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Posts posted by cougar52

  1. Unamazing Thailand, now the Yellow PAD (PEACEFUL) shot one of the villagers and the PM and the Army are trying to negotiate with the PAD. This is unbelievable, why are they not arrested. When gives them the power over the Army and the Police. They do not do anything peaceful. And they even stated that they would fight everyone in their way. It is time someone gets some gonards and put them down, they are truly TERRORISTS

  2. I was just wondering why so much is in this Thai Visa about the reds and the ISOC and not one thing about the PAD who has already have injured people fighting with the local residents and this government has not applied ISOC on them. And the PAD stated they will fight the locals and the police and the Army if they don't give way so that they can do their protest at the border. Certainly looks like shades of their other peaceful protests from last year ?????? It is apparent there is diffidently double standards and all intelligent people know whose side the Dems and military are on.

  3. PAD warns Govt of violence on coup anniversary day

    The People's Alliance for Democracy Sunday warned that former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra would resort to violence to try to bring down the government.

    Suriyasai Katasila, a PAD coordinator and the secretarygeneral of the PAD's New Politics Party, said Thaksin was expected to mobilise all of his men, as well as those in uniforms, to try to bring down the government not long after the red-shirt movement starts its rally on Saturday, the third anniversary of the September 19 coup.

    Suriyasai said Thaksin was expected to use his network to stage violence outside the rally ground so that the violence could escalate until the government is brought down.


    -- The Nation 2009/09/13

    Looks as if this is from the PAD play book; remember the PAD are the teachers of today unrest

  4. I do remember when the Yellow PAD people were throwing shoes, bottles, etc. at Somthai

    In your alternative universe, maybe? :)

    and then attacking the police

    The PAD only attacked the police in retaliation during Oct 7 crackdown. Never in isolated incidents.

    Bull Sh*t, how about an unarmed police in the airport before the take over by PAD. Some of you really live in another planet.

    And yes, Twap they are both wrong and there is no democracy in neither ones action. I won't argue with an imbalanced person that makes statements such as "don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up"

  5. The events clearly show that democracy is not the real aim and never will be of the reds.

    Unless democracy means 'reds wins at any cost'.

    A democratic process begins long before any election and never stops. An election in itself is but a very small detail in it.

    Unless some posters realize that we will have the same boring rehash of one-liners here in this thread and for future years to come...*yawn*.

    Yawn and Yawn again, as I do not like being the one to bring this up, however, I do remember when the Yellow PAD people were throwing shoes, bottles, etc. at Somchai and then attacking the police so PLEASE all of you just stop this infantile actions and start acting like adults. Both sides need to stop, turn a new page and quit trying to do one better that the other. That is what a vendetta is, and there is no winner in that type of action.

  6. Any chance we can avoid using the word Thaksin in this thread... not relevant to this court case at all, and so very very very boring... :)

    How about the

    "Man from Chaing Mai"?

    or maybe

    "Absconder In Chief" :D

    I must agree with Jasreeve17, there not one thing on this thread or the case about the very always talked about and infamous MR. T, this is why he is still on there minds because even the Falangs won't make a post without his name. The sooner he is forgotten as a bad dream or nightmare the sooner everyone in Thailand can get back to taking care of the country. The sooner these type people are not headlines, the better for all in the country.

  7. Accusing the Red Shirts without having clear proof is about as ugly as manufacturing the recording.

    Abhisit doesn't need a clear proof that he didn't say any of those things he is accused of. He was there.

    Hear hear, I also remember than Khun Newin was there and the Dept. P.M. was there also, and if I remember correctly, the DPM saying that the blue shirts were not with Newin and are only local people to help the Government who had over 8,000 police and army there to turn back less than 2,000 Red Shirts.

    Then a few weeks later it is discovered that they are in leagues with Newin and the Government.

    What such Bull from both sides, and what you all are doing is destroying the little bit of sanity left in the Country. Even the beloved K*ng is asking for everyone to quit destroying the beautiful land.

  8. I know that the English studies are not all there is to education, however, when you realize the lack of English in Thailand is appalling. Even Laos, Malaysia, Singapore are far an above Thailand in speaking, reading, writing, and understanding the English Language, not even forget Taiwan, Japan, China, and Korea. I believe it is like saying the Thailand Airport will take over the HUB in Singapore, it may be a possibility if the Thais can keep the Airport OPEN and keep PAD, Red Shirts and others from closing it for their peaceful protests.

  9. "If the government wants trouble with the red shirts, we will find trouble for the government and Abhisit [Vejjajiva]. We will start a signature campaign to seek the premier's impeachment. He will be aware how many people dislike him," he said.

    Put this Jatuporn in the place where he belongs to - in prison! Immediately!

    Along with all the wrong doers, regardless of the color of their shirts :)

  10. In regards to his signing, it is required by law, as the husband in a land transaction!!!!!

    Indeed. However, given his status as PM it was also illegal under anti-corruption laws that were in existence at the time.

    I will leave this for you to ponder??????

    The FIDF is an entity set up to solve financial crises in the country many years before Thaksin arrived on the political scene. This office first put this land on public auction in July 2003. There were three development companies that were interested. However, the minimum bid was too high (B870 Mil) and FIDF cancelled the auction.

    In November 2003, FIDF again announced sale of this land to the public via its website. Khunying Pajamarn was interested in the land for residential purposes and appointed her attorney submit a bid.

    The FIDF appointed two committees to supervise the bidding process, the bid acceptance committee and the price opening committee. There were 4 potential bidders. But before each potential bidder can submit a bid, their qualification must be approved by these committees. One of the potential bidders was disqualified because their attorney who submitted the bid was not properly authorized. Khunying Pajamarn (offered B772 Mil) and two others are found to be qualified. The other two were publicly listed real estate developers, Noble Development Public Co. LTD. (offered B750 Mil), and House Public Co. LTD. (offered B730 Mil).

    In December 2003, after the opening of the bidding price, the committee held a meeting to approve the sale to the highest bidder and the Land Sale and Purchased Agreement was signed with Khunyin Pajamarn.

    Also in December 2003, Thaksin, as a husband, signed the consent form required to effect the registration of the land transfer. As part of the formality of any registration of real estate requiring spousal consent, he used his official identity card. It shows his official title as Prime Minister.

    And this is important… Prior to putting down his signature, it was confirmed that the office of the Prime Minister is neither the office in charge of, nor has the authority to direct or supervise the FIDF. This is supported by the Supreme Court decision No. 4655/2533 which ruled that the FIDF is a separate and distinct juristic body independent from the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Thailand. It has its own rights and duty in accordance with laws and regulations within the boundary of its objectives.

    Would that be the same Supreme court he bought off to get by the assets concealment case...

    Why yes, it would be.

    It was later determined he actually was the boss of the department that controls that office.

    He had abilities to sway that department from his position, and so that was enough.

    ~~FDIF means what again?

    FDIF set up by whom...? Government under whom?

    Not that it makes much difference.

    Thaksin was totally thick with the government and bureaucracies coming up to and through the Asian Tiger mauling,

    and specifically harried the guys who were taking the country back to solvency until his coalition TRT

    finally came in and took credit for a booming WORLD economy.

    In January 2007, the Financial Institutions Development Fund complied with the Assets Examination Committee request to file a charge against Thaksin and his wife over their purchase of four 772 million baht plots of land from the FIDF in 2003. The charge was based on alleged violation of Section 100 of the National Counter Corruption Act, which specifies that government officials and their spouses are prohibited from entering into or having interests in contracts made with state agencies under their authorisation. However, Section 4 of the Act indicates that persons committing malfeasance must be direct supervisors of the damaged party - in this case, the FIDF. At the time, Bank of Thailand Governor Pridiyathorn Devakula directly supervised the FIDF, not Thaksin.Section 29 of the Bank of Thailand Act of 1942 stated that the Prime Minister did not have jurisdiction to oversee the FIDF, because those managing the fund had sole authority for policies, control, oversight and regulations governing the agency. Pridiyathorn's testimony to the court occurred in secret - Thaksin's legal team was not allowed in the room. The FIDF later noted that the land was sold to the Shinawatras at a price greater than its appraised value. The case went to the Supreme Court 10 July 2007.

    To answer you FDIF was set up by the Bank of Thailand in 1985(Not Thaksin) and was governed by Director of the Bank of Thailand. The charges against them were filed after a request from the AEC after the Coup and the change of the constitution.

    So lets be totally fair when we put the wisdom in public, OK?

  11. In regards to his signing, it is required by law, as the husband in a land transaction!!!!!

    Indeed. However, given his status as PM it was also illegal under anti-corruption laws that were in existence at the time.

    I will leave this for you to ponder??????

    The FIDF is an entity set up to solve financial crises in the country many years before Thaksin arrived on the political scene. This office first put this land on public auction in July 2003. There were three development companies that were interested. However, the minimum bid was too high (B870 Mil) and FIDF cancelled the auction.

    In November 2003, FIDF again announced sale of this land to the public via its website. Khunying Pajamarn was interested in the land for residential purposes and appointed her attorney submit a bid.

    The FIDF appointed two committees to supervise the bidding process, the bid acceptance committee and the price opening committee. There were 4 potential bidders. But before each potential bidder can submit a bid, their qualification must be approved by these committees. One of the potential bidders was disqualified because their attorney who submitted the bid was not properly authorized. Khunying Pajamarn (offered B772 Mil) and two others are found to be qualified. The other two were publicly listed real estate developers, Noble Development Public Co. LTD. (offered B750 Mil), and House Public Co. LTD. (offered B730 Mil).

    In December 2003, after the opening of the bidding price, the committee held a meeting to approve the sale to the highest bidder and the Land Sale and Purchased Agreement was signed with Khunyin Pajamarn.

    Also in December 2003, Thaksin, as a husband, signed the consent form required to effect the registration of the land transfer. As part of the formality of any registration of real estate requiring spousal consent, he used his official identity card. It shows his official title as Prime Minister.

    And this is important… Prior to putting down his signature, it was confirmed that the office of the Prime Minister is neither the office in charge of, nor has the authority to direct or supervise the FIDF. This is supported by the Supreme Court decision No. 4655/2533 which ruled that the FIDF is a separate and distinct juristic body independent from the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Thailand. It has its own rights and duty in accordance with laws and regulations within the boundary of its objectives.

  12. The manner of Thaksin's conviction was wide open and seen by the public.

    The logic of the decisions by the judges was explained publicly

    and the counts and their reasonings also made public.

    He signed the paper allowing his wife to buy the property,

    he was PM at that time,

    and 'the boss of that financial departments boss' to put it colloquially.

    This is cut and dried, he had no right in his position to sing that paper.

    It was demonstrably a sweetheart deal WAY below market value.

    The ONLY 2 other bidders were TRT party supporters who had put

    large sums behind Thaksin's election bids and his party activities.

    I know it's popular in redden thought to repeat over and over,

    he was illegally convicted,

    but the facts made public peak for themselves.

    He broke the law in office and got caught boo hoo.

    He was convicted and got a rather short sentence.

    But hasn't got the stones to stand the sentence.

    In regards to his signing, it is required by law, as the husband in a land transaction!!!!!

  13. I am truly and totally confused , can someone please explain this to me. If the PM states;

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday that the petition by supporters of ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra to seek Royal clemency for him would be rejected as it did not conform to legal criteria.

    The the thing that I want to know, why so much government interference, why so much money has been spent to combat the thing, why all this waste of time and money from the Government if (it does not conform to legal criteria).


  14. I believe the figure was those earning less than 12000 Baht/month - in rural areas, they would be among the better off!

    It actually was "earning less than 15,000 Baht/Month" Which is not at all poor in Thai Standards, my wife just left Adidas, and was a supervisor making 12,000 a month.

    Animatic... I do like most of your postings, however, your colors are showing in this argument. In the both previous Governments PAD were "insurgents" and both and police were usless. Samak and Somchai order emergency decree that was ignored my both the police and Army. And the Court receded on the order for PAD to vacate the Government House. There was no Government at the time. And Oct. 7th happened because PAD blocked parliament, on and on.

  15. This in Bangkok News:

    Canadian Murdered in Ranong - Trial

    The murder trial for Dale Henry is currently underway in Ranong. Not many foriegners have turned up at the Court to show their support unfortunately. Early word is that if the hitman walks free, the wife and boyfriend walk free. Would welcome any Newspaper Gurus on this forum to add a hand with some reporting.

    Let us as a Foreign community in this country not let Dale Henry's memory be tread on. Give some support and bring the Trial into the glaring lights of the public and not let the people behind this crime get away with what they did.

  16. Hi Thaitanic,

    I am not sure about Kasikorn bank, I am sure that you can do what you want to do. I had an account in Bangkok Bank in Bangkok and went to Phetchabun in the north and withdrew enough to purchase a Toyota truck there with no problems.

    At the end of the day it was my money and my bank, just another city in Thailand.

    The only thing that I know is that if I use the Bangkok ATM against my Bangkok account, they will charge me 20 Baht in another city.

  17. Animatic and LawnGnome

    They will complain yes, about the invisible hand especially since a Cabinet Member (IF) disqualified as a MP and violating the constitution is allowed to remain as the Dep. PM.

    see what the PM says;

    The disqualification of 13 Democrat MPs would not affect the stability of the Democrat-led coalition government, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Friday morning.

    The Democrat MPs, including Deputy Prime Minister and party secretary general Suthep Thaugsuban, were disqualified by the Election Commission (EC) yesterday for violating the constitution by holding shares in businesses prohibited by the charter.

    The Constitution Court will have the final say.

    “If the Constitution Court also rules to disqualify the MPs and by-elections are held, I am confident that the MPs will once again win at the polls”, said Mr Abhisit.

    It was not necessary for the MPs to resign their seats now. Only those ruled guilty by the court would have to resign.

    The prime minister said there would be no need for a cabinet reshuffle. Mr Suthep could continue to hold the position of deputy prime minister even if he was disqualified as an MP.

  18. Silence is the key word here!!! The Pol. man is now been missing for 14 days and his boss said if he does not report on the 15th day he faces disciplinary action.

    It certainly, a smart police force would arrest the suspect....THEN tell the public how smart they are, and how a good job they are doing.

  19. Hello Faranginexile,

    I do not know what you usual desire in regards to accommodations, however, I live in Korat and my wife used to work in Bang kae, so I was constantly staying in Bangkok monthly for 2 two the days per month.

    I found a very pleasant serviced apartment on the river and not to expensive. The name is Riverfront Residence at Riverfront Residence.com.

    However, I would suggest that you book it through someplace like hotelthailand.com because the Hotel quotes a rate of 6,500 Baht for a 2 bedroom deluxe on their site where Hotel Thailand quotes 3,540 Baht for the same 2 bedroom deluxe good through 30 June 2009. (Big Discount) And the rate through then from July 1 to Oct goes up to 4,130 Baht.

    I hope this helps you, I was very pleased with the Residence and the service was great.

  20. Yes, he got screwed.

    Senior Member


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    Posts: 207

    Joined: 2004-08-26

    From: Hua Hin

    Member No.: 12,445

    I would agree 100% with your comments,

    As some of you will know i exported my car from England to Thailand and it all went pear shaped.

    If you bring a nice car in then customs will up and up the price until you walk away, they are then left to get the said car for personal friends at a very low price.

    After 3 price increases i was forced to walk away, my opinion of Thai customs officials i am afraid i could not put into words.

    As many of you know Thailand signed up to the GATT agreement which imposes fair and transparent valuations on all imported goods, the problem is although the Thais singed this agreement it as usual does not mean they have to follow the regulations.


  21. And another from Aljazeera

    News Asia-Pacific

    Thaksin gets Nicaraguan passport

    Thai authorities accused Thaksin of instigating

    violent protests in Bangkok [EPA]

    Nicaragua has issued Thaksin Shinawatra, the exiled Thai prime minister, a passport naming him an "ambassador on a special mission", saying he can help bring in investment.

    The government in a statement said the former Thai leader received the passport in February after a meeting with Daniel Ortega, the Nicaraguan president.

    Ortega appointed Thaksin to the post to help attract investment to the impoverished Central American nation, said the government in a press release in the capital, Managua, on Wednesday.

    Nicaragua's announcement came a day after Thai authorities cancelled Thaksin's personal passport for undermining national security from outside the country.

    "According to the law, the government has the right to revoke a passport of a person who damages the country and the Pattaya incident has shown that Mr Thaksin is trying to damage our country," Panitan Wattanayagorn, a foreign ministry spokesman, said.

    The Thai government has accused Thaksin of stoking anti-government protests by supporters which forced the cancellation of a regional summit last weekend.

    So why so much propaganda from the PM? :o

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