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Everything posted by FolkGuitar

  1. Sorry, but I can't answer that. My connection with Sriphat for audiology service was only for a comprehensive hearing test, not buying hearing aids. I don't know if they sell them, or recommend someplace in town. If I had found a place here in Chiang Mai that sold nationally-recognized brands, I may have bought here in town. All of them had posters and other advertising for name brands on the walls of their shops, but didn't sell them, and only sold their store brand. Perhaps things are different now. As it was, I bought online, and will do so again when I need new ones. I've been dealing with this ( https://hearsource.com) company for over 20 years with no complaints, either buying, repairing, or having them spend 90 minutes online WITH me, at now extra cost, teaching me how to use to use the fitting software so I can now adjust my own in the comfort of my home. Personally, as hearing aids often need to be adjusted once or twice a year, and one has to pay each time, I prefer to be able to do my own adjusting while wearing the devices so I can adjust and correct the sound rather than trying to tell the audiologist that it now 'sounds like a fork got stuck in a garbage disposal' or music sounds 'bad,' and hope the audiologist; A- speaks enough English to know what I'm saying, or B- knows what "I" actually mean when I say "bad." If you have questions about this (self-adjustment software) feel free to message me. I'll be happy to help. Hearing aids 'can' be a wonderful, life-changing investment. It really pays to get exactly what you need, in terms of device abilities, controls, and sound output, and don't expect that if you go for the very low end units that the sound will be natural. That takes some money...
  2. Does this shop carry and service nationally-known brands of hearing aids, or only their own store brand? I've found that to be the case in every shop I tried, since the place in Panthip Plaza closed. I had to buy online, get the adjustment software and learn how to fit my hearing aids (there are companies that provide this service,) and for the past several years have been doing all my own adjustments. It ain't rocket science.
  3. One can make 'cold-water' (also called 'Sun Tea,') with ANY tea. No need to buy something special. In fact, it may be the most commonly used method in the US Southern states for making 'Ice Tea.' Just fill a pitcher with water, put in the proper amount of tea leaves or bags for the amount of water, and set it aside (on a window sill? Or not...) In just a couple of hours one will have a nice pitcher of tea. It won't have the depth of flavor of a brewed cup of tea, but it works very well for iced tea.
  4. People are starting to wait for blinking red lights to turn green...
  5. Proper peer-reviewed citations, please, to substantiate your statement. Otherwise, all you are sharing is your own personal thoughts backed up by internet "conclusion shopping," that parrot back your own beliefs.
  6. I'll second what you say, but both for Lazada and Shopee. Fresh stock delivered quickly.
  7. Since I've been in Chiang Mai, the city has twice tried setting up modern, large public bus systems with routes all around and outside the city. I rode them a few times myself. Usually they were just about empty. I guess the locals prefer the old ways.
  8. I've never seen the 'Sabrosso' brand extra-virgin named in any of the Scam Oil Lists. Not cheap, but very nice for cooking or even dipping bread.
  9. No problems for us. My wife filled out the online forms for both of us, and we received replies a few hours later saying the applications were accepted. A few days later, we received the actual papers to be used at the next filing. Smooth as can be. My wife is not a native speaker, neither Thai nor English, but had no difficulty navigating the Immigration website.
  10. Mine too, at Sriphat Medical Center and done by Dr.Paradee, was just about 70K for both eyes, including mono-focus lenses. In at 11am, home by 2pm each time. 23 minutes in the operating room for one, and 28 minutes for the other (she was teaching a student that time.) No problems with follow-up care.
  11. A lot depends upon your location in Thailand. I had True in town (Chiang Mai) for years but started losing speed every night, internet shutdowns every time it rained, etc., and started looking for something more reliable. I found that with 3BB. 1G down and 100mbps up. We've had ONE shutdown in the past two years. Lasted less than an hour. No other problems. Sometimes the speed does drop during busy times, but never below 500+/- download. Fast enough for anything I need to do, even when using a VPN.
  12. With respect, what they did was add my wife's name to the existing account. For two different accounts, actually, that we updated that day. The account numbers are the same for each pair.
  13. It seems to me that if a company was relocating part of its holdings, and requires its customers to know in the future where to go to handle transactions that they would have informed the customers of that fact. They certainly have our addresses on record. Simple to send out another boiler-plate letter telling us where we would need to go. A simple chart showing which branch one must use for which service (IF that really is required... Frankly, I haven't found it to be so.) Especially true for such an very important daily service such as banking.
  14. What makes you think so? When I wanted to add my wife's name to an account, we did it at a different branch, more convenient to us at the time. That involved getting a new bank book with both our names in it, and a new ATM card for her. They did NOT send us back to Kad Suan Kaew despite the fact that I usually did 99.9% of my banking there. They are 'branches,' not 'specialized divisions' of the bank.
  15. Your account, mine, and thousands of others who regularly banked at Kad Suen Kaew, did NOT have our accounts 'moved.' They were never 'at' Kad Suen Kaew. Since the day we opened them, our accounts have been in the central Bangkok Bank computer. No matter which 'branch' of Bangkok Bank we walk into tomorrow, our account information will be available, and all banking transactions can be done. We do NOT need to locate a specific branch to find our accounts. That said, it is nice to see familiar faces when we walk into a bank. I think it would be difficult to suddenly take 10-15 people and place them all together in another branch. Do they just fire the ones who were there before?
  16. I'd be polite, too, if I lived in a place where there are teen-age armed guards carrying shotguns everywhere you look, and half the people are carrying weapons of some sort.
  17. Road fatalities will not go down until there is a viable live police presence ON THE ROADS. On ALL roads. Everything else is just window dressing.
  18. I still have 15-20 cinnamon sticks that I brought back from our last trip to India just sitting in a jar, waiting to be needed by somebody. I thought I'd use more than I did, and brought back too much. let me know when you'll be in town, and you're welcome to them all!
  19. Excellent service, comprehensive health check (blood panel, Urine, EKG, X-Ray, Abdominal Ultrasound,) at Rajavej Hospital. In at 8:30, finished with tests by 9:30, back at 11:00 for a hands-on exam by physician and explanation and discussion of test rests. 4,900 Baht.
  20. Several stores in Icon Square (the building behind Computer Plaza) on the North side of the Moat carry portable, foldable, roll-able, Bluetooth keyboards.
  21. A plastic ketchup squirter bottle filled with 50%/50% vinegar-water solution, and a 24" rattan baton. I don't want bloody floors, I don't want drawn-out court cases. I just want to stop anyone who should not be in my house. Unless they have a firearm, this will stop them. I've kept this same combo available to me since I was 18 and living alone. Never needed to use it once in 65 years.
  22. In the States, I've eaten at lunch counters where you have to put your tip in front of you before a waiter will even come and take your order. Until I put two dollars on the counter in front of me, no one would take my order. I sat for five minutes waiting, until a 'regular' there explained what was required. As soon as I put down my tip, the waiter came over and took my sandwich order. It's not the waiter's fault. It's the fault of all American who permit restaurant owners to pay less than minimum wage to waitstaff, requiring them to live on their tips.
  23. She did both of mine at Sriphat. Well done, and that was a few years ago. I still see her every 4 months for checkups for Glaucoma, which she has also kept in check.
  24. ... or a Shoei 'Neotec' that has a flip front. No problem at all. ???? If you don't want to wear a mask, any excuse will do, right?
  25. I wear two hearing aids, eye glasses, a mask, and a full-face motorcycle helmet every day. Oddly enough, I have not found any difficulties doing so. It's really NOT rocket science.
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