in Canada all the time.> Although nobody looses their citizenship over this in USA or in Canada.>

    what if your country doesn't have recprocity with this act? means they won't accept the thai citizen (half-half) as easy to become their citizen?

  3. I visited an old friend up country where he lives in a little village with his Wife, her Kids and extended Family the other day, and frankly I was shocked!

    He has gone completely Native......Dressing Thai, speaking Thai, eating Thai, waiing all over the place etc.

    I asked my GF what the locals think of him. She told me that they laughed behind his back.

    Now ain't that sad? There he is integrating himself to death, and they think it's funny.

    And this got me thinking. At a time when Thailand is becoming more and more Westernized, what possible reason is there for us Farangs to go the other way?

    By all means respect Thai customs, Religion etc, but keep your own for Gawd's sake!

    I know, I know most of you do. But there are plenty of peeps who are losing their identity.

    And I think it's a shame. Agreed?

    No, sometimes the laugh of Thais are different from the laugh (behind our back) as we know in farangland. I'm sure, the Thais that are laughing are really proud that a farang is trying to integrate in their culture. As if you don't know, Thailaind is a land of smile (laugh too). Your friend is fine. I'm proud of him...

  4. Hi all,

    a friend emailed me - his boss is having a competition amongst the sales staff and the prize will be a week in Pattaya. He wants a list of all the upmarket hotels in the area, to choose from.

    Off the top of my head, I can think of:


    Royal Cliff

    Hard Rock

    Dusit Resort

    any others?

    Thanks in advance for any tips:)


  5. I understand what they are saying. It is not a bad idea. I have one of them big satellite dishes that moves. I can already watch free Thai TV using my satellite dish and satellite receiver. There are a lot more Thai channels offered for free than you can find over the airwaves with an antenna.

    At present, free Thai TV is on Thaicom 2-5 C-band. To view C-Band you need the big dish. This is the one I watch from time to time.

    UBC uses Thaicom 2-5 KU band. To view KU Band you use the small dish. This is the one you have to pay for. It also has Thai TV but the signal is scrambled.

    What Shincorp is saying is it will make the Thai TV channels on Thaicom 2-5 KU FTA (Free To Air) channels.

    A one time cost of almost 2000 baht will get you a receiver and satellite dish. Installation is extra. After the installation, there are no monthly fees. You turn on your receiver and watch whatever FTA channel is being broadcast by Thaicom 2-5 KU.

    This auctually is an excellent money making idea. It can make TV antennas obsolete but it will look strange seeing a satellite dish on every house.

    Another positive feature of the Thaicom 2-5 KU band is all the distance learning television stations are also on this satellite and they are FTA channels.

    The Distance Learning Television Television stations broadcast classes from select schools in Bangkok for remote areas in Thaiand to study. Now, all of Thailand will have access to these free classes. I believe there is a study plan anyone can sign up for and receive credit for as well. Different levels of different language classes is also avaliable to learn from such is English for Pratom, Mattayom, and University students.

    what about thai language? this is a good idea to learn proper thai.

  6. Near BTS. I would disagree with that comment I have found 2 bed condos at around 2.5 million...however will have to see what condition the complex is in first!

    oh, sorry... i misunderstood. so you want to buy a box near bts.

  7. Why would anyone pay extra 2,000 baht to watch free Thai TV channels - the reception is good enough already.

    Or do they mean people can watch all other free satellite TV programs? The market for foreign programs is not that big either.

    depends on which satellite the dish is pointed to but this is shin so the satellite might be the thaicom1A and 2 (Ku-band). if you want to see the available channels from these satellites then look them up at lyngsat.com

  8. My wife gave birth to a daughter at Bamrungrad Hospital at a cost of over 1000 pounds.

    She gave birth to a daughter at a government hospital - free.

    The latter was a much much better experience and toatally free. I'd now recommend to anyone to stay away from those nasty private hospitals. Money is the main concern.

    which govy hospital?

  9. fact: gasohol mileage is 3% less than gasoline

    let's do the math...

    if i have a car say with a compression of 10:1 (to make it simple) and have a 50 liter tank it would run 500km consuming the whole tank using gasoline. knowing that gasohol runs 3% less, then same tank would take me only 485km down the road. so the difference of 15km (or compression down to 9.7:1). therefore, to run 500km using gasohol you have buy an additional 1.56 liters of gasohol.

    price difference of 3 baht:

    gasohol = 51.56 liters x 26.69 baht = 1,376 baht

    gasoline = 50 liters x 29.99 baht = 1,499.5 baht

    savings from gasohol: 123.5 baht/tank or approx. 2,964 baht/year (if you buy a full tank 2x a month)

    risk from using gasohol:

    ethanol readily mixes with water. if the tanks storing it has water in it, the ethanol will separate from gasoline. this result in the damage to the engine.

    i will not risk my engine's (V6) health for that little savings. if the engine is damaged, the repair costs (let say 50,000 baht for a normal sedan car) would cover your gasohol saving for 16 years!

  10. Hiya All,

    I have a few to look at upon my return, but I am interested inbuying a condo in Bangkok. I am not looking for a marble top class patch, I would like a 2 bedroomed for around 2 to 3 million baht as it will only be used for passing through. Any experience buyers pointing me in the right direction would be great?

    Thanks all :o

    your budget will get you a condo a little bit far from the city center and probably no skytrain access. in which location do you prefer?

  11. I know many farangs here own small businesses such as mini-mart, laundry, salons, etc. From my understanding if you form a real company you would need to employ several Thai employees, and have a large capital investment (2 mill?). Most of these small business could not carry 4 employees and be profitable and I don't believe a large capital investment has been made or at least not as large as is required.

    My question is how can you go about starting up a small business with approximately 1 mill baht or less and with 1 employee?? And what kind of visa is required?

    there's no company. the wife takes care of it (sole proprietorship).

  12. CNS to sue demonstration members for defamation

    The Council for National Security is preparing to prosecute various demonstration members who have engaged in defamation of political figures.

    The Spokesperson to the Council for National Security Col Sansern Kaewkamnert (สรรเสริญ แก้วกำเนิด) revealed that Council for National Security Chairman Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin and Council for National Security Deputy Chairman Gen Saprang Kalayanimit are preparing to file charges against Sanam Luang demonstrators. Col Sansern said that Interim Royal Thai Police Commissioner General Pol Gen Sereepisuth Themeyaves has reported to the Council for National Security that several demonstration members were observed to have been hired at prices ranging from 1000, to 1500, to 3000 baht.

    Pol Gen Sereepisuth affirms that he has evidence to back up these allegations. The Spokesperson to the Council for National Security added that demonstration members are also being charged with defamation towards political figures.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 26 June 2007

    The paid demonstrators from Chonburi aint going to like seeing thsoe numbers. They didnt get that much.

    Seriously though it sounds like they have evidence of the paying of minor organisers of the paid rally goers. Now with public support so low for the pro-Thaksin rallies the authoriites will find it a lot easier to go after the PTV boys.

    i agree. many of them just got 200-300 baht per day. i suspect that the 1,000 baht budget per day is cut everytime it is handed down the line.

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