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Posts posted by cougar52

  1. Do not forget also that it is easily overlooked that Jatuporn, one of the main leaders, would lose his immunity come Monday, May the 24th.

    And even though he surrendered with the others, he is now free because of that immunity, even the second in charge of the police would not arrest him because of his immunity when he was in the National Police Headquarters.

    He is not free - he is being held in Hua Hin with the others, courtesy of state of emergency laws. They can hold him for 7 days, upon which time, his immunity expires, and he'll be charged with terrorism, just like the others. Don't think that big mouth isn't singing up a storm as we speak.

    Then please explain this: Section: Government & Politics - United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) core leader Jatuporn Prompan reported himself to the police today, but his bid failed when Deputy Metropolitan Police Chief Police Major General Amnuay Nimmano did not allow him to do so.

    Puea Thai party-list MP and UDD core leader Jatuporn Prompan reported to inquiry officials of Metropolitan Police Headquarter amid about 300 UDD supporters traveling to give him moral support. The UDD top leader stressed that he had never sought immunity as an MP, but it was an automatic right according to the constitution

  2. Do not forget also that it is easily overlooked that Jatuporn, one of the main leaders, would lose his immunity come Monday, May the 24th.

    And even though he surrendered with the others, he is now free because of that immunity, even the second in charge of the police would not arrest him because of his immunity when he was in the National Police Headquarters.

  3. Yes, agree with you that some RED shirt need to be executed death penalty by law. BUT not before a fair hearing is conducted.

    REDS have already been excecuted without trial look at Da Saeng execution if ever i saw one

    For info only it is Seh Daeng who you are trying to allude to. And no one knows who did it, it may even even have been the reds to, after all he had happened to threaten some of the red leaders with death if they did not keep the course. And that is in his own words from one of his interviews. He even named the leaders that wanted to defect and mentioned who he felt were loyal to "Taksin".

  4. Has anyone seen the CNN news clip with the red protester ?

    And just think! This IDIOT is now the Red Shirt top dog......

    I think I'll go out and make me one of those " hand made guns" just so I have some protection when someone tries to stop me from exercising my God given right to commit mayhem and murder.

    TGIR--- What I think is absolutely laughable is when Dr. weng explains that this pistol has a range of maybe only 10 meters???

    LESS THAN 11 FEET :)

    But you know he was well trained by the communists.

  5. That man disgusts me. What's scary is that his outright lies will be what the Westerners hear and what they'll most likely believe. Thaksin is winning the war of the media, which may lead him to prevail in the long run.

    Because thailand has no credability when they remove a democratically elected Pm by a military coup and install there own government and then wangle it so the yellows can get back in without holding elections

    Point number Thaksin was not the PM at the time of the Coup, Thaksin was a caretaker and not the elected PM.

  6. Oh, these rioters are well armed! Easy to say that when your feet are standing in London.

    The live fire zone has warning posted everywhere. as with other public warning signs, if you proceed then.........!!!

    Please explain why over 50 protesters have been killed by rifle fire and only one Army person has been killed, if the Red shirts are so well armed. And of course you are the final say about Amnesty international. I am sick of these purely unsubstantiated posts. All you show is your predjuices and your personal biases.

    So many of the post on this situation in Thailand by ex-pats or other foreigners in Thaivisa disappoint me. To understand the situation in Thailand now you all need Thailand history course. Most of you are only concerned about your personal needs, rather it be my next beer, or your business.

    Maybe you and AI need to see some wake up: http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-445228

  7. Violence breeds Violence

    About 2,000 red-shirt people from Khon Kaen travelling on over 200 pick-up trucks reached the Ayutthaya checkpoint at 7 am.

    Troops let the trucks pass through after they searched the vehicles and did not find any weapon.

    The Nation

    I am sorry,but, this just shows the mentality of the police and the troops. 2,000 reinforcements :) , do they do not realize they can pick up their arms and ammunition in Bangkok where the reds have stolen upteen weapons from the police and the Army. Why even have a roadblock if they just let them go through?

    Unbelievable Thailand, what a way to protect your comrades. Come on let's have a fair fight, we will let you through this time because you need replacement and reinforcements,


  8. How responsible are this Reds,

    THE NATION: RT @rrystrom:My mother-in-law said pppl wanted 2 bring home their children&old ppl from rajprasong yday but was refused 2leave by r-guards..

    So now that they are hostages not protesters and are truly being held against their will for the purpose of being shields for the leaders and the radicals.

  9. Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

    The way I heard it, the soldiers could not see who was in the van. They motioned it to stop, but it came, speeding, right at them. They opened fire and stopped it that way. The report said when they opened the doors they found the driver was drunk, and there was a ten-year-old boy in the car.

    Don't start calling people names, most especially if you don't know what actually happened. That is so obviously wrong, don't you see that?

    I do not understand why people just want to post <deleted> for the sake of posting, without not knowing the facts. If you do not know what happened do not post misleading information. :)

    The 10 year old boy was on a footpath, the soldiers told him to go home and stay out of trouble. Shortly later the van came, the soldiers tried to motion to the driver to stop, but he speed ed up to break through the blockade. The soldiers sprayed the road a tires, then shot at the driver, who was drunk and on his way to the rally site.

    It appears that when the soldiers sprayed the street to blow out the tires several of the bullets ricocheted and ending hitting the boy that who at this time was lying on the footpath.

    So all I am asking is to do not report or repeat rumors, the information is all available, so just look for it. Please not be to lazy to post the truth without first confirming what you are posting, instead of posting a misleading post just for the sake of speed and getting your name on the forum. Thank you for your consideration. :D

  10. Very sad pictures :)


    Forgot to add some information to the picture

    7 killed and 101 injured Nine people are in critical conditions including a 10 year old boy.

    With many families on the protest site and the indiscriminating shooting by the Thai military it’s a wonder that no child has been shot.

    However last night a 10 year old boy was seriously shot in the abdomen when the van he was traveling in failed to slow down at a check-point.

    Source: Daily News Thailand

    Misinformation!!!!! That 10 year old boy was not in that van. He was on a foot path and was lying down when the incident happened, in addition was another person injured--a taxi driver. The oy was at the site and a solder told the boy to go home unfortunately he decided not to follow that advise, then the van came speeding into the scene and the rest is history.

  11. I am appalled!!!, all you BS Red Apologist that want to talk about your bullsh*t peaceful Reds, I just watched on Thai TV a group of these peaceful people pull a young army boy from a army truck. The soldier was hands up gesturing for them to take the truck. Then one of the peaceful asses hit hit then another shot him. He WAS unarmed and only driving a truck.

    One of the old sayings from when I was in Viet Nam, was kill them all and let god sort them out. After seeing just how inhuman these mop, criminals are It was the first thing that came in my head. They deserve NOTHING. :)

  12. siampolee' date='2010-05-14 18:02:57' post='3597950']

    The red-shirt leaders Friday announced they would no longer compromise with the government and toughened their demands for the administration to comply with.

    The red-shirt leaders demanded Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to meet the five demands as following:

    1) The government must cease fire immediately.

    2) The government must withdraw troops immediately.

    3) The government must lift the state of emergency immediately.

    4) The House must be dissolved immediately.

    5) Abhisit and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban must resign and must not be in the caretaker Cabinet.

    Well,Well so now you can see who the leader is where he is. Here is what The real leader said earlier:

    This just in !!!: Thaksin calls on govt to urgently hold talk with protesters

    Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra Friday issued a statement, urging the government to hold a talk with the protest leaders to end the violence.

    He issued the statement via Noppadol Pattama, his former legal advisor.

    Thaksin said the government had violated human rights and law by ordering the troops to crack down on the protesters.

    Thaksin demanded Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to immediately carry out four things:

    1) The government must stop deploying troops and police with lethal weapons to suppress on protesters.

    2) The government must immediately lift the state of emergency in all provices.

    3) The government must hold a talk with protest leaders immediately to find a political solution.

    4) The government must hold talks with all groups in the society to try to bring about reconciliation so that the country will have genuine democracy and justice and can progress.

  13. Another thought is the Government could explain to him that this is his doing, so all he has to do is call his lackeys and tell them to move everyone out in two hours. The Government will not move and will cease for two hours and if they are4 not gone then t6hey get what you and them asked for and the total removal will be done, so you get TWO HOURS and the time start when I hang up the phone.

  14. This just in !!!: Thaksin calls on govt to urgently hold talk with protesters

    Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra Friday issued a statement, urging the government to hold a talk with the protest leaders to end the violence.

    He issued the statement via Noppadol Pattama, his former legal advisor.

    Thaksin said the government had violated human rights and law by ordering the troops to crack down on the protesters.

    Thaksin demanded Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to immediately carry out four things:

    1) The government must stop deploying troops and police with lethal weapons to suppress on protesters.

    2) The government must immediately lift the state of emergency in all provices.

    3) The government must hold a talk with protest leaders immediately to find a political solution.

    4) The government must hold talks with all groups in the society to try to bring about reconciliation so that the country will have genuine democracy and justice and can progress.

    This man is just unbelievable, after telling everyone in the reds not to quit, telling Seh Deang the same, sabotaging the PM's Road Map and now he wants the army and the Government to stop and sit down again---I for one would tell him you have done enough, and you now had a new country, leave this one alone.

  15. Does any one know what is happening with Veera;

    1). yesterday he was going to surrender,

    2). then he was not

    3). then there was reports that he was threatened by shea deang

    4). then he left the country and resigned from UDD

    5). then weng said he had a cold

    5). then--Red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua on Thursday denied speculation that Veera Musigapong had resigned his leadership due to differences related to the April 10 violence.

    "Veera did not quit but he has not appeared on the rally stage because of the division of responsibilities (among the core leaders)," he said, explaining Veera's absence.

    Speculation spreaded that Veera disagreed with the direction of the protests for fear of a repeat of bloodletting incidents.

  16. ==================================================================

    If the unarmed person was visibly unarmed and not in a situation when it could not be known that he was unarmed

    Or he was part of a mob firing at the police

    In these circumstance he was in the wrong place at the wrong time

    Saddly something he himself is responsible for

    Too bad insnt it ? A reporter was shot doing his job , must be really

    idiotic for a reporter to report . Well Thaksin policy killed hundreds of innocent

    during Tai Bak and his war on drugs , for sure those victims were responsible

    according to your logic .

    You are so sad

    PS : By the way am sure you have any proof of a mob (red shirts) firing at the police

    You could check the dead police for proof if you like.

    Yes and shot by whom . As i said any proof ?

    The proof that you are asking for---you posted yourself, I believe it was "France 24" or something like that from another thread. You sir, are sounding just like the Red Stage Actors/Leaders, and are going thread to thread with the same BS about--Any Proof??? Please give it a break

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