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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. I blame the socialist "looney" lefties of the 1970s and 1980s who removed all discipline from schools for the breakdown of society.

    It is they who should be called to task over this outbreak of violence.

    As soon as the Tories bring back the cane the better.

    It's obvious the "softly softly" approach has failed.

    Yeah Heavy drinker, as the old saying goes "many a sober word comes from a drunken man" meaning? I agree with everything you write!.
  2. Yeah Its a "bad do" for the Issan MP,s having forked out all that dough buying votes and only a few being able to get their noses in the trough!.

    yeah it's funny, i bet most people on here expected a lot more of them would get in

    Yeah I find it hilarious myself Nurofiend ,but then again its never over till the fat lady sings is it , but it would seem as far as Issan goes the fat lady seems to have an acute case of laryngitis eh,LOL.
  3. Juliar has noboy but herself to blame. Should have kept to the Howard policy.

    Yes indeed. It is just pig headedness that is stopping her. Can't go using the opposition's plan after criticising it all those years.

    Just bite the bullet and go back to the Howard plan. Then no one can sook about it.

    Better still stop them comming in all together. Look at the problems caused by these people in Holland, France, England and Denmark to name just a few. They will not intergrate into society and will be a burden on the health and social security services for life not to mention the unrest if they don't get thier way. Australia will not learn from the european countries who have huge problems now. Just simply say NO, you will not be processed but immeadiately deported straight back to where you came. No if no buts cut and dried.

    Yeah Chooka a great Idea,but unfortunately due to left wing Political correctness and the bleeding hearts brigade, Australia is going to have major problems in the next decade or so ,that is unless they adopt your policy of just saying NO, IMHO they are not asylum seekers anyway but economic migrants .
  4. Unfortunately, when you trim services like Police to the bone - they feel (are) more vulnerable and often act in ways they wouldn't if they had enough resources.

    Throughout the Western world, the one thing that has not been cut "to the bone" is the ever growing police state apparatus. It doesn't matter whether you're in the UK or US, the governments will find a way to scan you, track you, spy on you, and investigate you inside and outside your home. They are oppressive. It's worse than East Berlin. And I do remember what it was like to be in East Berlin.

    I was'nt aware we had a member who was a Joseph Goebbels clone!,LOL.
  5. So u are saying issan has nothing to offer apart from your lady or lady boy in some cases i think quite insulting to issan as a place on the world map.

    Hmm,been coming to Thailand since 89 and have lived here in Issan full for almost 8 years ,I never thought of Issan as a tourist destination , and stuck to the Southern beach area's ,but like most farangs if truth is known I have come here to reside and settle down with a Thai lady,having said all that, now I am here, I would live no where else , maybe I am lucky cos there are many farangs in my area who have much in common with myself, I have also heard of farangs living miles away from anywhere with no farangs to partake of a beer or 3 in the evenings which is not for me ,I've got true TV my PC, my own car ,no financial worries, and a little lady I think the world of as she does me ,I can breath clean air too, hey I ask you what more could an old goat like me ask from life!!!.
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  6. There is no hope of petty crime being dealt with effectively by the thai police. They will not take a complaint seriously, act impartially or investigate any crime to any standard that approaches the acceptable.

    Clearly, the standards we enjoy in the West do not apply in Thailand.

    That is petty crime.

    Therefore, when it comes to murder, to the need for actual policing methods to be applied professionally, there's isn't any possibility whatsoever that this can be done.

    What is staggering is that despite the fact that a UK Police Force, supported by a British Government instructing its embassy to facilitate the matter at the highest level, and with the acquisition of DNA, the thai authorities fail to comply.

    This causes a complete failure in relations and the observance that thailand is useless, backward and totally dishonest. It is a place where no law applies. Worse still it is a place where there are no powers to force the compliance of another country's wishes. That may be a controversial point but the reality is that when developed nations seek non-politcal co-operation, lesser nations are wise to comply.

    And yet, the Thai government can not deliver a DNA test on a suspect because they are related to a low ranking police officer.

    I return to the issue of petty crime. The stuff that is most likely to impact the average tourist. When you are involved in an accident, or victim of fraud or theft consider what will be the outcome in a land where the law does not apply.

    it is an appalling situation and one that will shock so many only when they are hit by it.

    Hide from the reality that Thailand is a dangerous and lawless place where foreigners are targetted systematically if you will. But this dog is one that will bite indiscriminately.

    I have read your post twice just to "digest" it, unfortunately everything you write is perfectly true , and IMHO nothing will change oweing to the simple fact that Thai's and Thailand are the only people and Country that is of any consequence.
  7. With a margin of error of 7%, changes from the last of poll of around 2% are hardly worth reporting.

    47% hanging out for that wage hike. Full speed ahead and dam-n the inflation torpedoes - they won't hit for 6 months or so. Isn't that when everyone is supposed to be rich?

    Which lucky minister gets to explain why the price of rice is going through the roof? And pork, and chicken, and eggs, and.......................

    In case you hadnt noticed over the past year the cost of pork, oil, rice and eggs has gone through the roof, which is why everyone wants a pay raise. Their take home is only buying a fraction of what it did a year ago

    And as soon as they get a wage increase the cost of basic commodities will rise the same ,just common or garden variety economics ,spiraling wage costs will mean only one thing spiraling price increases ,so it will be back to square one within months .
  8. Two questions.

    1. What proportion of the Thai population expect to receive an education that requires them to complete a thesis? (or even know what a thesis is).

    2. Of what use is a command of English to those who don't meet that requirement?

    It's about time that some of these writers of editorial <deleted> actually joined the real world that's occupied by the majority of the Thai population.

    A friend of my wifes went to work in the "University of life" in Pattaya and did not speak a word of English,two years down the line she came back with her new farang husband and speaks excellent English ,I wonder if there is a message there somewhere!!
  9. Large parts of Yingluck's base would be very displeased if Thaksin wasn't running the show. Her honeymoon period in office? About three hours.

    Exactly........ let's be honest here, Yingluck is only the PM now because Thaksin decided she would be his nominee and his supporters agreed. Now Yingluck can say she is the boss but it would help if her big brother didn't give the totally opposite impression in the media.

    One good sign is that Thaksin seems to want to select people who are actually qualified for the key positions this time. We can but hope.

    Problem here is the more she denies that her brother is running the "show" the more people will disbelieve her,Me included.
  10. A nice article if you live in the land of make believe. Truth before any reconcilliation

    Yeah BTN, Yingluck has "talked the talk" now in a very short space of time she will have to "walk the walk" "populist policies" are only good if the policies are adhered to , which IMHO the Pre election promises will prove to be almost impossible to keep ,it would appear that "power at any cost" is the byword of this incoming administration ,whether this is just a ploy to get Thaksins sequestrated funds back ,if and when he returns in triumph to a (paid) hero's welcome at the "cobra swamp" remains to be seen!.
  11. Burma to Malaysia via Thailand?

    The Malaysian officials captured nine alleged drug syndicate members and seized 16 kilogrammes of crystal methamphetamine, 22 kilogrammes of heroin and 2,000 meth pills.

    Means they'll hang pretty soon.................:jap:

    Legally apprehended ,legally tried in a court of law , and then legally executed , no problem !,Thaksins 3 month "blitz" achieved nothing of any note in the end did it,but of course those who think different by all means spell it out!.
  12. PM designate seeks time to prove her abilities.........

    Except from some Tvisa political commentators, who appear to adhere to the belief that Rome was built in a day

    Whatever the majority of TV political commentators say does not matter one Iota,it is the Thai Electorate who will sit in judgement on Yingluck as far as "delivering" goes, personally my view is they will expect overnight miracles, as Patience is hardly a virtue here is it,IMHO after the short"honeymoon" period is over ,very serious questions will be asked in the House by opposition MP's whether she can come up with satisfactory answers however is quite another story ain't it!.
  13. Remember the Thais are all protected by Buddha, nothing can happen to them. I see it all the time in cars, kids jumping around on the front seat while one of the parents is driving. The other day I saw a woman holding a baby in her arm and driving along a busy road. TIT.

    THis is such a blinkered and prejudiced viewpoint - I'm surprised that it is taken seriously by some.

    RCs put St Christopher in their cars, all over the world you'll see fetishes and icon on motor vehicles, but in the end people know that their "god" helps them who help themselves.

    Yeah Quite true, but in the WestI have yet to see up to 5 10 year old kids ripping down the road on a Honda 125 in the dark with no lights visible and riding on the WRONG side of the road on a regular basis like I do here!!!.
  14. Amazing the Thais actually elected her. I guess it was just a vote for Thaksin and against the dems, no matter who the PM was.

    It was a vote against amart cheats who cheated their way into power by disbanding parties, coming up with trumped up charges which were often politically motivated, abusing the LM laws to suit themselves, killing demonstrators, abusing freedom of speech by banning thousands of websites. All in all a pretty nasty bunch of actions by some self centered, nasty people. Fortunately the Thai people saw through all of it and voted to put an end to the Abhisit Government nightmare. I'm beginning to believe in Karma :jap:.

    To bad you weren't here to see the action and had to learn about it from some of the terrorists.

    That being said it is indeed important that she establishes her credibility. To do this she will have to be honest.

    I don't think that statements like this are really based in honesty


    "We are also being treated to a series of reports that Pheu Thai MPs have been shuttling between Bangkok and Dubai or Brunei to see Thaksin. Yingluck says they were purely social gatherings. Banharn Silpa-archa, the de facto leader of Chat Thai Pattana, a party in the coalition, says he went to Brunei recently to look at some wild animals for his personal zoo. His meeting with Thaksin was portrayed as an incidental event. Everybody else, of course, knew what he was up to."

    I wonder if Thaksin and Banharn Silpa-archa met while looking at the same wild animals? Maybe Thaksin was being honest when he said he was no longer in politics and is looking for a new way to spend his money. A zoo in Dubai might work.

    Now how would she know what they were doing if she wasn't there?

    She is going to be the new PM there is no reason to deny the truth. It is not like if Thaksin was handing out posts she had to make them happen.

    Why does she not just come out and say it is my decision and I don't care what my brother promises any one. If they are the most qualified person in my opinion they will have the job if they are not the most qualified they won't have the job.

    Now a statement like that would in my opinion go along way to prove her credibility.

    An Entertaining post HD ,The problem here is whether she is telling the truth or not about her being the "captain of the ship" few will really believe her ,therefore IMHO her credibility rating as PM is very questionable indeed at this moment in time ,what she has to do to convince the disbelieving masses that she is not just dancing to her brothers music is a question I cannot answer.
  15. I don't know if this event was real or not, but do you really think that Mossad and other covert Israeli military agencies wouldn't engage in "false flag activities" at this juncture? :rolleyes:

    They do not need to bother. Hamas will be more than happy to provide an incident that proves that they are not ready for their own State until they actually make peace and sign a treaty.

    Golda Meir once said that "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us".

    As long as Palestinians are strapping bombs to their children and teaching them to hate Jews, that will never happen

    Yeah I remember the quote quite well ,but the pathological hatred of the Israelis by the Islamic world is well documented ,even the late Saddam Hussien used to pay the family's of Hamas suicide bombers quite handsomely for their "sacrifice", to the Islamics in their never ending quest to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth!.so for all the dreamers out there please do not suggest that this is about land cos I was not aware that the Isrealis occupied one inch of Iranian, Iraqi , or Saudi Arabian soil.
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