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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. Thankfully, one right-winger's gone !!! I am hoping for the same fate for Merkel in Germany, Putin in Russia and Erdogan in Turkey.

    Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't Sarkozy the mastermind of the Libyan attacks that caused a lot of innocent people to get killed, caused Gaddafi to be lynched by a group of barbaric thugs and then left Libya with a whole set of questions about how its future's going to be.

    And, his nationalist, right-wing rhetoric was getting too much to bear.

    Of course Jem Jem you believe in Socialism ,Thats OK Cos I firmly believe in freedom of Political Choice ,and again of course you have cases of Socialism in different Country's were it has been an unbridled Success Story and not an unmitigated failure , and with respect maybe you can produce a few independent links to verify this ,looking forward to reading the links smile.png and in closing do you agree with the lefts idea's in France on how to bring the Economy forward? , Me?, I am never afraid to let my beliefs known to all and sundry, my forcast, Economic "meltdown" within 2 years!!.
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  2. In my view the only way to stop this abhorrent inhumane practice is to execute all bar one at sea and throw them overboard for the Sharks leaving one survivor to go back to whence he came to tell the tale ,the so called"rule of law" means nothing to these people and if they do not respect it ,why should they expect to receive it in return ,extreme?, maybe ,but in a very short time the message would get across that if you are caught that,s it ,the end, instead of finishing up in a prison with more comforts than they enjoyed previously.

    Only one punishment for pirates. They should be made to walk the plank.

    In my view the only way to stop this abhorrent inhumane practice is to execute all bar one at sea and throw them overboard for the Sharks leaving one survivor to go back to whence he came to tell the tale ,the so called"rule of law" means nothing to these people and if they do not respect it ,why should they expect to receive it in return ,extreme?, maybe ,but in a very short time the message would get across that if you are caught that,s it ,the end, instead of finishing up in a prison with more comforts than they enjoyed previously.

    Only one punishment for pirates. They should be made to walk the plank.

    Nice one!wink.png
  3. Sadly the US is confused about the whole blood and silver concept. With us you get both but its gold instead of silver. We just need to support India over Pakistan and let the Afgans go back to oppressing women and killing each other. Why the United States needs to rebuild our enemies is beyond me. Destroy them leave a black hole in the ground as a warning to anyone else who wants to fight. Same applies to North Korea threaten our allies pay a price other than getting rewarded with aid. You do not have to like America but we don't have to like you also and our stick is much bigger!<I know China blah blah blah but their idea of an aircraft carrier is a failed floating hotel> Our current president has failed in the International politics game by being weak.

    Rick, Sorry but you are clouding the issue with facts , why not post some BS once in a while? it's much appreciated by many on this forum !.
  4. The headlines are misleading it says, The U.S finds remains but the story says it was a local Vietnamese who actually found them. Who was it the local guy or the country called U.S?

    To the guy from the country called OZ the remains from a soldier from the country called US have been identified by DNA from his sister who also lives in a country called US. What the heck did a Yank ever do to you to leave you so bitter and obsessed with making fun of anything American even war dead? Jesus George get off it.

    I was in no way making fun nor am I bitter. I was saying that the headlines say the U.S finds remain and then when I read the story it says that it was a vietnamese, so either the story is wrong or the headline is wrong and it is confusing as to who located what. Maybe the headlines could have simply stated "Remains of missing U.S service men located"

    I am ex serviceman and respect soldiers of all armies be friend or foe and would never disrespect them nor thier families. If just trying to clarify who actually did what is disrespectful then I am truely sorry to you.

    Quite an emotive Subject George, and its easy to misunderstand others posts on it,(as I did) anyway for me you've come up trumps by your simple explanation of what you actually meantclap2.gif
  5. In my view the only way to stop this abhorrent inhumane practice is to execute all bar one at sea and throw them overboard for the Sharks leaving one survivor to go back to whence he came to tell the tale ,the so called"rule of law" means nothing to these people and if they do not respect it ,why should they expect to receive it in return ,extreme?, maybe ,but in a very short time the message would get across that if you are caught that,s it ,the end, instead of finishing up in a prison with more comforts than they enjoyed previously.

  6. Is this a Western thing, trying to account for war dead decades later? I'm not looking for a "West versus East" debate, just wondering how many other countries go to great lengths to locate and identify their war dead over 40 years later.

    The dead are not numbers but folk with families whom will never forget their loved one and so foreclosure of a missing family member is paramount to folk with a heart. wai.gif

    Yeah Transam And reading between the lines written by a guy who "has a heart "too , and I think its safe to say any one who has lost loved ones in the service of their Country would be quite touched by your simple message smile.png
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  7. What is all the hooha about it's only paper and ink, now if he was attacking, destroying mosques and persecuting muslims, killing muslims then they may have something serious to get upset about. Time for Iran to show the world how they want to be respected by respecting other religions and peoples then there would be no story.

    Respecting other religions George?, now I know you are having a jokelaugh.png
  8. This guy is a fool. He has gained nothing by his actions. If he wants to burn the Quran to vent his hatred/get himself off or whatever then why doesn't he just do it privately? He is doing it deliberately to piss off Muslims that he knows good and well over- react at the best of times. He is a shit stirrer and nothing more. Someone should go and slap his titty. crazy.gif

    I do disapprove of his actions, as they provide a pretext for violence, though be under no illusion that another pretext couldn't be conjured up almost at will. And yes, he indeed 'knows good and well' that Muslims over-react as you put it, but this is the racism of low expectations when you conclude some Muslims will act in a manner consistent with that of a nine year old child in the west. Touching on what Colin wrote - If such behavior is tolerated you are creating a negative cycle when the same hair trigger sensitivities will assert themselves at all times, which is why I'm hoping this time we avoid a grovelling apology from the Potus.

    Yeah Dan, I was hoping for a remark /answer to my post #19 ,for the life in me I just cannot understand why the burning of the Islamic Koran should be deemed so Important ,not when in many parts the Islamic world "non believers" are being actively persecuted and murdered and their places of worship being burned to the ground all in the name of Sharia law which goes with the Koran like Strawberry's n cream , maybe I have got my priority's all wrong eh.
  9. Is this a Western thing, trying to account for war dead decades later? I'm not looking for a "West versus East" debate, just wondering how many other countries go to great lengths to locate and identify their war dead over 40 years later.

    The caring countries,like to identify their dead.These soldiers faught for their Country and were Heroes,so why shouldn't the family and friends know what happened to them,its the decent thing to do!

    Yeah Majic , in a nutshell that just about says it all smile.png
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  10. Although it will never happen cos the West has " No Balls", what should happen, is when an Incident like this happens and the Islamic world is up in Arms they should be told in no uncertain terms do not expect others to respect your religion when you yourselves respect no one else,s , just why is YOUR religion so special and others so unimportant and of no consequence? , then of course those who utter these words there will be a wringing of hands and a gnashing of teeth by "the appeasers" and they will be branded Racist fascist extremist,s ,funny old World ain't itwink.png

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  11. Political and economic means have been successfully deployed in Aceh, Malaysia, throughout Europe (ETA, IRA etc) as examples of dealing with extremism.

    Addressing issues that prolong conflict is not appeasement or soft-peddling, more a case of lancing running sores like the Middlle East conflict, the India-Pakistan border dispute, or addressing economic/ethnic issues where a group is marginalised and needs to be brought in (eg Kurds of Turkey or the southern provinces of Thailand).

    All in all a lifetime's work for millions but looking at such conflicts through the narrow veil of religion (pun intended) solves little and exacerbates mightily.

    The conflicts you refer to were often had economic roots. The Irish troubles had religion on the surface, but really it was an issue of the overthrow of the Government of Eire as well since the IRA wanted to replace the Irish government. At its core, the Irish troubles sprang from real and perceived social inquities. Same for Malaysia, where today, the Chinese and Indian ethnic groups suffer from government mandated discrimination. The Kurds in Turkey is all about the Turks trying to control a region and people that were at one time independent and that are of a different culture.

    What we see in Pakistan is a group of thugs intent on imposing their specific religious views on others. It's as simple as that. Attempts to win the hearts and minds of such people by offering economic opportunities will not work, There is no point in offering modern gadgets to people that live in the stone ages and still wipe their arse with their hands. as much as I regret the loss of life of the aid worker, it was expected. Pakistan is a screwed up state armed with nuclear weapons and throwing money and aid to it is just delaying the inevitable. What I find amazing is that India and Pakistan have the same origin. Yet India with one of the largest muslim populations in the world is able to maintain a semi democratic government, and a semi free press along with some respect for fundamental civil rights. Pakistan cannot. India has not suffered from military coups, but Pakistan has. India's government is not dominated by doctrinair muslims, while Pakistan is. That says it all. It also explains why it is to be expected that more aid workers will end up dead in Pakistan.

    Good post!, What more can anyone add I ask myself!!.
  12. I seem remember in my School days having an History lesson about the Roman Historian/Senator Tacitus AD14 to68 who said "If you want peace sometimes you have to be prepared to fight for it" I believed it then as I still do to this day ..

    Ain't history fun, glad you've come round to revisiting your history books!

    The actual quote is "Si vis pacem, para bellum" [if you wish for peace, prepare for war] and came from Vegetius in the late 4th century AD.

    Having put such words into actions for a couple of decades I quite agree, but to quote another cliche "choose your enemies wisely, as you will become like them". Ironically an Arab proverb, date unknown, but very resonant today.

    Well it was 57 years ago and the last 2 letters of the name was US!.
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  13. I could not have put it any better Chuck, thanks ,why must any one bow their head in fear of causing "offence" by Speaking or writing what you know is the truth ,or be labeled or berated as a "extremist"or "fascist" by others who are embarrassed because you Speak it , what a sad state of affairs.

  14. Folium Please try and concentrate more as you are in danger of getting your wires crossed, It was myself that produced the link about "jihad watch" not Dan,Check it out smile.png and in closing maybe you would like to discount the 27 remarks given about Spencers article !!

    Thanks for the concern.

    It's quite hard not to see you two as a bit of a "twofer" deal.

    Back on topic the murder of Khalil Dale by Taliban extremists is a true tragedy but the responses you point out are hardly helpful or conducive to any form of tolerable future. Demonization and calling for the destruction of the faith held by a quarter of humanity and indulging in a "clash of civilizations" merely means the extremists on both sides triumph.

    It's easy to be a an armchair chickenhawk, but sadly many people will suffer from such an approach and many more will have to pick up the pieces.

    Yeah But how can any one "suffer" if what other people write is the irrefutable truth ,?,or are you saying that Everything Spencer writes is a figment of his fertile anti Islamic Imagination?.

    The "art" of terrorism is to provoke an over-reaction by one's opponents thus validating the terrorists standpoint and advancing their cause.

    Reacting to the murder of Mr Dale by seeking destruction of the Islamic faith and its believers in a clash of civilizations is exactly what they want to hear.

    Ill-thought out military actions in th last decade have been shown to be wildly counter-productive apart from the extremist viewpoint. Conflicts with extremists can only be won via political and economic means whilst at the same time removing any issues that can be used to prolong conflict.

    Don't you think it's the Muslims that are the cause of the conflict because of their completely unyielding behavior to some one of another faith, hence all the desecration of Christian places of worship not only in Nigeria but many other Islamic Countrys too, Many are up in arms about this pastor Burning the Quran, but say nothing when the Christian Aid workers mentioned in my link were brutally murdered for being "suspected" of distributing Bibles, for fox sake lets have some sort of level playing field .
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