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Everything posted by FolkGuitar

  1. Thanks, folks. These should do the trick. Mods, please close this thread.
  2. There used to be a shop called 'The Bag Shop' that did this sort of work, but they are closed. Anyone know another shop here inside the SuperHighway that can repair heavy-duty zippers? Thanks.
  3. Never trust a skinny chef... ????
  4. We came 22 years ago, having never even set foot in the area before. We took a chance, just as we had done so many times before with various decisions to be made. We knew we didn't want a 'big city' feel that Bangkok offers, and didn't want to settle in the islands that we had always visited before. So we took a chance. We've never regretted that decision. Sure, sometimes there are difficulties and minor irritations, but you find those everywhere. The air pollution is manageable, and doesn't give us second thoughts. (We don't leave during Burning Season.) Traffic is getting heavier, but that's really a minor inconvenience, certainly better here than in Bangkok! There is plenty to keep us outdoors when we wish to be, indoors when that's our aim, there is more than enough variety of restaurants and entertainment, and if we keep away from Neimann, no need to put up with crowds of tourists. I'd recommend Chiang Mai without reservation.
  5. Anything to avoid putting police personnel on the streets actually stopping crime. Just another band-aid.
  6. ♫... there will be one child left to carry on, to carry on. ♫
  7. "May have?" "Could have?" "Appears?" This must be some sort of new definition of a scientific 'study.'
  8. Can the folks who say that the Keto diet is not healthy please tell us how the natives of the far frozen north (Eskimos, Inuit, Laplander, etc.) manage to survive thousands of year of not eating vegetables or other carbs? Just eating protein and fats? Somehow, the indigenous people managed to stay alive long enough for modern stores and trading posts to bring them Twinkies. Now 76, I've been following the Keto lifestyle for the past 4 years. I get a health check at Rajavej every year. Everything is in the normal range except Cholesterol levels, and with the new, peer-reviewed studies being done proving the old thinking incorrect, the doctor is not worried about that number. I began it to lose weight. It took about a year to go from a size 46" waist back down to a size 33". I was tired of having my belly enter a room two minutes before the rest of me. I continued Keto because my entire body feels better when living this way. Most of those little niggling aches and pains of old age (you know the ones... knees creaking, hips sore, back stiff, etc., Pick yours.) are GONE as long as I follow Keto. As I said, I began it to lose weight, but I continue it because it makes my body feel better. The only food I feel that I am giving up is Pepperidge Farm Mint Milano cookies or french fries. So every few months I break the diet and eat them. Then I start up again. I eat meat, vegetables, and dessert with every dinner. I just have to choose my veggies a bit more carefully. Last night we made Cantonese Shrimp with Lobster Sauce for dinner. The night before that we had Pizza. Tonight I'll probably cook Mexican Fajitas or Tacos. We really don't have to 'suffer' when following Keto, just be a bit creative. When I eat in a restaurant, I don't eat the rice. It's not hard.
  9. I still use PayPal. After PayPal cancelled all our Thai accounts, I simply opened an American PayPal account and use that will no issues. Just open an account in your home country. Easiest way is to have a friend or relative IN the country 'lend' you their telephone number. It will be needed to sign up for the account to prove that you are really you. You give them a one-time password to set up the account, then as soon as it's established, change your password. I then attached a bank account to the PayPal account, and now all set. I've been using PayPal steadily with no problems other than I'm spending too much money buying toys!
  10. On the other hand, perhaps 'some' of these conspiracy theories are not just theories. We can't lump them all together. Some ARE complete nutjobs. No doubt about that. But if we get into the habit of 'labeling' everything quickly, for expediency, rather than investigating thoroughly , we do run the risk of a lot of misinformation being spread around. How often have you heard someone casually but instantly respond to a comment with a 'That's just a conspiracy theory,' giving the comment no further thought. Common labels do that to us. It's one of the reasons labels developed so well... they 'shortcut' the thinking process. Speed up the conversation, but a a much more shallow level.
  11. At 76, I've already completed all most all of my original dreams. I was fortunate to be able to live them already. The only one left is 'sky diving' and these old knees won't support that now. It's one of the reasons we moved to Chiang Mai... a place that doesn't give us cause to want to be anywhere else! Other people's Bucket List brings them right here. We're quite happy right here right now. No longer any particular desire to go somewhere else. A nice motorcycle ride in the mountains is more than enough to re-energize us.
  12. If you can't hit your deer or elk with three rounds in a magazine, you shouldn't be allowed to hunt at all! There is no valid reason for 10-20-30 round magazines for hunting. Outlaw large-capacity magazines and you remove a major factor in these mass shootings. Today's AR-15s sold in American sporting goods stores only LOOK like assault rifles, but they are NOT. They are NOT automatic weapons (which define assault weapons,) but single-shot semi-automatic rifles just like Uncle Bob's old deer gun, only not so friendly 'looking.' You have to pull the trigger for every shot no matter how many rounds are in the magazine. Reduce the capacity of the magazine and you reduce the capacity for sustained rapid fire. No need to 'ban' guns. Just make them less useful for the average mass murderer. And isn't it a shame that we actually DO have an 'average' mass murderer these days?
  13. I bought two Hitachi units from PowerBuy a few years ago. I think they were about ฿1,000 each. For another ฿ 900 I bought a PM2.5 monitor. These two units bring out PM2.5 reading down into the single or low double digits in couple of minutes despite the triple digits air outside. We did not seal the windows or cover the Aircon openings, but we still have sweet, clean air 24/7 during Burning Season. With the house secure, and wearing a good N95 mask when going outside, this season is simply no problem at all!
  14. Great to hear that you are having such success with what appears to be approaching a Keto lifestyle without needing to worry about the details. Low Carb works. It doesn't require keeping charts and lists the way some follow Keto and the results are 'almost' the same, health-wise. More energy, far less body inflammation, no big hunger spikes, etc. Pretty positive results all around!
  15. Even if there IS a ban on water throwing, farang backpack tourist won't abide by it. They will throw water on anyone, even those in good clothes on their way to work who obviously do not want to play.
  16. Mods.... How many different threads will there be this year all discussing the same tired news?
  17. I'm 76 years old. My height is 175cm (5'9") At the age of 73 I weighed 110k (240lbs.) My waist size was 44" I now weigh 71k (156lbs.) Waist 33" It took a year to remove the excess weight, but the beneficial difference in overall health and body condition is on an order of magnitude. I began my dietary changes to lose weight, but discovered that all the positive body changes (i.e. reduction of inflammation of joints, better sleep, better mobility, clearer skin... the list goes on and on, and that is what has kept me following this food lifestyle for past two+ years after the weight reduction succeeded. If you are tired of having your stomach enter a room two minutes before the rest of your body, you might consider the Keto lifestyle. It works. It's not a diet... It's a way of approaching eating from a different perspective. Cut out sugar and starches. That will do the trick. And if you find you are missing your cookies, cakes, and French fries, well.... Have some! It's not a 'Prison Diet!' It's something you are choosing to do for yourself. Have the french fries. Have the Ice cream and cookies one day. Or what ever it is that you feel you can't live without. THEN... get back on the Keto wagon again until you feel the need to break it again. I break my diet several times a year. There is no need to suffer. Do what you can for your better health. Keto works. It's a healthy way to eat ... if my last three yearly health checkups at the hospital are correct. Right now I've broken the diet for a few days to enjoy some food gifts that I received, but will be re-starting Keto on Saturday. Why? Because after a few days following Keto, my body just feels better!
  18. The worst part of corruption is that it keeps the system moving so well! Perhaps that's why the Chinese nickname for it is 'fragrant grease.' Pay it, and everything moves smoothly. 5,000 years ago it ceased to be an issue of 'legally right or wrong,' in favor of 'effective or not effective.' And unfortunately, it is very effective.
  19. Thanks for the update, Mahseer! I appreciate it.
  20. My first health check here was at Ram, and all subsequent yearly health checks at Rajaveg Hospital. There are two obvious differences between the two; Rajaveg was about 3,000 baht cheaper for the same tests, and Ram had carpeting on the floor in the waiting room. I don't make an appointment. I fast after dinner the night before, show up at the hospital at 8am and immediately get taken for blood test and the rest of the program. Usually finished by 8:45. I leave and have breakfast, come back at 10am for physician's physical exam and consultation on test results, and home by 10:45. Usually no waiting more than 2-3 minutes to be seen at each station. Very smoothly run program. In and out quickly with both printed results and DVD of ultrasound. I think I paid 4,700 Baht last month for this.
  21. I wonder how they will get the Chinese tourists to go through their roadside checks to 'protect' them? There certainly won't be more police actually on the streets preventing crime. That might actually make sense.
  22. Here's a Hearing Aid update... A LOT has changed in these past few months, and I've learned a lot about these new hearing aids on the market today. In the US, hearing aid can now be sold over the counter in places like Walmart, CVS, Target, etc. and at very reasonable costs! Most are self-programmable. Quality varies, especially by price, but reputable name brands are available. Be careful and do not get lulled by low prices. Do your research about each brand and each model. There may not be any trained hearing professions doing the selling. As far as top of the line custom hearing aids, again, big changes. Now virtually all top-end hearing aids are Bluetooth enabled, and have smartphone apps to 'generally' control them. By that I mean many of the apps will control only volume, and perhaps bass/treble sliders, while other brand apps may also provide those for each custom program, and a couple of other general settings, etc. ReSound brand is touted to have the best app, and I personally agree. It can be GPS linked to a specific location which means that if I create a 'custom setting' program for my favorite weekly lunch with friends at our regular restaurant, link it in the app to the phone's GPS, every Friday when I walk into that restaurant my hearing aids automatically switch into that specific custom setting! When I leave, it automatically switches back to my all-around setting. The app lets me adjust bass/mid/treble in four different situational programs, as well as adjusting wind noise. I seem to be able to create unlimited number of 'favorite' programs linked to my GPS. That said, I rarely use the app to adjust volume. I prefer the button on my hearing aid. One button serves both devices for volume, although I have the option of changing just one side if I wanted to change the initial set-up. That's NOT something that can be changed by the app. One needs a wireless interface to software on a computer. I bought my interface from Ebay, and the hearing aid company I use gave me the software and showed me how to use it. BUT... one does NOT need to self-program any more. Your audiologist can connect with you hearing aids via smartphone, and make any changes you might like! I treated myself to a pair of ReSound One-nine devices, and could not be happier! The sound quality is the most normal that I've encountered to date, and the customization perfect for my needs. The ReSound One-nine is made in three different models; Rechargeable, 13, and 312 size batteries. I chose the battery model as I travel often, and would always have to have a charger with me. Two spare 312 batteries take up no room on my key-chain. That, plus my hearing aid supplier recommended that I keep away from rechargeable because it would cost me too much (living here in Thailand) to replace the battery when it wears out. I opted to upgrade the receiver to the next higher power as my hearing is going fast and these should cover me for at least the next 5-6 years. They come with a four-year warranty from the manufacturer. They have the highest water resistance rating available, although I believe it's the new Oticon hearing aids that you can safely wear in the shower! ReSound uses a nano-coating on all its individual inside parts, then again as a finished product, so it should stand up well to the occasional rain storm, but living in the tropics I still like to use a dry-box every night anyway. I wouldn't be able to do that so conveniently with rechargeable devices. One delightful benefit of Bluetooth enabled hearing aids is that they can connect with your phone, automatically channeling the call/music/audiobook/etc., directly into your hearing aids. With my new ReSound One-nine I can tap a button on my hearing aid to answer the phone (still in my pocket) and answer back via the mics in my hearing aid! Finally crystal clear phone calls. A button tap ends the call and returns you to your previous situation. The hearing aid shop in Chotana Mall can order ReSound hearing aids, and she is very pleasant to deal with. However, I bought my hearing aids online for the savings, which were significant. The dealer pre-programed them with my audiogram and sent them to me. We made an appointment to connect, and as he showed me how the new fitting software worked, tweaked a couple of frequency settings that I wanted, changed some button assignments (right press volume up/left press volume down, long left press streaming (from any Bluetooth source) on, right long press streaming off. That was really all I needed to make them fit perfectly to my needs. That, combined with the GPS custom settings automatically changing for me through my usual day, unnoticed by my unless I happen to look at my phone and see what program I'm in! That said iPhone (maybe Android too?) has its own app that connect to your Bluetooth devices allowing me to adjust the volume of each hearing aid separately or together, as well as completely mute them. It also shows battery levels. One very cool feature is "Live Sound." Turn on Live Sound and your phone's mic becomes one of your mics. If you're at a large table and can't hear the people at the other end, turn on Live Sound, and your phone becomes a directional mic. If it's a really big table, put your phone in the middle pointing towards them. No need for extras. But of course, extras are available! Most of the major brands have remote mics, TV streaming devices, and devices that do both. Each is well worth the extra money... IF you need them. I bought ReSound's 'Multi-Mic' and use it at least a few hours a day. Not needed... just makes life easier. I guess this got a little longer than I planned... ????
  23. 'Goodspeed Computers' here in Chiang Mai has made all of my desktop machines for the past 20 years. I tell them what I want it to do, they make recommendations as to specific parts and pieces (CPU, GUI, Power supply size, etc., etc.,) and tower, we discuss it, decide, and they assemble it all. They will install the operating system, drivers, and some various 'regular use' software such as Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Skype, etc., but if you prefer an empty drive and do the installs yourself, they are fine with that too! Over the years I've had the occasional glitch, brought the tower into the shop, and they fixed it while I waited. If it would take longer, I could pick it up later, but NEVER had to wait overnight for a fix! No question in my mind, when I'm ready for a new computer, I'll have Goodspeeds put it together for me.
  24. I met with him today, and he gave permission for me to forward his contact information. He does not have a shop any longer, but does make house-calls! If you want his data, send me a PM. I don't feel comfortable just posting it here.
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