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Posts posted by thai_narak

  1. Democratically elected leader, ousted by illegal military junta, junta demands extradition. Yeah right. That's as likely as the U.K. extraditing him to North Korea. Ain't gonna happen.

    If the next democratically elected gov't brings charges against him - OK, then he's in trouble. As it is, this move will just embarrass the military when the U.K. says no.

    Meanwhile Taksin has just bought himself a place on prime time TV and in the hearts of all Thais for years to come for the low, low price of £86m - priceless. He may be corrupt and ruthless but stupid he's certainly not.

    What? Haven't you heard about vote buying? Thaksin is a businessman.

  2. Ok, so you weren't giving her any money and you went back home. She's supposed to just wait around for you? She's on an island, man. Probably for a specific purpose if you get my drift. What is her obligation to you or yours to her for that matter? You sound like a stalker. She has already told you to stay away from her. So stay away. You feel she is wasting her life going from one boyfriend to another. What do you know? Who are you to judge what she decides to do with her life? Are you some kind of relationship Mother Theresa? If you go there to see her you're playing with fire. The islands pretty much have their own laws and she could have short work made of you. Best to listen to everyone else here and find something a little more independent and positive to pursue, than trying to go there and tell her how wrong she is and that you're going to save her and whatever else it is that's going through that ready-to-commit-a-crime-of-passion-in-a-foreign-country-tainted brain of yours.

    Sorry, man. You should just leave her alone and move on.


  3. i remember not so long ago that there is an american author who published a book featuring the monarch in not so polite way. some people still thinks that someone in thailand financed the publication and the author itself. obviously, someone with LOTS of MONEY!!!

    this book might have been financed as well.

    i cannot believe the fact that this cute author was in a bus and saw a chinese looking man standing across the road that happened to be Thaksin's son... i don't think billionaire do this (stand on the street corner?)...

  4. if we are feeling the pinch then what about the thais? has the somtam lady across the road already increased her prices yet? or maybe it's it just our lifestyle? i have read that stickman had a buffet dinner at sheraton for 990++ baht, that's a "no go" for thais isn't it?

    so where do farang go and spend money anyway?

    Correction: Stickman had a buffet at 495 baht ++. 990 baht ++ is more than I would be prepared to pay.

    and how much did you pay for your membership card to get the 50% discount? bangkok (or anywhere in the world) can get really expensive but that depends where you spend your money. once i ate noddle in tokyo for 500 baht... :o and never again.

  5. i always try to learn languages naturally meaning i try to grow with it. as of now, i would think of myself like i'm a 10 year old kid (10 years in thailand) but can only speak as a 6 six years old perhaps i'm getting older to learn faster. having said that, all my tones are right but my vocabulary is poor. i learned tones by listening to friends and try to speak the same way, i watch thai lakorn, news, etc. and just recently to improve by voca i started learning how to read and write (like a 6 yrs old). it makes all sense to me now learning to read what i can speak. i read everything that i find interesting and instead of reading "the nation" i go to "thairath" now. reading has also improved that way i speak the words (more clearly now). it's amazing...

  6. having lurked in the dark corners of Thai Visa for sometime.

    it seems disparate views clash uneccessarily,

    i suggest a new forum where like-minded better folks,

    many of whom i have read posts from here,

    may congregate in harmony and converse civily,

    without the distraction of ill-informed comment from english teachers, Isaan farmers, bar owners and dwellers in the dark regions.

    perhaps Bendix could moderate and assess applicants CV's.

    are you out of your mind? dictatorship won't be tolerated here i supposed. spices, spices....

  7. Must admit, i've worked on a few Hollywood movies made in Thailand.

    Let's have look, Dolph Lundgren (Men of War) Jean Claude Van Damme and Kylie Minogue (Streetfighter), Christopher Lambert (Mortal Combat) etc..etc...

    I have had the awful privilege of working with one idiot Takuya Kimura, one of Japan's biggest stars (2046). Got stacks a literally death threats via his fan clubs when i took the piss out of the guy on my website. As for Hong Kong, i found their famed director Wong Kar-Wai to be a bit of a weird guy too (2046).

    what 'bout your local thai lakorn? not worth mentioning here? maybe some dude's misus' wants to know... :o

  8. Any information on what model of Mercedes that was involved?

    I'd be interested in knowing just what the gross weight of this deadly missle was...

    I've tried to look for the info in various Thai websites, but it has not been mentioned anywhere. :D

    I've only found a pic posted on a well-known Thai webboard.


    Thank you....

    any Mercedes experts out there that can identify this model?

    from the news reports the plate number on it is "6699" :o

    it's an E-class. Look at the rear lights...


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