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Posts posted by cougar52

  1. They would have been cleared weeks ago, in Beijing, New York, or London - and by non-lethal means.

    Not when the terrorists have assault weapons they wouldn't. As soon as they started firing at the people applying non lethal force they'd be shot dead, as these red terrorists should be.

    Everyone would like to see a non violent solution if it is possible. It is rapidly becoming impossible. At what point does simply killing them become acceptable?

    In my opinion, it has already passed.

    Any force necessary to remove them at this point is justified. There are no more innocents. And anyone who is found to have brought children into the terrorists zone, assuming they survive the dispersal, should be incarcerated and their children, all of them, turned over to protective services to be placed in a foster home.

    These people are not responsible enough to be parents.

    You are absolutely wrong, in Korat and Khon Kaen the Red Leaders told the protesters to bring bottles with them, not for water but for petro to make bombs. THEY INTENDED TO USE FORCE AND WEAPONS before they were enroute.

    Has anyone here considered that if the security force in Thailand did not face protesters with AA gun , automatic rifles and APC

    perhaps nobody would bring guns at protests ?

    Political confrontation in Europe can turn violent but are rarely lethal .

    Why ? because the mutually agreed understanding is that bringing firearms at protest by either side is beyond the pale .

    Those who do are immediately arrested and face heavy jail sentences

  2. I'm neither a judge nor a jury, something I'm sure most here seriously appreciate. I'm on a discussion forum to take part in a discussion. Sorry if my labeling of the nutters and criminals on both sides doesn't meet your consistency standards. Who is or isn't a criminal will be up to the courts, thankfully. I'm expressing the opinion that neither Suthep (Kasit, etc.) nor Seh Daeng (Jatuporn, etc.) are helping the situation. Abhisit for one IS helping the situation, I've made that clear numerous times as well, yet nobody ever seems to pick up on that.

    Sir, it is not of my standards, however, to label and the use of the phrase "the criminal Dep. PM" does not look like a discussion, but seems to engage flaming, is that your cause and desire?

    As you explained "Who is or isn't a criminal will be up to the courts" All I am pointing out that your slander towards the Dep. PM is really not needed, as you, yourself stated it is up to the courts.

    In the end I do like a lot of your post but you do not need to embellish them with slander to get a point across, right??? :)

  3. Because you trust every word Sae Daeng says? I think he's a nutter, and a dangerous one. If the crazies are now in charge then that's not the fault of 100,000 protesters who by and large campaigned peacefully, with Bangkok people taking note. Of course after the botched crackdown by a criminal Dep. PM it all went South, but you can hardly blame the 100,000 protesters for that.

    Khwai, so you are now the judge and jury and have also labeled Suthep, but you only call Sae Daeng a dangerous nutter not a CRIMINAL. Oh how Unbiased we are. :D:):D

  4. Are you out of your mind ???

    This was a police/government/army action to clear a violent mob from the streets of the capital - just like the Greek government did or any other government would have done - well - probably with more success but the only crime committed is the one by the red shirts and any red shirt that got injured or died deserves it

    shooting at unarmed civilians and journalist with live bullets is OK in your opinion ?

    You surely support Tai Bak and the war on drugs killing , am I right ?

    Else you are not logical with yourself

    Because you are the governement dont give you the right to kill protesters .

    Sorry but you should think it over and learn a bit about the limit of power

    of a governement . Unless we are talking about a banana republic


    Then show me proof of red shirts shooting at army or police .

    Until you do , dont talk to me anymore


    There are plenty of photo's in the news papers and the TV. But if you wish to wear blinders, I am not going to waste my time to point out them to you.

  5. I watched loads of those vids on YouTube and elsewhere, but I never once saw one soldier firing a weapon set to automatic. Could you please post a link to some of the "dozens" of YouTube vids that you reference?


    For your viewing pleasure :)

    I do like the fact that you use this video to prove your point, and the reason being, This video is about the soldiers being killed and their commander being shot and later he died! and at the end of the video the newsgirl said the soldiers were directing their fire to the protesters. First of all if you were a soldier that had been attacked and your commander lie mortally wounded, you would fire at the protesters also, IT IS CALLED SELF DEFENSE. Lastly not one of those soldiers are firing in auto mode, those are all single shots as I can see. So Thank you for the PROOF.

  6. ......you're starting to sound like you're out of breath. It was an act of terrorism against people going home from work or against the army who were stationed an the skytrain (in which case it was an act of war.)

    Difficult for it be an act of war :

    "....an act of aggression by a country against another with which it is nominally at peace."

    I guess many would like it to be though, it would give them a reason to go all out.

    Please do not mislead by not providing the complete definition :

    War should be understood as an actual, intentional and widespread armed conflict between political communities. Thus, fisticuffs between individual persons do not count as a war, nor does a gang fight, nor does a feud on the order of the Hatfields versus the McCoys. War is a phenomenon which occurs only between political communities, defined as those entities which either are states or intend to become states (in order to allow for civil war). Classical war is international war, a war between different states, like the two World Wars. But just as frequent is war within a state between rival groups or communities, like the American Civil War. War should be understood as an actual, intentional and widespread armed conflict between political communities. Thus, fisticuffs between individual persons do not count as a war, nor does a gang fight, nor does a feud on the order of the Hatfields versus the McCoys. War is a phenomenon which occurs only between political communities, defined as those entities which either are states or intend to become states (in order to allow for civil war). Classical war is international war, a war between different states, like the two World Wars. But just as frequent is war within a state between rival groups or communities, like the American Civil War. Certain political pressure groups, like terrorist organizations, might also be considered “political communities,” in that they are associations of people with a political purpose and, indeed, many of them aspire to statehood or to influence the development of statehood in certain lands.

  7. Responding to Che; "That's a fact, read Thai newspapers and listen to Thai television. "

    It seems like you are also trying lies and adding with hype.

    In regards: What I read was that 1. Yes there was a smoke grenade launched. 2. The Col was then "painted with a laser" 3. A second grenade was launched that took out the Col.

    So why don't you post FACTS if, you want to post facts there is a way to do it. It is called Proof.

    So thank you, please do not post FACTS with out the substance PROOF.

  8. Yes a Broken Record. But at the end of the day the TRUTH HURTS and it is hard to hide it forever.

    I am not even either side but when one side gets kid glove treatment and the other gets the other it shows, and you can not deny it.

    I wish the red apologists who wish to pretend that they are not on the side of Thaksin would make a better job of it.

    Maybe they think it is better to dress up as Clark Kent but hide their Thaksin Superman clothes underneath

    I Beg to differ on your statement. Apparently you are to one sided to see through all the B.S. that is out there.

    I will to try to explain to you; The Law is the Law and the PAD broke it just like the RED's are doing now, however, the PAD set the precedent with not listening to the Court, Government, Police, and Army so the RED's just are trying to do the same.

    Now when the PAD was in charge, the wishy, washy Police and Army did not do there job as ordered and instructed by the Government and blatantly refused including the State of Emergenacy.

    In addition the present PM along with the present General in Charge of the Army both called for Dissolution of the house and for Somchai to step down and refused to put the PAD out of the Airport. (And they are still not in court or Jail)

    Now as for the RED's, I'm not some sort of RED Apologist, in fact I will say now as I did when PAD was doing there thing, arrest them all and the Lawyers too, if anybody get's hurt or killed, to bad, When you take the law in your own hands with out regard for your fellow citizen's you are just wrong and need to be punished (PAD, RED,Multicolor<Army<Police, Politicians)

    Thank you and please do not color me

  9. 6000 hard core reds. That sound manageable.

    Pity they did'nt crackdown on the yellows previously, if they had of, maybe the reds would'nt have copied them. The two airports and government house were occupied without any resitance from the army or police. Double standards.

    Broken record.

    Yes a Broken Record. But at the end of the day the TRUTH HURTS and it is hard to hide it forever.

    I am not even either side but when one side gets kid glove treatment and the other gets the other it shows, and you can not deny it.

  10. Sorry just passing stuff on as it comes. I'm not in BKK right now so don't know about weather conditions.

    Hey A hole, according to your earlier post you said and I quote " A BOMB JUST WENT OFF IN BKK, i AM ON SUKHUMVIT AND I HEARD IT" now you say you are not in Thailand ??? &lt;deleted&gt; idiot !!!

    Allseeingeye, what you might want to do is read the post before racing to the keyboard to make stupid, bias posts.

    The OP from the onset stated :::

    VIA Twitter

    So the poster also followed up with "What is happening, I am not in Thailand???

  11. As a point of interest is their actually a law down on paper that forbids foreigners from participating in rallies or does it come under the all encompassing "threat to national security" which would most probably include granny Lek enjoying a Cornetto on a hot day should they so choose.

    I know of no such a general law... anyone else know?

    I also do not know the specific law, however, one can be arrested, sent to jail for up to 5 years, and deported. Not to mention just knowledge of your antics may well cause you to lose your visa or extention.


    Good advise is to be a tourist and stay out if you are not a resident or a citizen :)

  12. The reds have played right into Abhisit's hands , to the point that they declare civil war , Abhisit has carried out his duty to the tee and full marks to him , this will just strengthen his chances of leading government for years to come.

    10/10 Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva

    actually abhisit is most like finished.... :D

    What a lot of BS Britt he won't be finished who do suggest would replace him ?

    Actually I think a couple of days ago "Dad" Chi was proposing "Son" Newin for becoming the new P.M., it was on the BP I Think :)

  13. I really do not feel sorry for him not one bit. In the true sense of the Thai my phen lie the Government, Army, Elite what ever I think were going to let him to have his money, his freedom and then he decided to keep it up. Now, after the case is judged he wants to make more waves, so , yes, take everything and let him wonder what happened. Maybe he can come back and work in the rice fields under so poor farmer's supervision for 200 Baht a day...just punishment.

  14. this is what my email notification was reading:

    Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit

    can't find any of it on this page -- poor move, TV!!

    I thought someone had tried to shoot him or blow him up or even worse drown him in a blood bath. The information on the Sm's was pretty scant to say the least.

    So it did not happen???

    Cheers, Rick

    As they say don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

    Or like the old saying; "My mind is made up, don't confuse me with facts" :)

  15. demand that the authority let them pass otherwise the pier seizure? come on mate, that isn't a democracy, sounds to me like they are the bloody dictatorship themselves. And they called themselves fighting against dictatorship? Scr*w them.

    This is normal behavior from mobs, No Matter Which Color, I seem to remember the Yellow Shirts doing the same, with buses in the city and access to the motor highway to airport. At the end of the day, it is what one can expect from any mob rule, period.

  16. Peaceful protest my A**, they are just using that cover to get into the city. As soon as they see their chance, they will urge their followers to physically overpower the current Government. Is there any reader here, who truly thinks otherwise?

    Huh? Are you suggesting that only chauffeur-driven prestige European automobiles should be permitted inside the city walls, and passage on the Chao Phya only for 40'+ motor launches and private seaplanes?

    Getting into the city under the guise if peaceful protest, waiting for their chance to physically overthrow the Government.

    Wow, you are quite vocal for a Canadian, is this to throw off suspicion, because there is a lot of RED on your flag :):D :D

  17. You clearly don't read the news. The red shirted leaders have made it clear they intend to cripple the city of Bangkok INDEFINITELY by blocking major roads. Is that what you call peaceful, disturbing the lives of millions of people, and potentially crippling the entire country? Get real.

    QUOTE(from article):"Veera Musikapong, another leader, will address the rally today and deliver an ultimatum for Abhisit to dissolve the House and call a snap election."

    And why not? This is not a democratically elected government. I don't support the red shirts - but having said that you must surely have some concerns about how this governemt came to power in the first place.

    Further the army acted extra-judicially in their support last April. I.E. Din Daeng.

    Actually, Abhisit was democratically elected. Why not a snap election? Is that your idea of democracy that an angry mob can demand an election anytime they fancy? Under threat of basically destroying the economy of the entire country by blocking the capital indefinitely? I won't use the T word, but I want to.

    If I was a blind man and could not see any color, this seems like a trip through history by about 2 years..dejavu. I won't use the Sondhi word, but I want to.

  18. Well this is apparently some more tricks of the FM's office, there is no news of Thaksin being expelled from Dubai according to the Gulf News and according to the Cambodians he is not in there country either:

    Cambodia Says Rumour On Presence Of Thaksin Is Untrue

    PHNOM PENH, March 13 (Bernama) -- The Cambodian government said Saturday that the rumors that have spread on the presence of former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in the country were "untrue", reports China's Xinhua news agency.

    Foreign Ministry's Spokesman Koy Kuong said that as of Saturday, Cambodia has received no information that Thaksin is planning to come to Cambodia.

    He said since Friday afternoon, following reports from the Thai press many, inquiries were asked on the presence of Thaksin in Cambodia.

    Prak Sokhon, secretary of state of the Council of Ministers and minister attaches to Prime Minister Hun Sen, and who was in charge of facilitations for Thaksin's previous trips to Cambodia, also denied the reports.

    Chavanond Intarakomalyasut, secretary to Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya, floated news through Thai press that Thaksin had landed by private jet in Cambodia's Siem Reap province.

  19. Thai wife tells me very little Thai is being spoken and it sounds like Laotian to her but not sure. Does anyone know if these are Thai people being paid off?

    I do not where your wife is from, but being as that this video was taken in NKP which is on the river where one side is Thailand and the other is Laos I am not surprised that the language is Lao, same way as in Nong Kai and Udorn.

  20. For Thaksin, it's all cold and calculated...

    Pay 1,000,000 people 2000 Baht each, cost two billion dollars. Use them to throw over the government and get you 46 Billion back...net profit 44 Billion Dollars US, in less than a week. Where can you make that kind of money in one week, with the bonus of having your criminal record wiped out, all lawsuits dropped and being prime minister again (or should I say Prime Dictator, as in Thaksin's case). True, it may cost him few more millions, to pay off the organizers, but the profits are still huge.

    That's if you don't count all the dead and maimed, who will be left in the streets, by the time all this is over :-( Anyways, if Thaksin wins, you can kiss democracy in this country goodbye.

    Is this what is called Yellow Journalism ??? Let's get the facts of your post... (Pay 1,000,000 people 2000 Baht each, cost 2 billion BAHT not $ Dollars.

    Use them to throw over the Government and get you 46 Billion back. ..net profit 44 billion dollars US.. 46 Billion Baht is 1.4 billion US dollars, so I do not get how you arrive to a profit of 44 Billion Dollars US. And yes at your calculations, I surely hope you are not my accountant...You would be telling me I have 50 Billion when I am BANKRUPT :)

  21. If you actually believe the red shirts are a peaceful movement, I would agree with you. However, I think the proof is overwhelming that they are a violent movement willing to do anything to achieve their goals. That is simply not acceptable.

    No,but they have the majority in the 2 last elections. :)

    Very wrong you are. The Taksin's party did NOT have the majority. It only became the majority by coalition with some small parties. Once these small parties defected and moved to work with the democrats, the democrats became the majority. That is exactly the point the reds rigorously overlook. Their beloved Taksin and his party NEVER had the necessary majority.

    So, what you are saying is that the Junta written constitution, the changed laws, the bribed witnesses, the appointed judiciary that all caused the end of the TRT and PPP had no effect on the Democrats getting into power??

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