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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. Pat Condell is one of my hero's

    Me too. Pat Condell is a genius. :thumbsup:

    Mind you in one forum (which I have just left) they say the guy is "evil" , but their judgments don't amount to much as 95% of them are Thaksin Arse lickers too,LOL

    Anyone so hated by the liberal left must be doing something right. He surgically demolishes their naive, dishonest and hypocritical attitudes and they lamely and falsely accuse him of racism, which is of course their default defense mechanism when they can't bear the cognitive dissonance he has set off in their heads.

    Yeah Dan, Condell is the voice and thoughts of millions in UKhanistan ,who are now fully aware that the "great experiment" has been a dismal failure , however now that its very much in vogue to be of the "trendy left" I can't see Pat being much of a threat ,apart from the "handwringers" being shown up to the common man just what a pathetic set of brainless tossers they really are!.
  2. Here is one of the few Britons who has the balls to call it as it really is, if only he were prime minister. :annoyed:

    Hey Steely Dan ,any prize on the top shelf for this classic, yeah the guy is just saying what millions feel but are afraid to say it as they will be branded as rabid right wingers by the left wing politically correct "do gooders", the results of that thinking are now all too plain to see , Pat Condell is one of my hero's and says it as it really is ,I particularly enjoy his video's on the utter failure of multiculturalism throughout Europe.
  3. Do you have a Thai wife? If so surely she would influence your decision as to where to live. If not wander around. I live in Buriram, suits me and many other farangs, but perhaps not for you. Good luck.

    Yeah Barry , Buriram Province is not a bad old place is it,plenty of farangs who you can regail with over a beer or 3 and I heard they are opening a Tesco lotus in Ban kruat too, this will be a real boon for people who have to travel some distance to a Supermarket , I heard the local shop keepers are not too pleased ,thats just too bad cos its the consumer that is sure to benefit in the end and deservedly so in my book.
  4. There is no hope of petty crime being dealt with effectively by the thai police. They will not take a complaint seriously, act impartially or investigate any crime to any standard that approaches the acceptable.

    Clearly, the standards we enjoy in the West do not apply in Thailand.

    That is petty crime.

    Therefore, when it comes to murder, to the need for actual policing methods to be applied professionally, there's isn't any possibility whatsoever that this can be done.

    What is staggering is that despite the fact that a UK Police Force, supported by a British Government instructing its embassy to facilitate the matter at the highest level, and with the acquisition of DNA, the thai authorities fail to comply.

    This causes a complete failure in relations and the observance that thailand is useless, backward and totally dishonest. It is a place where no law applies. Worse still it is a place where there are no powers to force the compliance of another country's wishes. That may be a controversial point but the reality is that when developed nations seek non-politcal co-operation, lesser nations are wise to comply.

    And yet, the Thai government can not deliver a DNA test on a suspect because they are related to a low ranking police officer.

    I return to the issue of petty crime. The stuff that is most likely to impact the average tourist. When you are involved in an accident, or victim of fraud or theft consider what will be the outcome in a land where the law does not apply.

    it is an appalling situation and one that will shock so many only when they are hit by it.

    Hide from the reality that Thailand is a dangerous and lawless place where foreigners are targetted systematically if you will. But this dog is one that will bite indiscriminately.

    Very often in cases like this the police just close ranks and cover up for each other ,IMHO nothing will be done to find the culprit,its that simple.
  5. At last, the truth is starting to emerge, many of us already knew this but the blinkered few on here still believed otherwise, and no doubt will go on believing otherwise.

    It was these same policemen, who turned a blind eye to the Red Shirts in the first place and allowed them to set up their fortress in Bangkok... Thaksin was a policeman and many of his comrades owe him Big Time... What about all the law abiding citizens who lost their jobs/businesses due to those unlawful Red Shirts and their unlawful protest..! At least Yinluck had the sense to Snub them from any cabinet posts.. seems she could not find one who knew a word longer than 3 letters long..!

    neither myself OR the report say the reds did nothing wrong, it simply states that the terrorism charges are exaggerated, a sentiment that i and many others agree with. Riot? maybe. Civil disobedience? yes. Public disorder? yes. terrorism? no.

    If anything they were terrorized. Look how many reds got shot dead by the military and that's not to mention the reds who got shot and survived!

    Ahh yes its so nice to read that total hypocrisy is very much alive and well in this forum, for instance out out of the approximately 2,500 people who lost their lives in Thaksins war on drugs in 03 ,how many were shot and survived to tell the tale , and how many policemen were killed or wounded in the so called "shoot outs" ,in closeing was any one ever charged for the murder of 2,500 people ,the answer is quite simple ,NOT ONE.
  6. Cop Presence In London 'Can't Be Maintained'

    7:31am UK, Friday August 12, 2011

    Catherine Jacob, Sky News correspondent

    A former Met commander has said the massive police presence in London to deal with possible unrest is "not sustainable" and officers are "exhausted".

    Kevin Hurley told Sky News many are surviving on "at best four or five hours" sleep each day and warned of a possible "over-use of force" by officers as a result.

    Since Monday night's widespread violence, police from other forces have boosted the numbers patrolling the capital from 6,000 to 16,000, and are also assisting elsewhere.

    Read more: http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16048558

    Whats wrong with bringing the army in,(whats left of it here in blighty that is).
  7. Great post,pissed my shorts laughing , IMHO you just cannot beat sarcasm with a sense of humour thrown in to the mix!,LOL.

    I knew there was a reason why you like me ;)

    Hey Thad you've got to admit it takes talent to think up a Sarcastic piss take like that, no doubt the guy will be flooded with inquiries , maybe even franchises (ala Kentucky fried Chicken) the length and breadth of Thailand, the guy is bound to make billions, ALAS just wish I had thought of it first!!!.
  8. Any entrepreneurial types out there ?

    I'm seeking a partner for the next boom industry here in Thailand.

    Invest in Le Blanco It Turns Red To White.

    We are specialists in the supply of large paint brushes and paint rollers along with the supply of unlimited whitewash to politicians past and current assorted government agencies and private and public individuals from leading politicians to village headmen.

    We also supply deodorization products designed to remove the lingering aroma of male bovine solid waste fecal matter, the aroma of deceased rodents and piscis carcasses

    This is your chance to make gazillions tax free in the new upcoming fasr growing WHITEWASHING INDUSTRY here in Thailand.

    Approved, endorsed and sponsored by the new government..

    Le Blanco It Turns Red To White

    Great post,pissed my shorts laughing , IMHO you just cannot beat sarcasm with a sense of humour thrown in to the mix!,LOL.
  9. Once again, the legal system is politicised. This is the single biggest issue in the country, be it 6 to 5 with Thaksin's hiding his assets, or coups where wrongdoing is instantly wiped away. I know that we harp on about other countries not being relevant, but it has been very interesting to see the discussion going on between the politicians and the police in the UK during the riots. At the end of the day, the police are saying, we know best, and we will handle this as WE see fit, not how a politician of the day tells us to handle it.

    Comparing this with the creation of the CRES who basically could suspend normal governmental operation if they wanted to shows how different countries handle these issues. The major difference is that the accountability for actions in one instance is clearly defined, and in the situation of Thailand, it becomes extremely confused very quickly. No admits anything, no one apparently is responsible, and a huge feeling of injustice is allowed to fester.

    People can lean on the courts to get the result they want be it red or yellow, TRT or Dem, depending on who is in the box seat on a given day.

    I wonder if Thailand will ever go to trial by jury and a form of precedent law.

    Have you never heard of "jury tampering" I read this was one of Al Capones specialty s, here in Thailand it would be "babys work" to either threaten or "sugar the jury" to give the "right decision" ,
  10. Why do so many posters in TV have such negative outlooks? Life must be such a problem for them?

    Of course newly elected PM Yngluck needs time to address the deep rooted problems hidden behind closed doors of the doomed Dems. Many of which will only surface when the new ministers taking over open the cans of worms.

    Yingluck will have a tuff time to be sure, and her popularity will fall as the inherited problems mount up, but any thinking person can see and understand clearly it takes time to put everything in place.

    Anyway....... as Farangs our views and thoughts count for naught.

    Enjoy the ride... may as well, as no point in getting on the bus otherwise.

    The rabid fanatical "usual suspects" in TV cannot see anything good in others that do not fit into their outdated and dysfunctional view of reality. They live glued to their chairs and computers waiting for an opportunity to knock down others they do not like, parsing and taking quotes out of context; such is their idea of a life.

    Yingluck was honest as opposed to the silver tongued PM who was booted out of office.

    Those critics that continue with their negativity cannot envision a hard reality: there are many "state secrets" that were never published and only those in government had access to them; if they have not been destroyed. Abhisit's administration was cagey and not transparent because of the circumstances that elevated him to power. Deals, promises, political debts, allegiance to those "powers that were", etc.

    Those rabid "usual suspects" will never admit that it is true: one must give a newly elected PM time to show her mettle.

    Will they ever listen to reason and reality and not only to their delusional arguments?

    You do realize that Yingluck has zero political experience and is just a puppet for one of the greatest convicted political swindlers of all time right?

    Ok...now what were you saying?

    Sorry my friend, You are not going far enough ,why not throw in ,and the instigator of 2,500 extra judicial murders to boot too!.
  11. Sombat added, however, that reds would not simply evaporate but would now focus their work on organising rural masses.

    I hope they do organise and begin working for their own interests and not be a willing 'patsy' for any billionaire who makes easy promises. I see this as a chance for the poor to form their own political party and really have a voice and not have to be represented by this or that group of elites who control Thailand now. If it's grass-roots, I am behind them 100%. I hope they have learned a valuable lesson by being manipulated for small gain. They really need to change the 'You have to have a university degree to be an MP' first so that some of their own can get elected and begin a proper, peaceful, and lawful revolution. The poor are the vast majority of voters and it they can organise, there WILL be greater equity in this country.

    Ummmm, yeah sounds good in theory. In practice what you would probably end up with is a party offering a string of populist policies without the understanding that though they offer short term benefits to their supporters, they are actually harming the country in the long run.

    Worse still, they might get elected.

    It has to start somewhere. Sure, they will take time to mature but they have passed the point where they can be intimidated or stopped. Their only danger is having the movement hijacked by 'powerful forces' or 'dark hands'. The alternative way for them to reach equity is to bring the rest of Thailand down to their level through violence and anarchy (e.g. Russian revolution) and I hope nobody wants that.

    I was not aware that they had a "Lenin" Mk 2 here in Thailand to lead the poor and oppressed, to only finish up with something far worse, and yes you are quite right no one wants to see something as horrific as that ,the big problem was Lenin mouthed the words the masses wanted to hear ,but I am certain something as drastic as that will never happen in 21st century Thailand .
  12. PM's Office Minister Surawit Khonsomboon confirmed the reports that Thaksin "instructed" the ministers to vacate their party-list seats.


    Yingluck's PM's Office Minister admitting his real boss is "instructor" Thaksin and that he's directing operations for the Thai Government.

    Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung said Thursday that he would not yet resign but he would ask the Pheu Thai to come up with a resolution first.

    Not surprising Chalerm won't go quietly.


    Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit would be allowed to retain his party-list MP seat in case that a political accident happens and he would have to replace Yingluck as the prime minister.

    The clown show continues with Yongyuth who never wanted even the Party Leader position, could become the next Prime Minister.


    these guys are a laugh a minute


    Chalerm never does anything "quietly" .
  13. Why do so many posters in TV have such negative outlooks? Life must be such a problem for them?

    Of course newly elected PM Yngluck needs time to address the deep rooted problems hidden behind closed doors of the doomed Dems. Many of which will only surface when the new ministers taking over open the cans of worms.

    Yingluck will have a tuff time to be sure, and her popularity will fall as the inherited problems mount up, but any thinking person can see and understand clearly it takes time to put everything in place.

    Anyway....... as Farangs our views and thoughts count for naught.

    Enjoy the ride... may as well, as no point in getting on the bus otherwise.

    Maybe many of the posters appear to harbour negative outlooks since they do not live on Cloud 9 or some airy-fairly land of their own making.

    I agree that any thinking person can clearly understand it takes time to put everything in place. However thinking people are in short supply in Thailand, particularly amongst the red shirt community. Abhisit not having a working majority and having the Army looking over his shoulder must have made life pretty difficult for him. I takes two or three years at least to turn large companies around; the ship of state takes just a little longer, as do miracles.

    Anybody that thinks Thaksin, his family and cohorts will be 'The Great Liberators' needs to change their medication. My money is on there being more of the same crap as last time.

    Ahh Yes Doctor , I fully agree with your diagnosis ,any one who thinks that things will Improve under this lot are in urgent need of medication ,or may I add even lieing on a couch and talking to someone with a white coat and a clipboard ,as their problems could well be physiological and well as physical,LOL.
  14. Sombat added, however, that reds would not simply evaporate but would now focus their work on organising rural masses.

    I hope they do organise and begin working for their own interests and not be a willing 'patsy' for any billionaire who makes easy promises. I see this as a chance for the poor to form their own political party and really have a voice and not have to be represented by this or that group of elites who control Thailand now. If it's grass-roots, I am behind them 100%. I hope they have learned a valuable lesson by being manipulated for small gain. They really need to change the 'You have to have a university degree to be an MP' first so that some of their own can get elected and begin a proper, peaceful, and lawful revolution. The poor are the vast majority of voters and it they can organise, there WILL be greater equity in this country.

    Yeah you are quite correct there has to be change, but just how will this be brought about?, a poor man to represent the poor?, nah never in a million years ,cos as in the movie "the godfather" they will make him "an offer he can't refuse", financially or other wise!, the "disappearance" of a poor man who raises his voice against "the establishment" is very small potatoes here I am afraid.
  15. Petition on Government website calling for looters to be evicted from council houses receives 83,000 signatures in 24 hours

    • Website crashed under the strain
    • Those convicted will lose their benefit entitlement

    Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1UgaxJPo1

    If you or someone you know is ordinarily resident in UK they can sign the petition here. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/7337)

    I was born and bred in Manchester ,and have seen how deterioration has taken place in the last 3 decades,although I agree with what you write, not just in this thread but all the others you have added your opinion to, as you appear to be a person of the "old school" just like myself, never the less they can sign as many petitions as they like ,nothing positive will happen as the "little darlings" have the strength of the "human rights" act behind them, so foolishly I may add brought in by the Labour party ,after being warned much and more by the Tories they would open a can of worms they could NEVER close ,now legal firms are making millions out of legal aid taxpayers money to defend the "so called rights" of the worst elements that now reside in the former"Great Britain".
  16. Petition on Government website calling for looters to be evicted from council houses receives 83,000 signatures in 24 hours

    • Website crashed under the strain
    • Those convicted will lose their benefit entitlement

    Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1UgaxJPo1

    If you or someone you know is ordinarily resident in UK they can sign the petition here. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/7337)

  17. Why do so many posters in TV have such negative outlooks? Life must be such a problem for them?

    Of course newly elected PM Yngluck needs time to address the deep rooted problems hidden behind closed doors of the doomed Dems. Many of which will only surface when the new ministers taking over open the cans of worms.

    Yingluck will have a tuff time to be sure, and her popularity will fall as the inherited problems mount up, but any thinking person can see and understand clearly it takes time to put everything in place.

    Anyway....... as Farangs our views and thoughts count for naught.

    Enjoy the ride... may as well, as no point in getting on the bus otherwise.

    I do hope you are not trying to insinuate that the Dems did not inherit an economy that was in one hell of a mess before they took office? .
  18. it's hilarious how ye all make fun of this, when ye were the ones complaining about how the red shirt leaders were probably going to get in

    ridiculous really

    And they did get in, high on the party-list, so they're not going to 'rock the boat' now, if they see multiple-retractions of pre-election promises, it's only the poor who get shafted time-after-time. :(

    But there is always humour to be found, in seeing politicians run-for-cover or back-peddling faster-than the 'Road-Runner', once they've got the power they sought. Making fun of them, as they do this, ("it was only a campaign speech" for example ?) might be like shooting fish in a barrel, but also serves usefully to expose the hypocrisy of it all ! :rolleyes:

    So why not use humour, and give ourselves a laugh, at the same time ? B)

    The Road Runner eh, hmm we all Know who Wiley E Cayote is don't we!.
  19. Poorly written article: former billionaire telecoms tycoon-turned-premier Thaksin. Thaksin was a milonaire telcom tycoon-turned-premier-with the help of his children-turned-billionaire. If they are intending to talk in terms that reflect what happened say what really happened. But aren't some assets frozen? So what does that make Mr T? Sounds petty as the writer may not like people who has more money then him?

    Yingluck a novice? And what family did she grow up in, together with the position in the company? Yingluck has made her decisions within the time frame's permitted and is quite clear in the aim to re-unite the country. Nothing is being given away at the moment.

    Thaksin was a billionaire before he was PM. If you knew his kids you'd know that in the time he tripled his family's net worth (estimated) from 2001 to 2005, his son had been caught cheating at Ramkumhaeng University (few details are available as the PM stepped in to hush it); the daughters were at Kaset and Chula. Now, they may be very very clever, but not many heavily partying 20 year olds (or sub 20) who don't work AT ALL are able to triple a father's wealth at the same time.

    Yingluck is without doubt a novice; without any former public office experience; imagine if you were voting for a candidate who has no political office experience, how else do you describe them?

    Obviously she has SOME experience in life, as a mother, as a business person, as a leader in the corporate sector (debatable how much) but politically she is a novice, hence the huge amount of handholding behind the scenes, as anyone who has had an audience with her in the last 2 weeks is well aware. No decision is made without consulting a group who are supporting her decision making. Who appointed those people...hmmm. They aren't elected that's for sure.

    The cabinet for me is quite a bit better than I expected; obviously they aren't that capable and there are some obvious wrong choices, but there are few completely hopeless choices and I must now eat humble pie, having expected Nattawut to get the PM's office job to handle PR; obviously his appointment must have been vetoed by the civil service in that area.

    Thirachai and a few others are obviously elected to ensure that key departments will be controlled as per TRT. Good governance requires the right people to look in the right directions. And the reverse is also true.

    Whether it is a wise idea to embark on increasing wages by order rather than letting market forces allow appropriate wage levels to be determined (no one in our employ at an office level earns anything like minimum wage as it is for instance) when the world is not in great shape; whether it is a good plan to introduce price controls and subsidise rice farmers via the taxpayer; whether it is a good plan to hand, for instance, Samart, ItalThai and other connected industries a huge wad of taxpayer cash to deliver computer tablets/infrastructure projects to people who don't need them courtesy of the tax payer; whether it is a good idea to reclaim a river mouth acheiving zero benefit to anyone when land isn't even needed....these are all things easily promised and I will be delighted if none of them come to pass, provided the government do their job (which to me would be best left to the same method of governance since late 2004...where the govt doesn't do too much for a variety of reasons, and let's the real market do the talking, instead of childlike idiotic heavy handed government intereference to help their friends).

    Anyhow, most of the policies while the middle class will fund them, so it's best that they don't happen.

    No one will come out on the streets if the policies don't happen; to think that will happen would be to mistake the red shirt leader's demands for a movement wanting actual long term policy for their benefit.

    For instance, many taxi drivers support the red shirt movement. And yet the government policy that would be MOST logical to help them (increased fares, restrictions on number of taxis and quality of taxis, inclusion in social security schemes) is the exact opposite of the trackrecord of the party now in power. And you hardly ever seem them complaining about this! As long as they get a little or feel they are getting a little, that's more than enough to keep the majority of the factory workers and farmers happy enough. And the crumbs will be at a minimum....a raise of some sort in hte minimum wage and rice pledging.

    Everything else....not important to them, but important PERHAPS to the party backers. Suppliers of IT equipment for instance ;_) Or construction firms for the various infrastructure projects.....

    It is easier to rally for perceived injustice in the constitution and against foreigners (examples) than to rally for an ASEAN common market or deregulation of the energy industry. A minister gives a bit of face time, says wheels are in motion...that's more than enough.

    As for the fact none of the red leaders have portfolios...they would have all been personally placated a while ago; I did love the magnanimous statement of one saying he was ready to stand aside and had asked not to be given a post....after he had already been told he wouldn't get one.

    No...it's all plain sailing for now in the good ship of PT....happy days for now.

    The purpose of this government is to show stability, have a few decent decisions, and look slightly raw yet be able to cross from red shirt extremism to appeal across the board; this will set the stage to then say we have made good steps in the last 12 months, but now we need to bring in experts, the banned 111, back into the fold...and a snap election will be called in around 9-12 months from now. This means that it isn't too important to do everything; rather it's important to plan for being front of mind...and getting to around 350 seats in the house.

    If you read his story you will see that he entered into a few business's and went belly up. When he went into politics he was just starting out with the telco company. I can't see where he had time to develop his billionaire status. Where did you get your information from?

    all you have to do is read his wiki page to know that he was a billionaire before he was PM

    I heard he made billions (from a very good source) when the baht crashed in 97 , the person who told me it was like betting your life savings on a horse that had already crossed the winning line!.
  20. Haha the reds will be back a'burning within 6 months :lol:....this time though Thaksin will be on top of the pyre! :lol:

    wrong....this time there will be nobody to finance the reds for any street protest movement.

    I do hope You are not suggesting for one moment that the red stormtoopers were actually on the Thaksin payroll are you?,LOL.
  21. When will they take to the streets protesting the ruleing elites. heheheheheh love it you fools got jacked after going to the barricades for your daddy

    Hey Moe, It was the Russian,s who coined the phrase "useful idiots" to the Communist sympathizer,s in the West , I just wonder if Thaksin thinks the same of the Red Shirts!,BTW "jacked" is not a suitable word ,more like well and truly "shafted" is far more appropriate ,LOL.
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