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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. Last night,the fiery speeches of the red shirts calling for justice and investigation of the deaths at Rachaprasong contrasted sharply with Thaksin's call for reconciliation and to accept what happened.

    In other words Thaksin's feels the red shirts have served their purpose, some died, well that was necessary to swing Thai\ world opinion, and besides their families are getting a massive 7.4 million baht in compensation. Plus further probes could find all sorts of nasty things: possibilities such as stolen army rifles being used by black shirts, renegade soldiers working for the UDD, so PLEASE STOP ANY FURTHER INVESTIGATION,

    Let's just forget what happened so long as Thaksin can come home- that's all that matters for one of the world's greatest liars.

    To sweeten the pot, news this afternoon reveals that the Cabinet today approved a proposal that the 7.4 million baht they receive in compensation is now tax-exempt.


    Oh what a surpriselaugh.png
  2. Hey Up, Whats going on here! 43 views and not a word of condemnation! , Or are the condemnations strictly reserved for Nato forces when they overtly make a mistake and kill some one or is it quite OK that Innocent kids are blown to bits as long as its perpetrated by their own kind!,this inhumane act of course was no accident or mistake and is just an ongoing day to day scenario.

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  3. I think you'll do better with this over in the health forum. Why don't we try it over there first. I know of several medical experts who focus on that forum and never really read the general forum. Let me know if you are not getting the replies you desire and we can try another approach. OK?

    Cheers Craig , maybe you could switch it over for mebiggrin.png
  4. A good friend of mine had a hip replacement 4 years ago which has gone terribly wrong ,which meant he had to have the joint removed which cannot be replaced owing to his age ,I wonder if any one out there knows were a second hand Electric wheel chair can be purchased ,any info would be gratefully received ,we are in the Prakonchai , Buriram area.

  5. Don't people around the world get married everyday? Just yesterday there was a wedding in our estate and it hasn't made the world news yet. Some 26 yr old American lad gets married and it's world news <deleted>.
    that American lad happens to be one of the richest men in the world...that may have something to do with it making the news...jealous are we?

    Hi Dave, In between "Richest men" you should have wrote "self made" thumbsup.gif
  6. Don't people around the world get married everyday? Just yesterday there was a wedding in our estate and it hasn't made the world news yet. Some 26 yr old American lad gets married and it's world news <deleted>.

    a "lad" with 20 BILLION BUCKS is going to get more press than a lad with 20 thousand bucks...

    Yeah But the best part of it he made it all himself by hard work with brains thrown in, this world needs more like him , Bill Gates,Richard Branson,Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google) , Jeff Bezos (Amazon) ,etc etc , all started with nothing and now they have business Empires employing thousands of people ,why some people write of them in derogatory terms as "rich bastards" etc has always been a mystery to me as only rich people create employment ,paupers in many cases can't even keep themselves .biggrin.png

    his handling of his company ipo has been questionable. he probably wont sell a share but he is standing idle as lambs are being led to slaughter.

    Yep ,it did'nt take long before the "sour grapes" attitude came to prominence sick.gif
  7. The slow motion car crash is well underway. First Hollande's open top motorcade was caught in a freak cloudburst and he was soaked, then his private jet was struck by lightening. Meanwhile the bourgeoisie are heading for the exits.


    On the day Socialist president Francois Hollande takes power, there are signs that wealthy French citizens are thinking about moving abroad to escape tough new tax rules.

    A survey by London-based real estate agent Knight Frank recently reported it saw inquiries about expensive London properties from French residents spike by 20 percent.

    Dan ,Socialism is the politics of Failure and Envy ,they abhor the rich so how hard they have worked to get their wealth ,"soaking the rich", must have been very popular with many of the electorate ,problem here is most of the rich won't stay too long before they are hit by the "deluge" just like the mid/ late 70s in The UK when Callaghan said he was going to squeeze the rich till the "pips squeaked" .
  8. Aid given directly to people in need as a result of a natural disaster or famine, fine. But a check written to leaders who oppress their citizens isn't likely to make it to the people who need it most anyway.

    In addition, private citizens and charities can still donate wherever they want.

    Foreign aid corruption is a totally separate (but very real) issue. Of course if its determined bad governments are stealing most of the Aid, there's no point giving it anymore.

    Quite true JT it is a different issue altogether, but nice to see you acknowledge the problem of pouring aid into a virtual bottomless bucket .smile.png
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  9. Yeah Exsexyman, money is indeed their Religion, as well as pure hypocrisy ,consuming Alcohol is strictly forbidden, but its quite OK to sell 1000's on tonnes of mind bending drugs to fund their war ,not only against the Infidel but against their own Country men ,what we have read on the OP is just an on going thing and is never likely to cease ,and Personally I find it some what strange that Obama should have the gall to seek FURTHER funding of another cool billion to finance on one hand whole sale corruption plus uncontrollable drug dealing on a massive scale,whilst thousands of his service men risk their lives day in day out ,with many having paid the supreme price already with more to follow,maybe some members out there could inform me if it makes any sense ,funny old world ain't it !.and in closing personally IMHO Afghanistan is a "lost cause" sad.png

  10. Hey JT ,any idea what will happen if Zimmernan "walks" , do you honestly believe that the African American fraternity will just "whine" when egged on by the likes of Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan Mohammed ,the "race card" will be played like a violin ,,Sharpton describes the whole scenario as "America on trial" ..

  11. Of course Esexyman what you write undoubtedly has its merits ,but we are straying slightly off topic here ,and that is why should so called Afghan law makers and Government employee's be targetted in this way by "Militants"? which is now happening all too often as no doubt you are all too well aware , I could understand if the "infidel" if the source of their wrath but in this case they are all Muslims ,is money now taking presidence over religion? ,it would certainly seem so , whad ya think?

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  12. The police should threaten to chop off his fingers unless he reveals where he got the foetuses.

    After he provides the required information, the police should chop off his head (IMHO).

    Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

    How do you know he ain't already revealed as to where he got them from and the police are doing a "cover up" as it may cause "embarrassment" in "high places" .
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  13. I think some very wealthy Gulf Arab sheikhs should be concerned about their assets in the USA because many in the USA believe that some of them at least indirectly support groups that oppose political reform in Yemen.

    The key is the phrase 'Political reform', does that mean political reform as in Egypt with the Muslim brotherhood propped up by the salafists taking control? The phrase really means doing the bidding of the Wahhabi oil cartel and making sure both shiite influence and Al-Qaeda are kept in check or the chaos in Yemen may be repeated elsewhere in the region.

    I think some very wealthy Gulf Arab sheikhs should be concerned about their assets in the USA because many in the USA believe that some of them at least indirectly support groups that oppose political reform in Yemen.

    The key is the phrase 'Political reform', does that mean political reform as in Egypt with the Muslim brotherhood propped up by the salafists taking control? The phrase really means doing the bidding of the Wahhabi oil cartel and making sure both shiite influence and Al-Qaeda are kept in check or the chaos in Yemen may be repeated elsewhere in the region.

    The plot thickens!!
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